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The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby miltiades » Sat Oct 08, 2016 6:47 am


the slide is just temporary.

Who says so? How temporary is temporary :lol:
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Oct 08, 2016 6:51 am

get your quotes sorted please!

It's just basic economic principles at play. BREXIT brings about an unprecedented never seen before change which of course undermines or spooks the money markets.

Personally, I don't see that much more downside from here on in, and once Theresa provides a road map and once the markets are aware of what the BREXIT negotiations will encompass and that it will inevitably include a FTA with the EU, then the recovery will be quite swift.

The EU have a lot more worries than Britain do because it is only a matter of time before we see Greece episode 4 and Italy have a banking Collapse. It's a ticking time bomb.

Britain on the other hand will get its cake and eat it too. they will be fully independent and still have an elevated trade status with the EU.
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby miltiades » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:57 am

Paphitis wrote:get your quotes sorted please!

It's just basic economic principles at play. BREXIT brings about an unprecedented never seen before change which of course undermines or spooks the money markets.

Personally, I don't see that much more downside from here on in, and once Theresa provides a road map and once the markets are aware of what the BREXIT negotiations will encompass and that it will inevitably include a FTA with the EU, then the recovery will be quite swift.

The EU have a lot more worries than Britain do because it is only a matter of time before we see Greece episode 4 and Italy have a banking Collapse. It's a ticking time bomb.

Britain on the other hand will get its cake and eat it too. they will be fully independent and still have an elevated trade status with the EU.

Therefore, as you state , there will be no further downside, or at least " THAT much more". Well, STG this morning stands at just a tiny bit over 1.11 Euros and at 1.243 against US $ .
What if I said that COME THE END OF THIS MONTH STG will be below US 1.20 and below 1.05 euros ? The slide will continue given the uncertainty generated by the Brexit vote and May's commitment to invoke article 50 by the end of March 2017.

Investors need concrete evidence that the British economy can withstand exit from the EU, thus far no such evidence has been presented. I really wish that I'm wrong , I hope your right but being a realist and having seen the almost collapse of STG since June 23rd I fear the UK economy is heading towards high inflation and recession. Time will show.
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Oct 08, 2016 8:06 am

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:get your quotes sorted please!

It's just basic economic principles at play. BREXIT brings about an unprecedented never seen before change which of course undermines or spooks the money markets.

Personally, I don't see that much more downside from here on in, and once Theresa provides a road map and once the markets are aware of what the BREXIT negotiations will encompass and that it will inevitably include a FTA with the EU, then the recovery will be quite swift.

The EU have a lot more worries than Britain do because it is only a matter of time before we see Greece episode 4 and Italy have a banking Collapse. It's a ticking time bomb.

Britain on the other hand will get its cake and eat it too. they will be fully independent and still have an elevated trade status with the EU.

Therefore, as you state , there will be no further downside, or at least " THAT much more". Well, STG this morning stands at just a tiny bit over 1.11 Euros and at 1.243 against US $ .
What if I said that COME THE END OF THIS MONTH STG will be below US 1.20 and below 1.05 euros ? The slide will continue given the uncertainty generated by the Brexit vote and May's commitment to invoke article 50 by the end of March 2017.

Investors need concrete evidence that the British economy can withstand exit from the EU, thus far no such evidence has been presented. I really wish that I'm wrong , I hope your right but being a realist and having seen the almost collapse of STG since June 23rd I fear the UK economy is heading towards high inflation and recession. Time will show.

It's not tiny at all. There are advantages too.

for instance, the economy as a whole could be going very well because British exports are now more competitive.

Britain will of course withstand BREXIT. It isn't a big deal at all. it's just one country deciding to go its own way.

What is the worse that can happen. Britain not having a FTA with EU countries? i doubt it.

But even if it didn't, it will have FTAs with other countries.

The positives, are that Britain will never again be held to ransom, be blackmailed or ridiculed by that Juncker arsehole and his merry band of fascists which will just dish out Austerity to protect Germany.
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Oct 08, 2016 8:09 am

One of my biggest disappointments over Greece and Cyprus is that they are no longer countries in their own right. Have another banking collapse, and watch out.

There will be no Quantitative easing for Greece or Cyprus because 1) they don't have their own currency, and 2) they don't have a central bank with those kinds of powers.

You are now at western Europe's mercy and they won't be merciful. they will sell all your assets, privatise everything down to your Postal service, water and electrical utilities which will be owned by foreign concerns and you will be left with nothing but higher property taxes, income taxes, more expensive health and education. That's if you have a Health System or education System.

I remember warning everyone on this forum about this some years ago, but everyone was blind.
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Oct 09, 2016 4:50 pm

As I said ..... blame it on the speculators and the banking system!

