If you have the 'Courage of your Convictions', you have the confidence to do what you believe is right, even though other people may not agree or approve.
Therefore :- even if one has undergone the process of 'Brainwashing' (so often mentioned when one wishes to press a point) and at the end of such process truly believes in the result of it, there can be no doubt that whatever action (good or bad) the 'Brainwashed' may commit to, if they act upon (or state an opinion on their 'Conviction') they are entitled to be credited with the 'Courage' required for either regardless of how others may view such action or opinion.
It may suit others (equally 'Brainwashed') to express horror at those events which WE daily witness BUT, there are 'Two Sides' (or in the cases of recent events many sides) to those events which distress and offend us ALL and naturally, opinions differ.
Therefore:- one should address the issues with a little more understanding, perhaps placing oneself in the position of those to whom one would attach responsibility for ANY horrendous action and search for justification.
Personally, I cannot agree with the manner in which the 'Mighty Forces' of the 'West' are able to find the 'Justification' to impose their 'Military Might' (and unwanted 'Democratic Principles') upon far weaker and 'Militarily Unprepared' nations/society's, particularly when, in MY opinion, those 'Western Forces' are responsible for ALL the disharmony we witness today.
I CAN find the justification in acts of 'Retaliation' and 'Revenge' since the alternative would be 'Capitulation' and NOBODY with the least amount of 'COURAGE' would wish to subject themselves to THAT.
Which does NOT mean that I approve of 'Suicide Bombers' and all the horrors that attend them, NOR do I approve of the onslaught of the 'Western Forces' as they overpower the weaker and less well equipped forces they overwhelmingly contest in order to impose their will upon them in the guise of 'Helping Them', we can ALL see the 'Help' as millions of dispossessed civilians suffer from the result of it.
'Courage of Conviction' is an attribute which 'I' (reluctantly) am obliged to endow upon one who does not appreciate 'COURAGE' yet, within the framework of that which is written above, (due to 'Brainwashing') must be granted the distinction of possessing it.