miltiades wrote:If you go to ... 2016-10-12You will see that the figures I gave are correct. Stg was on the up against both the us dollar and the euro.
You do come out with statements that clearly indicate you do not follow the currency markets.
My business imports EU goods on a weekly basis, I know my rates and I watch closely each day.
I staed earlier that the bulk of my money would be generated from the sale of my property, so even if I suspected a fall there was BA I could do.
Most of your comments on most subjects not least on Syria lead me to believe that such comments are based on emptiness not substance.
British Pound 1.00 GBP inv. 1.00 GBP
US Dollar 1.467791 0.681296
Euro 1.300594 0.768879
Don't look at snap shot figures. Look at the graphs.
They show a downward trend which started before the referendum. It's not possible for it be stable because banks and Institutional Investors were selling bulk sterling GBP. To not sell GBP would be utter stupidity on their part just like it was stupid for you not to do the exchange before the referendum vote.
And I can assure you, Banks and Institutional Investors are NOT STUPID and nor do they make stupid decisions such as hold onto GBP when they don't need to. They want to make money, however you knew you had to buy a house well before the BREXIT vote and yet still thought you would not exchange until after the BREXIT vote. This doesn't make any sense.
If our Bankers do silly things like that, then God help us. They will make the odd mistake, they are human like you and I, but these mistakes are rare, because their job is to analyse the markets and the pips.
Here is the graph, you can see a VERY OBVIOUS downward trend before the referendum and that's because the Banker's and Investors were abandoning ship.
You can see a very obvious sell off since November 2015. That's when the GBP started to fall as a matter of fact. look at the 1Y graph. BTW, the fall from November 2015 to May 2016 was larger than the post BREXIT fall. It's just that the post BREXIT drop happened all in 1 day. ... UR&view=1YYou would think you would follow suit especially since you have to buy a house anyway, but no. Mmmmm something not right milti!