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Turkish Franchises eagerly awaiting a United Cyprus!

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Re: Turkish Franchises eagerly awaiting a United Cyprus!

Postby Mustiejodu » Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:23 am

Get Real! wrote:
MrH wrote:Get real,

When are you going to believe me when I feed you a little information prior to its general Press announcement? did I not mention in one of my previous posts that, due to Turkey's economic wealth and emerging opportunities for decades to come, a federal Cyprus will see a Turkish Economic take-over of the island? Particularly considering how economically bankrupt Greece is as an influence, and how corrupt and the current Greek Cypriot administration has been in the last two years - especially considering how your GC government stole monies from the accounts of their own citizens, and how they lied to you regarding the so-called benefits of scrapping the all and powerful Cyprus Pound for the worthless EURO currency. There's a lot you need to learn about fantasy and reality.

Well, you've just presented us with TWO super-fantasies in a row...

1. That there's a settlement.

2. That your current signatures would be valid island-wide in the future.

So I'm not so sure who is the one fantasizing... :?

You need to get real for real. You really are either blinded by your arrogance or ignorance. Not sure which but open your eyes and see for your self what is going on in the north. There are massive construction projects constantly popping up especially further up north in famagusta and further towards apostolos Andrea's. But I don't see any human activity . They are preparing for a agreement but want to be one step ahead in the game. When they hand varosha back they want to be in a position where they get a piece of the pie and not fall into that trap they were in pre 1974. It's wealth and prosperity that can keep the piece and of course control. It's been up until now the Turkish army that deters you lot from wiping us out so if there is an agreement the Turkish contingent want to keep us on a equal footing and not become a unknown entity which is what you lot would prefer but can't just achieve. It must be frustrating that you can't get rid of us ?
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Re: Turkish Franchises eagerly awaiting a United Cyprus!

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:56 pm

Lucky you don't live anywhere else in the Eastern Med, look around you.

...and you think it is the Turkish Army that makes it so; think again.
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Re: Turkish Franchises eagerly awaiting a United Cyprus!

Postby Mustiejodu » Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:04 pm

It's not about thinking it's about feeling safe and with the Turkish army in Cyprus tcs feel safe. Never heard of one incident where there is any violence from a Turkish soldier towards a tc. They are very polite people I find when ever I stop to ask for directions. They are disciplined and are well mannered soldiers. You guys just like to make them out to be evil which is bull shit.
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Re: Turkish Franchises eagerly awaiting a United Cyprus!

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:58 am

It is here in Cyprus that we as Cypriots can be the example, for communal living, respect toward each other, trust, trust enough as Cypriots to defend each other.

...just a thought, but reciprocally, i suppose for having such an extension of "your" Charters (Cyprus-wide), "Greek" Charters would be afforded the same Liberty in the "North".

If 'we' want to have security, in Cyprus, Cyprus must be first.

...and i remember Solomou, the glee we see in the photos of those taking potshots; not one word about "discipline", and the melee which followed where children, women, and UN observers, were casualties as well.

...the bullshit is making "gcs" monsters; if they were you would experience it daily, as in what is normal elsewhere.

Mustiejodu, if you dare fly the Flag of Cyprus, north; not the Greek Flag, that would be more than provocative. It is possible, now that the Courts have allowed it. And if someone shoots at you, ask yourself, who would be shooting?

...what is not "Turkish", has every reason to be afraid. Cypriots, Turkish and Greek, know this, (and that "Greeks" are no better toward not "Greeks").
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Re: Turkish Franchises eagerly awaiting a United Cyprus!

Postby kurupetos » Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:23 pm

Mustiejodu wrote:It's not about thinking it's about feeling safe and with the Turkish army in Cyprus tcs feel safe. Never heard of one incident where there is any violence from a Turkish soldier towards a tc. They are very polite people I find when ever I stop to ask for directions. They are disciplined and are well mannered soldiers. You guys just like to make them out to be evil which is bull shit.

No TA... no guarantors... no Banana republic, mustie.

We will only accept a solution that will be based on the continuation of the RoC. :wink:
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Re: Turkish Franchises eagerly awaiting a United Cyprus!

