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Postby Paphitis » Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:59 pm

B25 wrote:I'm with Robin Hood. Everything he has said makes perfect, logical, physical and engineering sense.

The motive was to get a peoples mandate to go to war in ME. They maybe a superpower but still need the necessary permissions to do certain jobs. And yes, I do thing the US was do a False flag and kill its own, isn't that the definition of a false flag after all???

Only in your mind but not in anyone elses's.

It doesn't make sense because there is no MOTIVE before we even look at the physics which I admit I am not qualified to assess properly even if I did read the reports which is not something I intend on doing because it doesn't mean that much to me.

But the reports are detailed and comprehensive and they do get into the physics and science and have come to some conclusions. All the global experts are not rushing to refute any of it. Because they got reputations to protect.

If an engineer wants to stake their reputation on it then step forward. I'm talks my those with a reputation of good repute and not some wannabe that wants publicity.

First start with your name, quake, where they worked and what major skyscrapers they have built.

Speaking of which, I am surrounded by some of the tallest buildings in the world right now. some of the best award winning constructions on the planet.
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Postby B25 » Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:12 pm

Paphitis wrote:
B25 wrote:I'm with Robin Hood. Everything he has said makes perfect, logical, physical and engineering sense.

The motive was to get a peoples mandate to go to war in ME. They maybe a superpower but still need the necessary permissions to do certain jobs. And yes, I do thing the US was do a False flag and kill its own, isn't that the definition of a false flag after all???

Only in your mind but not in anyone elses's.

It doesn't make sense because there is no MOTIVE before we even look at the physics which I admit I am not qualified to assess properly even if I did read the reports which is not something I intend on doing because it doesn't mean that much to me.

But the reports are detailed and comprehensive and they do get into the physics and science and have come to some conclusions. All the global experts are not rushing to refute any of it. Because they got reputations to protect.

If an engineer wants to stake their reputation on it then step forward. I'm talks my those with a reputation of good repute and not some wannabe that wants publicity.

First start with your name, quake, where they worked and what major skyscrapers they have built.

Speaking of which, I am surrounded by some of the tallest buildings in the world right now. some of the best award winning constructions on the planet.

No one will come forward for fear of being 'bumped' off. Secondly, they may also do big business in the US and don't want to risk that. A lot of what you say is just padded, if YOU wish to accept the official line then that's your prerogative, but do allow others to have an alternate view.

Just hope that all those high buildings that you are surrounded by don't come down on you, in case the CIA want another reason to go into Iran!!! ;)
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:14 pm

Speaking of which B25, I would have thought America would have at least something to say about Australia signing the biggest current Defence contract with France. It's bigger than any American contract currently in play.

But nothing...Maybe it's gonna be a surprise attack.

You would think 4 times the RoC GDP would actually be quite important to the American arms industry.
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:17 pm

B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
B25 wrote:I'm with Robin Hood. Everything he has said makes perfect, logical, physical and engineering sense.

The motive was to get a peoples mandate to go to war in ME. They maybe a superpower but still need the necessary permissions to do certain jobs. And yes, I do thing the US was do a False flag and kill its own, isn't that the definition of a false flag after all???

Only in your mind but not in anyone elses's.

It doesn't make sense because there is no MOTIVE before we even look at the physics which I admit I am not qualified to assess properly even if I did read the reports which is not something I intend on doing because it doesn't mean that much to me.

But the reports are detailed and comprehensive and they do get into the physics and science and have come to some conclusions. All the global experts are not rushing to refute any of it. Because they got reputations to protect.

If an engineer wants to stake their reputation on it then step forward. I'm talks my those with a reputation of good repute and not some wannabe that wants publicity.

First start with your name, quake, where they worked and what major skyscrapers they have built.

Speaking of which, I am surrounded by some of the tallest buildings in the world right now. some of the best award winning constructions on the planet.

No one will come forward for fear of being 'bumped' off. Secondly, they may also do big business in the US and don't want to risk that. A lot of what you say is just padded, if YOU wish to accept the official line then that's your prerogative, but do allow others to have an alternate view.

Just hope that all those high buildings that you are surrounded by don't come down on you, in case the CIA want another reason to go into Iran!!! ;)

Mate back then, if they wanted to take out Iran all they needed to do is give Israel the green light. Diego Garcia is right there for the IAF.

