Mustiejodu wrote:Some of you gc really do live in the land of nod. Get real you need to get real. As for the rest of you I just can't understand your naivity or is it plain arrogance or stupidity. I am bewildered by your responses on this topic subject or most topics for that matter. Some of you are already thinking of ways to destabilise tc if this deal was to ever follow through. For 42 years since Turkish military presence in Cyprus there has not been one attempt to take back what you believe is rightfully yours. Most people fight for what they believe but deep down you guys are ashamed of what you did to your tc brothers pre 1974. Which is why you don't have the stomach for a fight as your people are brave as proven in your struggles against the Brits. I am a realist and the reality is even Europe fears turkey and they have since 13th century against the ottomans. I see your soldiers and their lack of discipline similar to tc soldiers in a sense but the Turks are very different. They are extremely disciplined and are masters of warfare. you won the political battle up until now by any means to undermine tc people hence why no other country has ever recognised the north but one battle you can never win is in warfare. Not saying your gutless but it is to do with numbers and the ability.
Turkey has never won a single battle without foreign intervention, mustie.
In 1974 it was the Americans, and in 1922 it was the Brits, Germans and other western countries.
Therefore, please stop posting crap and read a history book.