At this time of the year, I get a 'Strange Feeling' (irrespective of where I might be) and the memory of the awful occurrences which took the lives of 3000+ innocent people comes flooding back to my mind.
'ConspiracyTheorists' (a title endowed upon those who are convinced that the whole scenario was a 'Set Piece') are adamant that there are far too many 'Co-incidents' and flaws in most of the explanations surrounding the event to dismiss the 'Theory' that indeed it was.
IF the 'Theorists' are correct in their assumptions, the implications ARE, that the 'Yanks' (together with others) engineered the slaughter of all those innocent people in order to create an excuse for an unlawful and murderous attack upon the innocent nation of Iraq.
IF the 'Theorists' are correct, then 'Saddam Hussein' was an innocent victim of the 'Hanging' which followed his capture.
IF the 'Theorists' are correct, then the 'Excuse' is the 'Catalyst' which has (to date) managed to engineer the deposing of many leaders of other nations and caused the slaughter, maiming and displacement of MILLIONS of innocent victims, may they rest in peace.
IF (on the other hand) there is no substance to the 'Conspiracy Theories', one MUST entertain the thought that there is some compelling reason for WHY the 'Twin Towers' were attacked and , IF there is, what could that reason be ?.
Thus far, there has been no REAL explanation, the blame has been shifted from one leg to the other and the 'Dance' continues.
Therefore, when groups of 'Fighters' rise up in protest at the manner in which the 'Mightier Military Forces' of nations which uphold the ambitions of the 'West', and are prepared to turn a 'Blind Eye' to the activities of 'Israel' and the sufferings of the 'Palestinians', is it any wonder that those 'Fighters' take up arms against that which THEY see to be acts of oppression and conclude 'We're Next' if we do not forcefully resist the advancement of 'Western Ambitions' in OUR nations ?.
A sad situation indeed, countless millions of dollars are spent on military equipment, devices and manpower to slaughter innocent victims of 'Military Campaigns' whilst 'Hunger and Deprivation' prevails in so many parts of the world in which we live.
THAT's MY take on the situation although, I do not rely upon 'Strange Feelings' to prompt me, I 'THINK' about it all the time.