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Toxicologist/ Analysis for toxicity

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Re: Toxicologist/ Analysis for toxicity

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:22 pm

Glad to see you are still alive and kicking! :)

My wife's problems all started from having amalgam fillings replaced, in Cyprus in 1994. This set off a chain of events that culminated in trigeminal nerve damage and that necessitated a seemingly endless series of image enhanced MRI/MRA's. There is now acknowledged to be a far greater likelihood of Gadolinium Toxicity due to retention in the body than was originally claimed by the manufacturers. Difficult to diagnose and it seems almost impossible to correct.

The problem is that the medical practitioners that prescribe these enhanced image MRI's seem to be totally unaware of the long term effect.

The Ministry of Health is now on the case :roll: and are going to investigate and warn practitioners of the long term effects of image enhanced MRI's. But first comes diagnosis and there is no lab in Cyprus or in the EU that has the expertise to carry out the tests. Only the Mayo Clinic in the US is capable of determining this type of toxicity, hence this is now also with the MoH to get the samples required taken here and then sent to the US.

I thought that posting on here could raise an awareness of those people with the symptoms of Gadolinium Toxicity but were completely unaware of the cause because the Doctors don't have a clue about the problem. :roll:
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Re: Toxicologist/ Analysis for toxicity

Postby Sotos » Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:19 am

CrookedRiverGuy wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Michalis5354:

Did you ever get this sorted out? :?: :?: :?:

As his last post is 8 years old, the outlook is grim...

It is actually nearly 12 years old ;) And michalis is apparently member number 23 :)
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Re: Toxicologist/ Analysis for toxicity

Postby michalis5354 » Sat Nov 25, 2017 4:47 pm

Yes I registered as soon as I got a pc and had internet connection. At that time we were discussing membership of Cyprus to the EU. I did not know that I was the 23rd . :wink:

I am a listener normally so it does not matter If I do not talk.

I understand Robin as I had similar questions at that time!
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