BTW, here is an interesting statistic, and a sad one.
just the other day, Greece commemorated its OCHI Day. this was the day the Metaxas government said NO to Mussolini and effectively led to war with Italy and Germany.
During the war with italy, Greece lost 6500 soldiers in northern Greece fighting off the Italian Invasion and had pushed them back into Albania.
Greece has lost more males due to the financial crisis and austerity since 2012. Over 10,000 suicides due to the Financial crisis.
But the EU don't care!
That is where I base my judgement and my anti EU stance.
If there is no dignity and respect for countries like Greece, and bear in mind the fact that tomorrow it will be other countries facing the same issues, then the EU deserves no respect from me.
i'm not for sale Tim! I will even support Golden dawn if I have to if this is going to be the party that is going to be fighting for the underdog! I do not support fascism, but much better having them in power than a bunch of sellouts who are trampling on all the dead victims without even remembering as if they don't exist anymore.
The EU has cost Greece more lives than the offensive against the Italian Military in WW2. mind boggling!