Paphitis wrote:Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis wrote:Robin Hood wrote:Miltiades:
I’ll give you a tip. Where I live we have a lot of finished and half finished properties, that were repossessed by the banks from developers (Russian .... owes around €10-12m) . I have heard that you can do a good deal with the Bank, who are only interested in getting the interest out of any deal (The capital sum they write off anyway) Certainly worth a thought ..... good location ......plenty of choice ...... close to shops ( 5 miles) and the highway ...... and you even get me for a neighbour at no extra cost!![]()
Having you as a neighbour would be enough to devalue the property even further.
No wonder the Russian defaulted and had his property repossessed. I'm not surprised tbh!
You are expressing your usual opinion on most subjects ..... from a position of total ignorance. You have no idea what I am like at all. FYI: I am more like THE Robin Hood than you could ever imagine !
No you aren't a robin hood.
I can tell you i wouldn't want a neighbor like you because I can only imagine and presume it wouldn't be very pleasant. Plus, we have mutual acquaintances btw hence i know more about you than you think.
Someone who disrespects Human rights and The Geneva Convention and supports war crimes is a major red line for me. You are far too obsessed with everything that is anti west, very supportive of criminals, and also obsessed with banks and finance and you even mentioned that you want the entire system to collapse. So in my assessment, you are a person who may rejoice in the misfortune of others and you are certainly very supportive of Pootin and Russia and in fact would be very supportive of ANYONE as long as they are against the West no matter if they are good or bad.
that say's a lot about you. I am a lot more flexible than you are as I simply just can't tolerate injustice whether it is committed by the West, China or Russia. Not as one eyed as you might think but you are one eyed and tunnel visioned.
I doubt we have any mutual acquaintances. The only one that would likely be so is ............. but he has denied it!!!
I do not support nor do I recognise any of the things you attribute to me. (Except money/banking ... but then I know a lot more about it than you do, which is evident in any related posts). You are lack any common sense, you are inflexible, ignorant, arrogant, conceited, incapable of presenting a sound argument and never provide any evidence that supports the heavily biased rubbish you spew. I judge actions on evidence from any sources rather than believing the crap you do, which is sooooo anti-Putin/Assad it is obviously not derived from actual events.
Tell me .... when you wake in the morning do you stand in front of the bathroom mirror congratulation yourself for being such a wonderful person? Because you are so obviously very full of your own sh*t.