But they never even mentioned Iran or Iraq. They knew the attack was initiated by Al Qaeda and at the time were asking the Taliban to surrender Osama or face the consequences. They didn't and they faced the consequences.
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:55 pm

There is one more thing that doesn't stack up to a set piece.

You would imagine that for such a ridiculously heavy handed set piece that caused a multi billion dollar financial collapse, the Americans would have used the opportunity to take out someone significant like Syria or Iran, or even Suddam Hussein given the history. No mention of Iraq, Iran or Syria! No mention at all, because they were not involved.

BUT, Saudi Arabia was mentioned a LOT. What a brain fart hey! The Americans were investigating how the Sauds could even be involved. Osama Bin Laden is connected to Saudi royalty.

Whether they were involved or not is an interesting question.

You will also recall that the Americans made no accusations against the Taliban or Afghanistan. But they knew Afghanistan was harboring Al Qaeda and Osama which is what bought their downfall.
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Postby Robin Hood » Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:11 pm

I don't even know how you can even pass your opinion as a qualified one and even call it basic Physics.

Maybe in Australia you don’t consider Newtons Universal Laws of Motion as basic physics but the education I had in the UK all those years ago included it.
I am no engineer by any stretch and know very little about construction. I am however, quite a capable let's just say Physicist of sorts with my background and do have some knowledge with Aerodynamics and things like pressure waves, geometry and metal fatigue and what temperature fluctuations do to it, especially heat.

Apart from knowledge on construction, we are on a par, I am a bit rusty but the basics never leave you. Like you I can also fly an aeroplane but I don’t claim to be an expert on the subject. You decry any notion you do not understand. As you claim to be knowledgeable on aerodynamics tell me what Theorem determines that a wing cross section is normally asymmetrical? Simple if you do know anything about aerodynamics or as it is better known to me, fluid dynamics!
On top of this, you provide NO motive as to why this was an inside job. The Americans don't need to do such a thing not to mention the fact that they are not known throughout their history for false flags.

I don’t and never have subscribed to the idea that it was an inside job. I am sorry but the US (CIA) are known for their involvement in ‘false flags’. Gulf of Tonkin Incident, and USS Liberty and the Iranian Mossadegh incidents spring to mind.
They are a superpower. They are able to do what they want. It's not as if they will be punished or even suffer sanctions.

Maybe that is the attitude that leads to all the violence in the World today and the reason so many countries despise the US? (i.e. we do it my way or else.) “We, the American people are the exceptional and indispensible race.” ..... Obama said so, it is a matter of record. You may worship the very ground the US walks on but you are certainly not in a majority!
No motive, and all credible engineering firms have not refuted the American reports. There are many conspiracists on the www who refute it and you might find some qualified people among them, but not one credible engineering firm, university department of engineering but just disgruntled people with a chip on their shoulder, conspiracists, and others motivated by a political agenda
I think B25 answered that one? Plenty of Universities have refuted the stories as have members of Professional Institutes, including those in the aviation world.
This is going nowhere. When you make accusations of murder, the first thing investigators look for is a motive. You have not even got one.

I have never provided a motive because you would not even consider it without a mountain of what you consider as irrefutable proof, in other words it has to prove you right! But give you a story that jet fuel can melt steel and cause the collapse of two buildings on the same day, and one that collapsed almost identically due to fire but no Jet A1, and you swallow it even though no such a thing has ever happened before. You never question your story or its sources. When I try to give you an explanation, you get stroppy, try to mock what you don’t understand, belittle the messenger and then throw your toys out of the pram when I won't agree with you.

As I said .... Newtons Laws of Motion are basic physics taught in all senior schools in my day . Add to that a bit of common sense and it says what we are told happened on 9/11 is not supported by the facts.

The actual attacks could well be just as you describe them ......... but their motive is not really known. I doubt it was the American way of life as by all reports the hijackers enjoyed it! I doubt it was Islam as none of them were serious practitioners. I think they just hated the USA and everything it stands for. That has brushed off on all the countries that have supported their attacks on the rest of the World and they have now become targets as well. I think a foreign invader destroying your country and the people, is a good enough motive .... at least for the terrorist attacks.

In my book the terrorist attacks and the collapse of all three towers; the reason the Pentagon was targeted and fight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania, are not part of the terrorist ‘scenario’ .... it just piggy backed on those events and was planned and implemented years before the terrorist attacks of 911. The motive ....... firstly to prevent a catastrophe when the US realised the vulnerability of the twin towers to terrorist attack ........ and then later for financial gain ! I don’t have any proof just a feeling that fits the events to a tee. :roll:
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:49 am

We are still going nowhere. And there is nothing basic about this.