Currency Manipulation: The Fall of the British Pound. Global Implications - Peter Koenig

First, we have to realize that the western economy is one where the currency, i.e. the monetary system makes the economy, not the other way around as it should be – where the economy makes the monetary system.

We are living in an economy where money has since the banking deregulation in the 1990s absolutely no backing, not gold, not the economic output of a country – nothing but thin air, as money is made by a mouse click on a computer by a private bank. In the US 97% of all money is made by private banks as debt. In Europe it’s not much different.

This system is perfect for speculation. You invent an event – and use that event in the media to justify a fall in the stock market, or in this case a currency
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby miltiades » Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:18 pm

Robin, blame it on whoever, the fact is that since the diabolical brexit vote the pound has collapsed.

I can not exchanged my sterling and receive 15% less in Euros and say to my self fucking speculators, I will say fucking geriatritrics.
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:45 pm

miltiades wrote:Robin, blame it on whoever, the fact is that since the diabolical brexit vote the pound has collapsed.

I can not exchanged my sterling and receive 15% less in Euros and say to my self fucking speculators, I will say fucking geriatrics.

As a 'smart' geriatric' who knows a bit about the system, all I can say is that our income has dropped by 20% from its peak and it was not that great to start with. But what can I do about it? :?:

At least I know the identity of those that are raping me! Iceland has the right attitude ....... throw the bankers in jail.

But note what Koenig says about money creation! That is the root of ALL the trouble, the bail-ins, the bail-outs, the debt, the austerity, the bankrupting of individuals and States, the collapse of economies. and the decline of manufacturing industry (in the industrial west) ...... and the gap between rich and poor gets wider and wider and wider. Who gets rich ......... The Banks , they create their commodity ..... MONEY .... and it is all created from thin air! :o :x :evil:

I just wish I had thought of it first! :cry:
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby miltiades » Sun Oct 09, 2016 6:02 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
miltiades wrote:Robin, blame it on whoever, the fact is that since the diabolical brexit vote the pound has collapsed.

I can not exchanged my sterling and receive 15% less in Euros and say to my self fucking speculators, I will say fucking geriatrics.

As a 'smart' geriatric' who knows a bit about the system, all I can say is that our income has dropped by 20% from its peak and it was not that great to start with. But what can I do about it? :?:

At least I know the identity of those that are raping me! Iceland has the right attitude ....... throw the bankers in jail.

But note what Koenig says about money creation! That is the root of ALL the trouble, the bail-ins, the bail-outs, the debt, the austerity, the bankrupting of individuals and States, the collapse of economies. and the decline of manufacturing industry (in the industrial west) ...... and the gap between rich and poor gets wider and wider and wider. Who gets rich ......... The Banks , they create their commodity ..... MONEY .... and it is all created from thin air! :o :x :evil:

I just wish I had thought of it first! :cry:

Robin, I mentioned before that I will shortly be retiring and moving to Cyprus.
Because of Brexit I shall be worst off in excess of 100 thousand, what is the point of putting the blame on bankers etc etc. I blame the geriatrics, the " on the dole" brigade, the little Englanders and the fucking fools who swallowed the shit given to them by Boris the fcucking clown, Forage the stupid bastard and a few others. The vast majority of Brits are not thinkers, they don't have a fucking clue, they just wanted .....their country back ! What a load of bullocks, May, the closet brexiteer made things far worst by her recent announcement. SOON THE POUND WILL FALL EVEN BELOW 1 EURO .
Yes, we do have our country back, like hell we have, take look anywhere in the country and you will see the third world in its glory.
How the fuck did this country ruled a third of the world once I will never know.
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Oct 09, 2016 6:46 pm

Robin, I mentioned before that I will shortly be retiring and moving to Cyprus.

I’ll give you a tip. Where I live we have a lot of finished and half finished properties, that were repossessed by the banks from developers (Russian .... owes around €10-12m) . I have heard that you can do a good deal with the Bank, who are only interested in getting the interest out of any deal (The capital sum they write off anyway) Certainly worth a thought ..... good location ......plenty of choice ...... close to shops ( 5 miles) and the highway ...... and you even get me for a neighbour at no extra cost! :roll: :D :D

Because of Brexit I shall be worst off in excess of 100 thousand, what is the point of putting the blame on bankers etc etc. I blame the geriatrics, the " on the dole" brigade, the little Englanders and the fucking fools who swallowed the shit given to them by Boris the fcucking clown, Forage the stupid bastard and a few others.

You should not blame Brexit ..... read the Koenig article ..... the excuse could have been any trigger the speculators decided suited their purpose. 'They' have it in for us Brits ...... I've got a feeling they will live to regret it. :evil:

Don’t lose sleep over it because very soon they will switch their attention to the Euro and maybe the dollar too. Maybe you should wait before you buy and rent for a year or so to see which way the wind blows. Just let the house in the UK until the pound recovers? :?:
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