Thanks to the Yanks, the Brits have got the shits BUT:-
You can depend upon ISIS in a CRISIS.
'Ivor Bin-Tuda Benghazi'
Goodnight Brother and peace be with you on this day "Insha Allah".
Schnauzer wrote:Thanks to the Yanks, the Brits have got the shits BUT:-
You can depend upon ISIS in a CRISIS.
'Ivor Bin-Tuda Benghazi'
Goodnight Brother and peace be with you on this day "Insha Allah".
miltiades wrote:It is time that someone took a stand against those members, namely and predominantly the Convert Pervert and the Psychopath, both of whom have thrown their full support with the enemies of the west, enemies of their own people , enemies of civilization. These sick bastards are both ...religious. !
They have fully justified numerous atrocious attacks on innocent civilians not only in Europe but in Tunisia too.
I hate their views immensely and I have had enough of their audaciousness in blaming the west for every gruesome barbaric attack upon innocent people the world across perpetrated by fanatic savages.
Let me make it crystal clear once more. I shall expose these two sick bastards for what they are not only on this forum but at any other level that I consider as relevant. We have to put a stop to this " crusade" against our west, Cyprus included, we are a nation of people that have respect for our ancestry , our loved ones now departed, our children and grandchildren and our generations to come.
We have long left the dark ages behind, we can NOT accept the open promotion of savages by these two sick bastards.
Schnauzer wrote:miltiades wrote:It is time that someone took a stand against those members, namely and predominantly the Convert Pervert and the Psychopath, both of whom have thrown their full support with the enemies of the west, enemies of their own people , enemies of civilization. These sick bastards are both ...religious. !
They have fully justified numerous atrocious attacks on innocent civilians not only in Europe but in Tunisia too.
I hate their views immensely and I have had enough of their audaciousness in blaming the west for every gruesome barbaric attack upon innocent people the world across perpetrated by fanatic savages.
Let me make it crystal clear once more. I shall expose these two sick bastards for what they are not only on this forum but at any other level that I consider as relevant. We have to put a stop to this " crusade" against our west, Cyprus included, we are a nation of people that have respect for our ancestry , our loved ones now departed, our children and grandchildren and our generations to come.
We have long left the dark ages behind, we can NOT accept the open promotion of savages by these two sick bastards.
Thus spake Miltiades, the little weasel who deserted Cyprus and sought refuge in the lands of his country's arch enemy.
He who now proposes to return like a triumphant 'Odysseus' to a Cyprus divided by the very nation (underhandedly of course) which has been instrumental in ensuring that Cyprus will NEVER be the same again.
He who would not even spend a decent holiday in his homeland, for fear of being obliged to conform to the requirements of the period of 'Military Service' expected from EVERY young man with 'Courage and Respect' in their souls.
Cyprus does not need weasels like he, if he came anywhere near MY regiment, I would have him arrested, strapped to a 'Gun Carriage', flogged for cowardice and 'Frogmarched' back to the land from whence he came.
An utter disgrace to ANY nation that would accommodate him (and his unseemly filthy verbal outbursts)
Lordo wrote:ang on a minute milti, in ww2 the brits respected gen rommel, did that make them sympatisers of the nazis. your brain has gone mush from all that wine drinking. zip it and save everybody from getting a head ache ffs.
Schnauzer wrote:Lordo wrote:ang on a minute milti, in ww2 the brits respected gen rommel, did that make them sympatisers of the nazis. your brain has gone mush from all that wine drinking. zip it and save everybody from getting a head ache ffs.
Lordo, you have touched upon an area beyond the comprehension of the likes of Miltiades.
Not having served in the 'Military' (in ANY capacity) throughout his miserable life, he was never taught the basic principles which require one to respect one's enemy., therefore he cannot engage properly with ANY situation where matters of 'Military Conflict' are concerned.
In 'Verbal Confrontations' his only weapon is the 'Virtuosity' of his vile vocabulary, which he probably launches into whenever he considers himself to be on the wrong side of an exchange of views and which would (of course) disadvantage and discourage ANY respectable person from continuing any discussion they may have been involved in with him, HE would consider that 'A Victory'
I can only guess at the validity of the above observation BUT, if his 'Written' exchanges are anything to use as 'Yardsticks', it is perfectly reasonable to suppose that his 'Conversational' exchanges would be even MORE foul and, in MY experiences on this forum, having quite often 'Borne the Whip' of his filthy abuse and insult, 'Incredulity' is my only defence as to why I entertain the foul beast at all, I suppose I am testing the water (as it were) in order to discover just what depths he is prepared to plumb before the realization dawns upon him that he is actually insulting and demeaning himself, rather than his perceived target.
May 'Allah' shine grace upon him, he has only recently converted to the faith (unknowingly I'm sure) and has not yet learned how to conduct or express himself in accordance with the expectations of his 'Brothers'., may 'Allah' be merciful unto him also.
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