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The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby miltiades » Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:14 pm

Thanks for the tip Robin, I have had my own property in Limassol opposite the sea for a number of years now but I will be investing in property since I have 3 grandchildren, two of them girls and their house, though a big 5 bedroom would not be big enough for all three once grown up.

Money is not everything in life but I like my comforts not least my I sustained a great loss in Cyprus as a result of the severe ....haircut, but what the hell, life goes on. I have now been married almost five years after losing my wife some 7 years ago and my young wife will be permanently living with me in Cyprus, we get on well and she keeps me ....young!!
By the way, she does not like me swearing but I just tell het to ...FO when she reprimands me :lol:
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Paphitis » Mon Oct 10, 2016 1:33 am

miltiades wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
miltiades wrote:Robin, blame it on whoever, the fact is that since the diabolical brexit vote the pound has collapsed.

I can not exchanged my sterling and receive 15% less in Euros and say to my self fucking speculators, I will say fucking geriatrics.

As a 'smart' geriatric' who knows a bit about the system, all I can say is that our income has dropped by 20% from its peak and it was not that great to start with. But what can I do about it? :?:

At least I know the identity of those that are raping me! Iceland has the right attitude ....... throw the bankers in jail.

But note what Koenig says about money creation! That is the root of ALL the trouble, the bail-ins, the bail-outs, the debt, the austerity, the bankrupting of individuals and States, the collapse of economies. and the decline of manufacturing industry (in the industrial west) ...... and the gap between rich and poor gets wider and wider and wider. Who gets rich ......... The Banks , they create their commodity ..... MONEY .... and it is all created from thin air! :o :x :evil:

I just wish I had thought of it first! :cry:

Robin, I mentioned before that I will shortly be retiring and moving to Cyprus.
Because of Brexit I shall be worst off in excess of 100 thousand, what is the point of putting the blame on bankers etc etc. I blame the geriatrics, the " on the dole" brigade, the little Englanders and the fucking fools who swallowed the shit given to them by Boris the fcucking clown, Forage the stupid bastard and a few others. The vast majority of Brits are not thinkers, they don't have a fucking clue, they just wanted .....their country back ! What a load of bullocks, May, the closet brexiteer made things far worst by her recent announcement. SOON THE POUND WILL FALL EVEN BELOW 1 EURO .
Yes, we do have our country back, like hell we have, take look anywhere in the country and you will see the third world in its glory.
How the fuck did this country ruled a third of the world once I will never know.

Yes it comes down to your own wealth. You don't care about the UK just your own pocket.

Well, you have 2 choices. Take the hit, or just be patient and not lose as much. potential for a little more downside, but parity is the absolute floor in my opinion and then it will recover. Have no idea if it will recover quickly or it will be prolonged. that is a decision you will have to make.

most people know how to navigate this dilemma. just don't bring large amounts of money to Cyprus until the timing is right. You already own a property so it's not as if you need to buy in Cyprus.

As for the rest of the world, soon it will be time to bring money into Britain. Even if it is just to invest in the market or buy a property as an investment. Swings and roundabouts.
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:23 am


s for the rest of the world, soon it will be time to bring money into Britain. Even if it is just to invest in the market or buy a property as an investment. Swings and roundabouts

..... to add to an already inflated bubble of an asset economy. Investing in either of the above is little or no benefit to the UK economy......... unfortunately.
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Paphitis » Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:37 am

Of course it is a benefit.

The money comes in, it inflates the economy yes, but usually this money will flee when the Sterling recovers to a premium. This kind of money will always look for the next big thing.

The BREXIT just provides this money with an enormous opportunity which the institutional investors crave and we are talking Billions in managed funds.

IF and WHEN the Sterling gets to parity, investors will go into a frenzy. When it get's back to 1.30, they will start looking elsewhere knowing they made 30% on their money for NOTHING on top of any other gains if any.
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Oct 10, 2016 8:33 am

Of course it is a benefit.

So you say .... but unless it goes into the REAL economy, then the effect is minimal other than to inflate asset bubbles.

The money comes in, it inflates the economy yes, but usually this money will flee when the Sterling recovers to a premium. This kind of money will always look for the next big thing.

No it does not inflate the economy ......... it inflates assets. Assets are static they do not circulate in the economy. Yes ...... excess money invested like this does exactly what you accuse Milti of , it makes an individual, who is concerned only with their own financial well being, that much richer. Something you seem to be an promoter of when it suits you?

The BREXIT just provides this money with an enormous opportunity which the institutional investors crave and we are talking Billions in managed funds.

Brexit is just an excuse for speculators that gives them an excuse to play games with economies!

Managed funds .... primarily the Stock Market, I assume? Do you know what a ‘Share’ is ? Let me tell you a secret ..... it is a receipt that was given to the original investor when he gave that Company money. Yes gave it to them, because the only way he will ever get his money back is to sell the receipt.

Unlike currency, shares have no face value because their value is determined by The Markets which today are predominantly high speed computer algorithms. It can of course be converted back to money at a rate ‘The Markets’ determine, which could be less than the original amount (even nothing) and has virtually nothing to do with the REAL economy. Only the original amount went into the economy, after that it can quadruple in 24 hours but it has no effect on the real economy, all it does is inflate assets!
IF and WHEN the Sterling gets to parity, investors will go into a frenzy. When it get's back to 1.30, they will start looking elsewhere knowing they made 30% on their money for NOTHING on top of any other gains if any.

Parity? We will see .... somehow I do not think it will go that low.(I hope!)

