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MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

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MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby MrH » Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:53 pm

Map 1 has been leaked. It shows sizable territory handed to the new Greek Cypriot Constituent State, including Morphou (Guzelyurt), The entire area below it until the current border, and all the land East from Nicosia to, and including the Varosha (Maras).

It looks like a "HAYIR" from the Turkish Cypriots and Akinci's resignation if this fails!

According to reports, Turkey is using Guzelyurt (Morphou) as a bargaining chip in return for the entire Karpaz area. Unfortunately, the land being returned, including the Northern British base doesn't really leave the Turkish Cypriots with much to desire for!

However, according to the word on the Street, the Turkish Cypriots are apparently ready to sign ANY deal that is agreed by Akinci, therefore it looks like the island's future will once again be in the "OXI" vote of our Greek Cypriot Compatriots!

Enjoy the map, and as Nicos to verify it!
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby MrH » Mon Sep 05, 2016 5:03 pm

On a serious note, Turkey and Akinci, after their last meeting according to credible sources, are very serious in reaching a Federal deal - I mean very serious!

Seeing that Nicos approved the Annan Plan back in 2004, it's actually looking like the Greek Cypriots may get what they desired for under a Federal umbrella.

Morphou will definitely be handed over to the Greek Cypriots, including the Varosha and one of the British bases and ALL of the area covering the Buffer Zone. Apparently, the reason for this is that Kyrenia, Karpaz and Famagusta are REDLINES for the Turkish Cypriot side and Turkey. Nicos apparently tried to compromise for those areas, but Turkey threatened to scarper the entire talks process if this was pushed!

In addition, Turkey will only be a Guarantor of the Turkish Cypriot State, again according to credible sources.
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Sep 05, 2016 5:32 pm

Nope... the entire top half should be blue and not an inch less.
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby MrH » Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:04 pm

Get Real.....

Get Real! LOL........You should actually count your chickens lucky as in 1974 Turkey's intention after it realised the mass acts of genocide in Muratage, Sandalar and Akincilar (coincidentally!), was to capture the entire island and annex it in its second operation but Former R.R.Denktas warned Turkey not to do it as he had a plan in TRICKING Makarios in signing the High Level agreements - which is what exactly happened in 1979!

So, weather you like it or not, a Federal solution is actually the fault of your great leader Makarios back in 1979 (that dumb religious twat whom used to walk around with his Lord of the Rings Stick and condemn Greece Coup on the 15th July 1974 and praise Turkey!). It's funny how he's so praised by your people when it was him who agreed to your Nicos being compelled around a table in discussing a Federal formula based of Two federated states. Hilarious politics.

Anyway, unless your people Reject the new BAN-KI-MOON Plan heading our way, it looks pretty much certain that your Turkish Invaders will finally be able to Legalise their Peace Operation Campaign LOL
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:40 pm

Too bad MrH… you should’ve killed us when you could because now we’re armed to the teeth and want ALL our land back.
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:51 pm

Get Real! wrote:Too bad MrH… you should’ve killed us when you could because now we’re armed to the teeth and want ALL our land back.

have you had gold teeth put in or somefink. if you are making an appointment for the dentist make it at tooth hurty in the afternoon.
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:54 pm

MrH wrote:Map 1 has been leaked. It shows sizable territory handed to the new Greek Cypriot Constituent State, including Morphou (Guzelyurt), The entire area below it until the current border, and all the land East from Nicosia to, and including the Varosha (Maras).

It looks like a "HAYIR" from the Turkish Cypriots and Akinci's resignation if this fails!

According to reports, Turkey is using Guzelyurt (Morphou) as a bargaining chip in return for the entire Karpaz area. Unfortunately, the land being returned, including the Northern British base doesn't really leave the Turkish Cypriots with much to desire for!

However, according to the word on the Street, the Turkish Cypriots are apparently ready to sign ANY deal that is agreed by Akinci, therefore it looks like the island's future will once again be in the "OXI" vote of our Greek Cypriot Compatriots!

Enjoy the map, and as Nicos to verify it!

this map looks about right, i always said it will be south of famagusta omorfo highway except ercan airport. that should allow about 90,000 people to return to their villages under groc and the rest can choose to exchange or move back up north and help protect us from the settlers. can't say fairer than that.
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby MrH » Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:11 pm

Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Unread postby Get Real! » Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:40 pm
Too bad MrH… you should’ve killed us when you could because now we’re armed to the teeth and want ALL our land back.

If you had any balls you would have declared war on us a million times over. Guns and weapons DO NOT win a war alone Get Real, where it takes REAL Soldiers and MEN and Turkey has 23 Million available personnel to demolish anything Greek in their way, on top of making their own Tanks, Attack helicopters, frigates and MLRS, it's the discipline of our Turkish Military that the Greeks both in Cyprus and Greece will never understand. You have to be Turkish to know that.

Come and Take Northern Cyprus by force and wake up to the biggest shock of your life you dumb fool. All you guys have been since 1974 is Talk, and no play.

Here's the FINAL Word - IF IT WERE THE GREEKS WHOM INVADED A TURKISH CYPRUS IN 1974, US TURKS WOULD HAVE RETAKEN THEN NORTH A MILLION TIMES OVER. Seeing that you haven't got the balls to ever strike even an Arrow over our Turkish Border in Cyprus, I would suggest you look at the military facts and your NONE-ACTION since 1974 and crawl under that tiny rock you refer to as the Republic of Cyprus.

I challenge the Greek Cypriots to put their strength where their big mouths are and try to RECLAIM northern Cyprus tomorrow. Face the facts - you Lost! Finished, Gone!

Every nation in Europe knows what kind of an Arse-kicking you'd get if Turkey ever flexes its muscle in Cyprus Today. If you though Turkey was tough in 1974, we'd be screaming with mortifying horror as to what Turkey would do to you today.

What an idiot - You guys truly are a bunch of stupid dreamers.

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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:56 pm

MrH wrote:If you had any balls you would have declared war on us a million times over. Guns and weapons DO NOT win a war alone Get Real, where it takes REAL Soldiers and MEN and Turkey has 23 Million available personnel to demolish anything Greek in their way, on top of making their own Tanks, Attack helicopters, frigates and MLRS, it's the discipline of our Turkish Military that the Greeks both in Cyprus and Greece will never understand. You have to be Turkish to know that.

Come and Take Northern Cyprus by force and wake up to the biggest shock of your life you dumb fool. All you guys have been since 1974 is Talk, and no play.

What we need is not balls but manpower to match the current foe. Eventually the foe will be split up into 2-3 separate states and then your community will start running in different directions, and I hope we are still around so I can remind you about those “balls” you once hand while in great numbers! :lol:

So there is no such thing as balls but NUMBERS MrH, and one day when your numbers dwindle as a result of geopolitical developments, you’d better run as fast as you can because the “Turkish balls” will have gone out the window!
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby Flying Horse » Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:50 pm

Pigs might fly, I'll believe it when I see an official sign on the dotted line. Not some bloke who claims to have inside information
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