Robin Hood wrote: The good news as far as the economy is concerned, is coming from the UK.
What good news?
Robin Hood wrote: The good news as far as the economy is concerned, is coming from the UK.
Robin Hood wrote:miltiades wrote:The pound continues its downward journey as a result of the Brexit, now called hard ....Brexit.
Wait till it reaches on par with the Euro !!
BREXIT was the excuse initially but ..... so far the UK's economic prospects have in the main improved since the vote. All the fear campaign has proved to be just that ...... fear ......... and it is Europe in the economic doldrums, and yet the pound drops ..... I find that very strange and can only put it down to speculators.
miltiades wrote:May has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was a closet Berexit supporter.
Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:Why put a stop to it? It's wishful thinking believing you can or that people even want to.
‘People’ don’t realize how the game is played ....... including you! Tobin’s Law would put a stop to it .... and the people would benefit from stable currencies .... only the speculators lose out.All these things are a result of supply and demand, and also confidence.
What rubbish, they are down to speculation, high speed trading in both currencies and shares. It has nothing to do with economics, which is what supply, demand and confidence is in the real economy. You are getting the principals of wealth creation (The real economy) confused with making money (The financial economy) ..... they are not the same thing.It's the same principles on the Stock Markets. People usually end up making money from these movements. For instance, a drop in the Stirling will only encourage an enormous investment bonanza from outside the UK
The stock market is as above! When shares go up, speculators make money, the company that the shares are in makes nothing. Share values are determined by computers trading thousands of times a second. The only ‘investor’ is the initial purchaser of the shares, after that the face value of the share certificate is determined in the main, by computers reacting to a ‘buy’ or a ‘sell’. This causes the face value of the share certificate to rise and fall.
The stock markets make money for speculators, whether that be an individual, a financial institution or a Pension Fund. But the company with its name on the shares only sees a theoretical increase or decrease in its market value. Start selling and the value drops .... big sell = big drop or, start buying and the value rises. It really is a very simple confidence trick!!!!Everyone who has a Pension Fund relies on these movements.
That is what is so sad .... they rely on 'financial experts' to advise them! What goes up can/will also come down ..... if the markets ‘rally’ quickly there is usually a ‘correction’ a few weeks/months later when speculators cash in their profits. Many pension funds are in a position that they have insufficient funds to pay pensions .... so they borrow from banks (issue Bonds =IOU’s) to pay the pensions, which createsdebt and ncreases the Banks assets or rather debts.
Remember Lehman Bros? Now look at Deutsch Bank, same problem, too many assets (Debt) and its share value has plummeted as investors sell off their ‘investments’ ......... the depositors now take the risk as Merkel has refused to bail them out. In fact Deutsch Bank has about four times the debt that bought Lehman Bros down, and that does not include the €54 trillion (not a typo) liability on derivatives ..It's fantastic for International Stock Market Investors
Maybe, al the time the market is rising. Stock Market Investors are investing in IOU’s where the value is the face value at any given point in time determined almost exclusively by high speed computer trading. A share certificate has no intrinsic value!
I wonder if you will be so euphoric when the house of cards collapses?My Oension Fund has been on 100% risky investments as everything goes into the Dow Jones, NASDAQ, FTSE and ASX. I have seen off booms and a couple of disastrous crashes but I haven't lost a red cent let me tell you. In fact the gains have been too good over the last 2 decades.
The higher the gains ........... the greater the risk! Ask those that had Laiki Bank Accounts.
Now, my purchasing power in the FTSE just increased making the FTSE great value. It's fantastic!
I suggest you put everything into the FTSE as you have so much confidence in the system. No doubt if/when it goes belly up, you will become a socialist overnight and look to the State to help you out.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Robin Hood wrote: The good news as far as the economy is concerned, is coming from the UK.
What good news?
miltiades wrote:Robin Hood wrote:miltiades wrote:The pound continues its downward journey as a result of the Brexit, now called hard ....Brexit.
Wait till it reaches on par with the Euro !!
BREXIT was the excuse initially but ..... so far the UK's economic prospects have in the main improved since the vote. All the fear campaign has proved to be just that ...... fear ......... and it is Europe in the economic doldrums, and yet the pound drops ..... I find that very strange and can only put it down to speculators.
Robin, currency fluctuations have always, and always will be dictated by speculators. The UK is in for a very hard time, give it a year or two and I can us begging the EU to have us back.May has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was a closet Berexit supporter.
Lets see how you and millions of pensioners will be affected over the next few months.
It was a catastrophic decision and its affects will be severely felt in the not too distant future.
Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Robin Hood wrote:miltiades wrote:The pound continues its downward journey as a result of the Brexit, now called hard ....Brexit.
Wait till it reaches on par with the Euro !!
BREXIT was the excuse initially but ..... so far the UK's economic prospects have in the main improved since the vote. All the fear campaign has proved to be just that ...... fear ......... and it is Europe in the economic doldrums, and yet the pound drops ..... I find that very strange and can only put it down to speculators.
Robin, currency fluctuations have always, and always will be dictated by speculators. The UK is in for a very hard time, give it a year or two and I can us begging the EU to have us back.May has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was a closet Berexit supporter.
Milti: At least you now acknowledge that it is speculation that causes the fluctuations, not economics and not Brexit. But that does not make it right. These speculators MAKE MONEY and contribute zilch to the real economy. Until people wake up to this simple to understand fact ..... the abuse by the financial sector will continue to the detriment of the vast majority.
Lets see how you and millions of pensioners will be affected over the next few months.
It was a catastrophic decision and its affects will be severely felt in the not too distant future.
The speculators are usually institutional investors pumping trillions globally. And institutional investors include middle class people with a small portfolio within these institutions.
It's not speculation, just fund managers trying to increase capital gains for their clients for a fee. You can control it yourself as well if you have the time and know what to do.
I also know international share traders look at currency fluctuations to make their investment choices etc.
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