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Courage of Convictions.

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Courage of Convictions.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:51 am

When one acts in accordance with that which one believes (or is even led to believe) then He/She is at the very least entitled to be given credit for the 'Courage of Conviction'.

If you have the 'Courage of your Convictions', you have the confidence to do what you believe is right, even though other people may not agree or approve.

Therefore :- even if one has undergone the process of 'Brainwashing' (so often mentioned when one wishes to press a point) and at the end of such process truly believes in the result of it, there can be no doubt that whatever action (good or bad) the 'Brainwashed' may commit to, if they act upon (or state an opinion on their 'Conviction') they are entitled to be credited with the 'Courage' required for either regardless of how others may view such action or opinion.

It may suit others (equally 'Brainwashed') to express horror at those events which WE daily witness BUT, there are 'Two Sides' (or in the cases of recent events many sides) to those events which distress and offend us ALL and naturally, opinions differ.

Therefore:- one should address the issues with a little more understanding, perhaps placing oneself in the position of those to whom one would attach responsibility for ANY horrendous action and search for justification.

Personally, I cannot agree with the manner in which the 'Mighty Forces' of the 'West' are able to find the 'Justification' to impose their 'Military Might' (and unwanted 'Democratic Principles') upon far weaker and 'Militarily Unprepared' nations/society's, particularly when, in MY opinion, those 'Western Forces' are responsible for ALL the disharmony we witness today.

I CAN find the justification in acts of 'Retaliation' and 'Revenge' since the alternative would be 'Capitulation' and NOBODY with the least amount of 'COURAGE' would wish to subject themselves to THAT.

Which does NOT mean that I approve of 'Suicide Bombers' and all the horrors that attend them, NOR do I approve of the onslaught of the 'Western Forces' as they overpower the weaker and less well equipped forces they overwhelmingly contest in order to impose their will upon them in the guise of 'Helping Them', we can ALL see the 'Help' as millions of dispossessed civilians suffer from the result of it.

'Courage of Conviction' is an attribute which 'I' (reluctantly) am obliged to endow upon one who does not appreciate 'COURAGE' yet, within the framework of that which is written above, (due to 'Brainwashing') must be granted the distinction of possessing it. :wink:
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Re: Courage of Convictions.

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 25, 2016 10:41 am

Brainwashing is an interesting concept.

People very quick to mention Muslims, or Saudi Arabia and a few other examples. The people there might be to a certain extent brainwashed but I would say they are acting in fear more than anything just like the people of Iran, North Korea, Egypt and now even Russia and Turkey.

But, what about those who are supposedly NOT brainwashed. For example, Greeks?

Greece is one of the few countries in the world which pays clergy from the public purse. Same as Saudi Arabia in many ways. Sure, they don't execute people in public etc. But the Church is State sponsored when they could be looking after the unemployed and pensioners better, or build infrastructure and grow the economy.

But this is the same Christianity which once fed pagans to the Lions, burned them at the stake or ripped their bodies on the rack or wheel.

The same religion which banned superior Ancient Egyption and Ancient Greek philosophy and destroyed so many books until the resurrection of the Renaissance.

The book of Thoth and Greek Corpus Hermeticum was the cornerstone! Christianity bought forward the Dark Ages!
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Re: Courage of Convictions.

Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 25, 2016 10:54 am

Schnauzer wrote:When one acts in accordance with that which one believes (or is even led to believe) then He/She is at the very least entitled to be given credit for the 'Courage of Conviction'.

If you have the 'Courage of your Convictions', you have the confidence to do what you believe is right, even though other people may not agree or approve.

Therefore :- even if one has undergone the process of 'Brainwashing' (so often mentioned when one wishes to press a point) and at the end of such process truly believes in the result of it, there can be no doubt that whatever action (good or bad) the 'Brainwashed' may commit to, if they act upon (or state an opinion on their 'Conviction') they are entitled to be credited with the 'Courage' required for either regardless of how others may view such action or opinion.

It may suit others (equally 'Brainwashed') to express horror at those events which WE daily witness BUT, there are 'Two Sides' (or in the cases of recent events many sides) to those events which distress and offend us ALL and naturally, opinions differ.

Therefore:- one should address the issues with a little more understanding, perhaps placing oneself in the position of those to whom one would attach responsibility for ANY horrendous action and search for justification.

Personally, I cannot agree with the manner in which the 'Mighty Forces' of the 'West' are able to find the 'Justification' to impose their 'Military Might' (and unwanted 'Democratic Principles') upon far weaker and 'Militarily Unprepared' nations/society's, particularly when, in MY opinion, those 'Western Forces' are responsible for ALL the disharmony we witness today.

I CAN find the justification in acts of 'Retaliation' and 'Revenge' since the alternative would be 'Capitulation' and NOBODY with the least amount of 'COURAGE' would wish to subject themselves to THAT.