Postby Mustiejodu » Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:11 pm

MrH wrote:Get real, the reality of the TRNC to you is still a fantasy, while in reality it exists regardless of it's international status. The current GC administration can not claim the North, nor can it ever officially use its territory as part of its own operations, but you keep believing and fantasizing that it'll be part of your unitary GC administration. At least we accept our realities as only being partially internationally recognised and a constituent state of Turkey until either a settlement is signed (which is obviously a struggle), or Turkey gets truly annoyed one day and annexes the TRNC like Britain did with the Falkland Islands. Remember, Turkey is not, and can never be a part of the EU - that alone should make you think, if not very nervous as to the true outcome of the North. If I were a Greek Cypriot, I would take the current Federal talks Very seriously indeed. In fact, I would actually beg to my own Greek nationalists not to destroy and scarper the only change of unification before Turkey uses YOUR Signed and sealed Rejection as another pretext in officially extending its territory and updating its constitution to include the TRNC.

Do not Dismiss the above. Remember how and under which pretext Turkey intervened officially to create a Two State Cyprus back in 1974!

Your people will lose the North royally due to unrealistic people like yourself.

Mr h I also told all these idiots the mass infrastructure being built by the Turks preparing for a economical tAke over and the worst thing is the gc s come over to the north and it's like they are blind
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Re: Turkish Franchises eagerly awaiting a United Cyprus!

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:27 pm

...Turkey cannot simply invade, again. That would be as delusional as imagining there will not be a force to counter, their, acts.

While Turkish Cypriots may feel helpless, and willing to accept any decision imposed on them from Turkey, Cypriots will not.

...indeed, this time around, it is the "Greeks" (read: not "Turkish") that will be galvanised, and from this opposition the result being that their Cypriot identity will become even stronger, and even clearer to them.

(note, i said Cypriot identity, because the "Turks", if they act militarily, will contend with the Turkish Cypriots who like the Greek Cypriots who are not "Greek", are bound to fight against them together as one.)
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Re: Turkish Franchises eagerly awaiting a United Cyprus!

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:28 am

...indeed, it looks bad for those not "Turkish" living north of the "Green Line". "Turks" may celebrate their dependence on Turkey, or to be more accurate, they appreciate the personal wealth that results from such an effort.

But, with a small change of intention, and all of it becomes a gift, to Cypriots, reparations, recognition and respect, much to the esteem of Turkey's international partners; don't forget, to Erdogan you are servant-slaves.

The issue is not so black and white...

...or, in effect it is very clear; what exists is a Republic of Cyprus, a Greek Constituency may exist, and it may someday seek the same kind of self-representation as a Turkish Constituency is seeking today, yet, it, the Republic in any case represents Cypriots, it demonstrates their commitment toward the Universal Principals which define equality among all people without discrimination or distinction, whether the representation as Persons is a Liberty, in Cyprus, or not.

Mustiejodu, i suggest that Turkish Cypriots, like Greek Cypriots have the same worry, those who are Cypriot must at this moment decide what it is that they want. Things will change, they cannot stay the same being unnatural, and there is a huge potential to be unleashed if as Cypriots, Cypriots are willing to defend each other as Cypriots. There is the opportunity, in representing a Cypriot cause, to satisfy in Turkey, and in other conflicts that are ethnically charged not unlike Cyprus, the criteria where they too may see the good in good intentions, as a BBF. Thus, a "Turkish Franchise" may exist to serve that specific population, (like a "Greek" Charter, or a "Maronite" Charter, if such Cypriot Constituencies were founded). Some (Turkish Cypriot Franchises) may find that they meet the criteria of a Cypriot one, others will adapt to greet a wider market. Each authority would have its own credibility, in any case. Nothing should prevent success, from merit.

(Beyond "this", is also a choice.)

Personally speaking, when you criticize (all) Cypriots (not "Turkish") as "Greeks", i feel insulted. I am not a "Greek". I know that "Greeks" and "Turks" are the same, and i know that i am among the other half, represent them as you will, they, are Cypriots.

...I feel you, (and "you",) forget sometimes the difference.

I'll add, there is no "Greek" way and there is no "Turkish" way, they are not mutually exclusive; there is, a Cypriot way.
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