In your rather arrogant world, what you don’t seem to understand is that the rest of the civilised world and most of the uncivilised remainder are sick to the back teeth of the US trying to force themselves and their export version of the on every other country.
Most people are aware that the US is trying to ‘
rule-the-world’ and can now see that plan falling apart. For the first time in decades a country has stood up to their arrogant supremacy.
'American Dream' They thought that Assad would be a push over and they would have been right, had it not been for President Putin. He was asked for help to repel these US mercenaries by Assad, the elected Pesident of Syria which he did and was very successful. Assad is now stronger than ever.
The US has funded these jihadis and mercenaries at all levels including Al-Qaidi and all the splinter groups that they broke up into. Over a hundred in Syria alone. Do you think people are really that stupid to believe there is such a thing as a ‘
moderate’ terrorist? The US intent, even before the initial uprising was to get rid of Assad as he refused to dance to their tune, as did Ghadaffi and Saddam before him. He refused the let them put their pipelines across Syria!
So the US set a pack of rabid hounds upon the Syrian people ...... this is not and never has been what the US glibly refers to as a ‘
civil war’, it is a foreign (
US) sponsored invasion of a sovereign state. They have recruited anyone from anywhere ....just like you getting pilots .... if they know how to fire a gun that’s all they need to know. Teach them Arabic ..... “Alahu Ackbar!” ...... wind them up and off they go to get slaughtered.
The Russians and Assad have tried compliance with these sponsored ‘
ceasefires’ maybe hoping that they would work but have now at last decided enough-is-enough and the gloves are off. The US has never once had any intention of a ceasefire ..... it is and always has been ....... ASSAD MUST GO!!!! I admire Putin for his quiet tolerance off the Americans and their partners.
The last ‘
war’ the Yanks won was about 40 years ago in Grenada ..... where overwhelming military superiority destroyed that country ....... it was an amazing display of American arrogance. Since then every country they have interfered with has ended up as a monumental f**k up, that has killed or destroyed the lives of millions of men women and children, wiped out whole societies and left countries a smouldering wasteland. They have dropped 80m cluster bombs in Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos and chemical weapons both there and in Iraq. Now the same routine for Yemen using the Saudis and the Israeli's as their proxies. The American dream ? More like a bloody nightmare.
The Russians will now help Assad to reclaim Syria and the US will do little or nothing to stop them! They can’t because if they do the Russians (
and maybe the Chinese) could Nuke them given the slightest excuse ..... and they know it.
You people should note the message .......... the world is turning its back on the mighty USA and NATO! The Syrian people do not want you or your mercenaries in their country. So pack your backs and sling your hook back to ‘
The Land of the Free’ and sort that mess out before you start advising others !