This attack was unprecedented and has there ever been a fire on 15 floors at different chunks of groupings which was eventually controlled.

There is nothing unreasonable with this building collapsing on itself. At least no reputable engineering firms who build these kind of buildings in the world's major cities are willing to contradict the Government reports and many consultants were used to make these reports.

Not one university department but you will find many self acclaimed so called experts and know all but none from a major firm that build things like the Burj Khalifa Tower or Etihad Tower.

In addition, still no motive. Nothing.

All we get is made up rubbish but you got no evidence.

If I wanted an opinion I would ask you but to pass it off common sense based on your understanding of science and as common sense is arrogant especially when you are at odds with all the real expert and professional analysis from the biggest construction firms on the planet including the firm that built WTC7.

In the end you can believe what you want and frequent all the nefarious sites, but this event took place 15 years ago and the world has winced moved on. Nothing stands still.

The US invaded Afghanistan and they invaded Iraq. There was no need for any set piece to invade Iraq. That was about WMD back then.

In addition, the USA has no history of being this disgusting. Assad and Pootin do. Seeing young kids in those bombed out hospitals with their lungs burned out is something completely disgusting on par with the Rwanda Genocide where some 1 million Rwandans were hacked to death on the streets in full view of UN peacekeepers.

But of course, black and Syrian lives don't matter as much as French lives do they?

You would think that in the face of such war crimes, the entire world would mobilize and send troops to Rwanda to stop the killings or to Aleppo to stop the bombings of civilians and chemical attacks. But nothing.

The only countries trying to help Aleppo are the coalition. To me that say's something about the USA, France, Australia and UK and it also says something about all those doing nothing.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:01 am

Whether you like it or not, Assad is a war criminal and Pootin is cutting it mighty fine in the war crimes department too.

That is their legacy and that is how history will record them.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 16, 2016 2:20 am

There were 3500 victims in the Sep11 attacks. Let's say they each had 20 family mourning their murder. That's 70,000 people immediately affected. Then add all their close friends and associates. The figure then expands further.

You would think that the families would say something. If I had lost an immediate family member, then my personality would drive me to read and analyse the thousands of pages of reports. I would become an expert and I have the analytical brain to do it as well. I'm not beating my own drum or anything, but I have the brain to do these kind of things. I would also get advice from consultants and I would spend thousands paying them too. That is what I would do, especially if it was my wife or one of my kids. I would appoint lawyers and get advice.

I would come to my own assessments and if I find any evidence then I will create waves in the courts and the media and I know how to manipulate media as well.

But out of all those people we hear nothing. These are the people most effected. I would think someone has done what I would do and has hit the wall.

In America, if you got money, people and the courts will hear you. You can do anything and be given a hearing.

But nothing.

So we are expected to take every idiots opinion. No thanks.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:02 am

The world is not right is it? If it was right we would have an international rapid reaction force of Nations, similar to a coalition. We would send troops into Aleppo to stop the bombardment and use of chemical weapons. That is all it takes. Coalition troops into Aleppo and the bombings are likely to stop because Assad and Pootin don't have the guts to drop any bombs anywhere near American troops.

But all we do as an international community is watch kids getting gassed and unable to breathe and shrug our shoulders. And anyone who supports this should have a good hard look at themselves.

There is no reason for these crimes to take place. They shouldn't be tolerated. Rwanda was a massacre on par with the holocaust of ww2. Again, the world did nothing. Cyprus gets invaded, Timor is invaded, Georgia and Ukraine are invaded. No one does anything. We bring these wars on ourselves and it's only a matter of time before something happens between the Koreas.

So tell me? What is the point of the UN? It does nothing.

It should be compulsory to intervene in places like Syria. Compulsory with an International Intervention Force. Aleppo is a war crime scene pure and simple. People need to be held accountable. Yes occupy the damn God fore sakes place if you have to. Just to stop the chemical attacks.

I would be a lot more concerned about the bombings of Aleppo. No matter how you dice it, the coalition doesn't play dirty like this, use chemical weapons or deliberately target schools and hospitals all little children playing soccer amid the bombed out ruins and hazardous streets.

The only countries doing something is the coalition. Not enough in my opinion.

If it were up to me, there would be 300,000 troops in Syria. Create safe havens and God help Assad if these troops are attacked. Attack them, then Assad better hide in his bunker.
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