Which does NOT mean that I approve of 'Suicide Bombers' and all the horrors that attend them, NOR do I approve of the onslaught of the 'Western Forces' as they overpower the weaker and less well equipped forces they overwhelmingly contest in order to impose their will upon them in the guise of 'Helping Them', we can ALL see the 'Help' as millions of dispossessed civilians suffer from the result of it.

'Courage of Conviction' is an attribute which 'I' (reluctantly) am obliged to endow upon one who does not appreciate 'COURAGE' yet, within the framework of that which is written above, (due to 'Brainwashing') must be granted the distinction of possessing it. :wink:

What courage of conviction you bastard. Burning people alive , chopping heads and sticking them on poles or letting children kick severed heads as if they were footballs. You are a fucking sick bastard, so following my OWN courage of conviction let me for the umpteenth time tell you to go and fuck your self.
When did you convert from a fucking idiot to a bigger fucking idiot ?
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Re: Courage of Convictions.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Sep 25, 2016 1:16 pm

Schnauzer wrote:Therefore:- one should address the issues with a little more understanding,

If Miltiades is one of "the issues", would you please show a little more understanding.
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Re: Courage of Convictions.

Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 25, 2016 2:38 pm

I can not understand why this Isis propagandist is still allowed to freely express his vile views.

Under the guise of " well educated" individual he promotes the savages occasionally citing Allah as his guiding light. He is a fucking sick pervert and by now he should be incarcerated.

What makes me utterly sick is that this pervert is free to continue his tirade against the west promoting the savage barbarians who share his disgusting faith.
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Re: Courage of Convictions.

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:33 pm

miltiades wrote:I can not understand why this Isis propagandist is still allowed to freely express his vile views.

Under the guise of " well educated" individual he promotes the savages occasionally citing Allah as his guiding light. He is a fucking sick pervert and by now he should be incarcerated.

What makes me utterly sick is that this pervert is free to continue his tirade against the west promoting the savage barbarians who share his disgusting faith.

It's a democracy. He is allowed to express these views.

We are not in Pootin's Russia where he would probably be running for his life by now!
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Re: Courage of Convictions.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:00 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:I can not understand why this Isis propagandist is still allowed to freely express his vile views.

Under the guise of " well educated" individual he promotes the savages occasionally citing Allah as his guiding light. He is a fucking sick pervert and by now he should be incarcerated.

What makes me utterly sick is that this pervert is free to continue his tirade against the west promoting the savage barbarians who share his disgusting faith.

It's a democracy. He is allowed to express these views.

We are not in Pootin's Russia where he would probably be running for his life by now!
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:I can not understand why this Isis propagandist is still allowed to freely express his vile views.

Under the guise of " well educated" individual he promotes the savages occasionally citing Allah as his guiding light. He is a fucking sick pervert and by now he should be incarcerated.

What makes me utterly sick is that this pervert is free to continue his tirade against the west promoting the savage barbarians who share his disgusting faith.

It's a democracy. He is allowed to express these views.

We are not in Pootin's Russia where he would probably be running for his life by now!

Pay no heed to the inane ramblings of the senile old fool, He has got the hump with Me because I exposed Him as a fraud when He forgot to perform His usual 'Annual Sympathy Trip' (2014) because He was too busy spouting His filth and abuse toward fellow members.

I am sure His Mother would not be too proud of the 'Vile Beast' Her ever loving Son turned out to be.

May the shadow of the 'Beard of the Prophet' (pbuh) protect Him from the consequences of His own verbal delinquency. :roll:
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Re: Courage of Convictions.

Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:26 pm

Would this " Prophet" be the illiterate paedophile by any chance!!
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Re: Courage of Convictions.

Postby Lordo » Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:52 pm

miltiades wrote:Would this " Prophet" be the illiterate paedophile by any chance!!

are yout talking about joseph again the fellow who got 13 year old girl preggers and claimed god did it.
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Re: Courage of Convictions.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:55 pm

miltiades wrote:Would this " Prophet" be the illiterate paedophile by any chance!!

If one were to take the trouble to research such theories, one might be quite surprised at the outcome.

The 'Prophet' (pbuh) was indeed partnered to a much younger Female, I suppose the 'Age Difference' is a subject for which 'Westerners' are too oft ready and willing to expose as unacceptable and are quick to brand the Male of the partnership as a 'Paedophile'.

Interestingly (on the subject of 'Paedophilia') it has recently been suggested that ANY union twixt Male and Female partnerships which exhibit an 'Age Gap' of a generation, qualify for recognition as 'Paedophiliacs' (primarily the Male of such partnership) since by viewing the situation retrospectively, ANY Male with a much younger Spouse possibly harbours lewd sexual tendencies in the subconscious and, in such circumstances (living together or marrying one so much younger) probably plays out hidden fantasies which He feels shame for.

Not so for the 'Prophet' (pbuh) for in the days of His union, it was perfectly acceptable and quite common (even in Western Culture).

I KNOW of such a person who fits the above criteria, certainly a 'Closet Paedophile' who should keep quiet about it (imho). :lol:
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