And yet it is only the Coalition countries and many more providing all the aid and arguing for ceasefires in order to get aid through
Both Assad and the Russians have been getting aid through for many months ..... but not enough because your trerrorists keep attacking the convoys.
It is the coalition that is highlighting all the violations of International Law and highlighting every War Crime. Yes we care for the Syrian People. A big chunk of the Syrian people are fighting for their lives and seem more willing to die than to live under Assad. Why is that?
It is coalition that is flaunting International Law and committing war crimes every day. 7m internally displaced Syrian people have fled to Government controlled areas. From Eastern Aleppo alone, 600,000 fled to Western Aleppowhen your terrorists moved into it. 200,000 are being held as hostages and human shields by your terrorists.
Is it because they can't even vote? Is it because more than 10,000 Syrians are tortured as Political prisoners? Is it because they can't get jobs and feed themselves? What motivates them and what provides the Jihadist groups with fertile recruitment opportunities? Is it simply just because of an ideology or did the Arab Spring commence peacefully only to for protesters to be shot from the air.
Syria has a secular constitution, most people get a vote. The proof (
once again) of these crimes has never come to light .... it’s all hot air. The Syrians had a fairly buoyant economy before YOU decided they needed regime change! Most of these Jihadi’s are not Syrian nationals, they are foreigners. This is not and never has been, a civil war .... it is an insurgency backed by y the US and its criminal partners. That alone is a war crime!
Who is using Chemical Warfare against Syrian people? It's not the coalition let me give you the tip!
YOUR terrorists use them. Proven beyond a shadow of doubt. The accusations against Assad have yet to be proved ..... again the US has irrefutable evidence, it just seems they are very reluctant to put it on the table. What are they hiding?
The coalition is not as interfering as many seem to think. In the end, everyone is free to forge their own destiny. We are unwilling to maintain our client states with anything other than aid and help. If they are unsustainable, we demand changes and they need to stand on their own 2 feet. We give enough rope but they can also hang themselves like Mubarak.
What a load of Bollox!