Exactly .... they profit from doing nothing ........ they didn’t make anything, they didn’t provide any service and they didn’t create any jobs. They just made more numbers to type into their bank accounts. If the investor was to use the money to start a manufacturing or some other business that give employment, then it adds to the economy, otherwise the contribution is minimal. :wink:
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:46 am

While I agree agree the decline of STG is due to speculators, you seem to forget that it ALSO reflects the prospects of the British economy. You will need to have real tangible evidence the British economy will stabilize after invoking article 50 for it -not recover-but just stabilize. The UK will need an economic miracle to ever recover to it's current value after they invoke article 50.
The only ones who proved they can do economic miracles are the Cypriots just to remind Paphitis who likes to degrade his own people.
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby miltiades » Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:07 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:While I agree agree the decline of STG is due to speculators, you seem to forget that it ALSO reflects the prospects of the British economy. You will need to have real tangible evidence the British economy will stabilize after invoking article 50 for it -not recover-but just stabilize. The UK will need an economic miracle to ever recover to it's current value after they invoke article 50.
The only ones who proved they can do economic miracles are the Cypriots just to remind Paphitis who likes to degrade his own people.

Cyprus recovered following the catastrophic Turkish invasion of 1974, and its doing so today following the economic meltdown of 2013.

I have never blamed the EU for the economic disaster but put the blame squarely on greed and mismanagement, corruption at the highest levels.
Cyprus is recovering steadily and I believe that soon our credit rating will be adjusted upwards.
We are an industrious nation with a high level of resilience .
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Oct 11, 2016 12:45 pm


These pirates bankrupted Greece, plunged its people into poverty, stripped it of its assets but it does not apply to the Germans! They appear to be planning to change recently introduced EU rules and tried out on Cyprus (The Bail-In), to prevent bail-outs so that they can bail-out their own banks. Of course they will .......... a bail-in for German Banks would collapse the European Union ..... and the dream of a Federak State run by Germany and France would vaporise.


The last thing either Merkel or Hollande needs during election season is a region-wide banking crisis, which is why every effort will be made to keep a lid on the problem until the votes have been cast. But that is not going to be easy, not with Germany’s flagship lender, Deutsche Bank, continuing to sink at an alarming rate.

Things have got so desperate for the Frankfurt-based bank that it may soon be in need of corporate charity. According to a rumor unleashed on Thursday by the German daily Handelsblatt, the chief executives of several German blue-chip companies have discussed Deutsche’s problems and are — if needed — ready to offer a capital injection to shore up the bank.

If that doesn’t steady investor nerves, there’s always Plan Z: create new rules that would allow the ECB to effectively contravene recently introduced rules that forbid it and other EU institutions and nations from directly bailing out financial institutions without first bailing-in some of their creditors. According to Bloomberg, Plan Z is already under way. But instead of being used to bail out the region’s banks, the new legislation will be used to bail out clearing houses, Europe’s new too-big-to-fail monstrosities.

(Note! Clearing Banks is another term for Investment Banks.) ... 8/Y/M.html
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:50 pm

The "PLAGIARIST" wrote:-

miltiades wrote:The pound continues its downward journey as a result of the Brexit, now called hard ....Brexit.
Wait till it reaches on par with the Euro !!

Judging by the seemingly 'Gleeful' expectations of the "Plagiarist", one would be bound to form the opinion that He is hoping that the UK's economy will fail and that the aftermath of 'Brexit' will result in suffering, hardship and misery for the good people of the UK.

Hardly the prophesies (or hopes) one would expect from a person who has spent over half a century pandering to the whims of the nation He chose to take refuge in when 'Cyprus' could have done with a little 'Patriotic Uplifting' when it's culture (and territory) was undergoing changes which would ensure that it would never be the same again.

The "Plagiarist" NOW exhibits the same allegiance to the UK as He did to 'Cyprus' during it's troubled times, He now prepares Himself for the occasion of the 2nd 'Desertion' of His miserable existence as He aspires to become a 'True Cypriot'., "My Arse" :lol:

You will find enough 'True Cypriots' in 'Cyprus' among those who stayed the course, fought for their country and STILL live there.

Thank you very much for your 'Prophesies of Doom'.,like YOU (in 'Cyprus') ., NOT WANTED.,(unless for something not known about) :?:

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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby miltiades » Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:12 pm

Schnauzer wrote:The "PLAGIARIST" wrote:-

miltiades wrote:The pound continues its downward journey as a result of the Brexit, now called hard ....Brexit.
Wait till it reaches on par with the Euro !!

Judging by the seemingly 'Gleeful' expectations of the "Plagiarist", one would be bound to form the opinion that He is hoping that the UK's economy will fail and that the aftermath of 'Brexit' will result in suffering, hardship and misery for the good people of the UK.

Hardly the prophesies (or hopes) one would expect from a person who has spent over half a century pandering to the whims of the nation He chose to take refuge in when 'Cyprus' could have done with a little 'Patriotic Uplifting' when it's culture (and territory) was undergoing changes which would ensure that it would never be the same again.

The "Plagiarist" NOW exhibits the same allegiance to the UK as He did to 'Cyprus' during it's troubled times, He now prepares Himself for the occasion of the 2nd 'Desertion' of His miserable existence as He aspires to become a 'True Cypriot'., "My Arse" :lol:

You will find enough 'True Cypriots' in 'Cyprus' among those who stayed the course, fought for their country and STILL live there.

Thank you very much for your 'Prophesies of Doom'.,like YOU (in 'Cyprus') ., NOT WANTED.,(unless for something not known about) :?:


Why don't you go and blow your self up Pervert, now Fuck off.
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