Paphitis wrote:Schnauzer wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Every day, more and more iron bars go up. Brits are trapped in and "others" are trapped out.
Meanwhile slave labour continues to rise as the biggest form of employment (1 Million and rising are the modish ZERO hour contracts, yeah) leaving the average household beholden to borrowing from banks (yipee) to survive or scrounging from (ever increasing) food banks to sustain their families (tralala).
Never mind - British soldiers can now kill at will and will be exempt from 'human rights" dilemmas (wowee) and get off Scott free whatever they do abroad (phew!).
And finally, if you're a foreign student expecting to pay good money for some much-touted British education - Theresa May says FUCK OFF FOREIGNER!
Poor, poor Brits! Will no one come to save them from the fascist regime ....
Absolutely 'On the button' !.
Anjem Choudary is doing five years for expressing precisely the same sentiments as you have highlighted.
Admittedly He added a few other choice observations which He declares necessary to clean up the place a bit BUT, all in all, it's possible that the man is also 'On the button' in one or two places.
Actually, I fancy the chap is a lot better off in the 'Nick' than most of the poor bastards that have to get out to work for a living.

The world doesn't owe you a living. You either got to work for living or use your brain.
if you don't want to work, then you got to think laterally and create something for yourself, but no one is going to give it to you.
This is the case in every country.
if you want a commie Flat, and work in the State Fields for a bowl of rice and an apple, then "north korea" is for you old chap and GreekIslandGirl!
I am personally in the fortunate position that enables me to exclude myself from the drudgery of 'Going out to do a day's work' or some such, however, being mindful of the circumstances of those less fortunate than myself (which is a CONSTANT in my case) there is rather a good case for focusing on the working conditions that NOW are the lot of so many that ARE obliged to hire themselves to labour.
'Employment Agencies' have become a seriously lucrative business for those who seek to enrich themselves at the expense of the common working person, the 'Government of the UK' consider the operation of such 'Agencies' as an asset since, the 'Worker' is helplessly bound to all the control (and exploitation) foisted upon them by such 'Agencies' whilst the 'Government' can lay claim to the fact that there are an abundance of jobs available for those willing to work AND, by massaging the figures, triumphantly proclaim that 'Unemployment' is at an all time low.
Nonsense of course, the 'Truth' is, the average worker ('Agency Employed') is nothing more than a 'Slave' (in real terms) and are obliged to even wear the names of their 'Slave-masters' emblazoned on the back of their 'High Viz' waistcoats having been informed that the object of such apparel is to preserve their safety in the work-place, more nonsense of course, the 'Truth' is that nobody really gives a damn for the safety of the slaves BUT, in the event of any mishaps at work, the 'Insurance Companies' will undoubtedly find some excuse to blame the 'Slave' for such.
Have a chat (as I have) to those poor 'Slaves' that venture forth to work on their 'Zero Hours Contracts' and let me know if you manage to find a 'Happy' one, they even have to phone in (in some cases) on a daily basis to check if there is work available to them.
On a lighter note....'Poetic Justice' perhaps ?, my information is based upon a lengthy conversation I recently had with a young chap who is struggling to make ends meet whilst hoping to secure a 'Permanent Position' in the warehouse where He is temporarily employed, it is hardly likely that He will succeed since the 'Agency' has a clause in their agreement which means that the 'Company' which engages the services of the 'Agency', must effectively 'BUY' the worker if it wishes to offer Him/Her a secure position.
Now for the 'Poetic Justice' (aforementioned) the owner of the 'Agency' (in question) is a full 'Bone in the Nose' African and he is master to a consignment of well over 100 'Slaves' (mostly White) and of various nationalities.
Anjem Choudary was perfectly correct when he made His comment about the 'Slavery' of the working folk of the UK (and elsewhere?), He did not offer His opinion lightly, it was a considered verdict on His observations BUT, He was howled down and vilified for it (well, He would be wouldn't He ?) which leaves one to wonder, does the expression "What goes around, comes around" have any significance in the future prospects for the youngsters of the UK (and elsewhere ?) perhaps it was not such a good idea to abolish 'Slavery' in the days when the 'Empire' was at it's strongest and had it's boot placed firmly on the throats of those subjected to it's tyranny.