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MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby boulio » Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:26 am ... #loginboxj

On the top lest corner it says 25% tc state that's the best the tc will get
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby MrH » Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:19 am

Postby boulio » Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:26 am ... #loginboxj

On the top lest corner it says 25% tc state that's the best the tc will get

Hmm, interesting. All I have been told is that Kyrenia, Famagusta and the Karpaz areas, including the areas from where water is being transported from Turkey are deep Redlines. Particularly Karpaz. The 25% appears to fall in line with the 4:1 Ratio, but I am guessing it'll probably be in the 27%-28% to be realistic.
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby MrH » Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:45 am

One thing I will say is the following, in note form:

(1) The plan will be produced, and Nicos and Mustafa are very serious about finding a solution.
(2) Turkey is serious about a "Federal" formula as they want to be a Transporter of any finds in the Hydro-carbon scenario.
(3) China and Turkey are ready in making major deals in Northern Cyprus if a Federal Formula is found
(4) A Federal Formula in Cyprus give the Turkish Cypriot State complete control, legitimate control of the waters between Cyprus and Turkey!
(5) If a Solution is not found, Turkey's only choice left is to Annex northern Cyprus which it apparently doesn't want to do!
(6) The Greek Cypriots need to remember that the more "Open" the parameters of a Federal Government, the more inviting to Foreign investors from Rich Turkey will be seen. In other words, it's a double-edged sword if the Greek Cypriot want a loose Federal government with Turkey at arms length!
(7) Turkey has huge tourism, commerce and transportation based interests in the future Turkish Cypriot State which it will promote and influence through its business contacts. The Greek Cypriots should be ready for this, as we know that Greece may feel overwhelmed with the power Turkey now has in the areas of world economy and interests.
(8) A Federal formula, in the eyes of Turkey and International law and with a legitimate Turkish Cypriot Federal State, with Turkey's backing of the Turkish Cypriot business forum, will set a new International stage for Turkish Cypriot businessman abroad and those already invested in the Turkish economy.
(9) Turkish Cypriot current businessmen and companies strongly embedded in Turkey such as the BOYACILAR, ONAR Group Holdings, LORDS, Touker, Suat Gunel Group and hundreds of other multimillionaires (billionaire even) operating alongside Turkey in construction, transport and commerce will instantly be internationally recognised and may give the Greek Cypriots a bit of a shock! These are only some of the hidden elements which the Greek Cyppriot man on the street has not been informed about. Turkey's influence with the Turkish Cypriots are connected via family too!
(10) In today's world, a Turkish Cypriot State under a Federal government with protected laws recognised by international law (unlike today in the TRNC) will see a very powerful Turkish Cypriot state with strong links to Turkey emerge as probably the more favorable of the two states for international companies such as Coca-cola, the Hilton group, and tens of more.

(40) The above is only a fraction of the advantages Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot State will experience the day after a Federal United Cyprus with Two Constituent States. I will let you fill in the gap between numbers 11 to 39!

On a final note, Akinci's last visit to Erdogan's office was actually spent more with meeting turkey's business federations and associations than with the Turkish president. In today's world, it's economics that drives Turkey and not the old "more land" backward idea.

A United Federal Republic of Cyprus with a recognised Turkish Cypriot State regardless of how small or large is a blessing Turkey is eagerly awaiting. If any of you understand about Government and Politics, passing laws through a government based on Economic (huge economic) influence and gain is what will be seen in a future United Federal Cyprus. Unless Greece suddenly wakes up tomorrow as a very powerful economically viable country, Cyprus will eventually be a very pleasing springboard for Turkish commerce.
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby B25 » Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:52 am

I would just prefer this:

(5) If a Solution is not found, Turkey's only choice left is to Annex northern Cyprus which it apparently doesn't want to do!

And you can stick the Turkish Businesses up yours and Turkeys ass. Giving a separate TC state will be the worst thing we ever did and would be the beginning of the end of Cyprus as we know it. It will be a haven for Turkish Mafiosi, prostitution, gambling and whatever else the Turks get up to.

We would have lost complete control of our country to Turkish money. At least this way you remain illegal in the eyes of international law, and maybe some day .......

Keep your money and poutanes re MrH.
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby Lordo » Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:51 pm

why are you so against tcs having their own state. what gives you the right to have a state and not the tcs. what kind of an ass are you
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 06, 2016 1:34 pm

Lordo wrote:why are you so against tcs having their own state. what gives you the right to have a state and not the tcs. what kind of an ass are you

You don’t deserve anything. You are the kindred of uninvited invaders who committed mass and prolonged crimes against the native Cypriots and for this you should be punished not rewarded.
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby Lordo » Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:10 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:why are you so against tcs having their own state. what gives you the right to have a state and not the tcs. what kind of an ass are you

You don’t deserve anything. You are the kindred of uninvited invaders who committed mass and prolonged crimes against the native Cypriots and for this you should be punished not rewarded.

boses fores na sou da bo - they left kibris in 1924 when the terggs signed the island to the brits

i am a cypriot through and my ancestors were here before yourse you nincompoop.

now here is a good bit of news that will cause all fanatic bar stewards here to froth in the mouth. the cyprus problem is 95 - 98 percent solved.
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:27 pm

Lordo wrote:now here is a good bit of news that will cause all fanatic bar stewards here to froth in the mouth. the cyprus problem is 95 - 98 percent solved.

Ok, so some criminal is 98% done putting a bunch of illegalities on paper…what you gonna do now with it other than use as toilet paper like all other plans before it? :lol:
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby Lordo » Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:39 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:now here is a good bit of news that will cause all fanatic bar stewards here to froth in the mouth. the cyprus problem is 95 - 98 percent solved.

Ok, so some criminal is 98% done putting a bunch of illegalities on paper…what you gonna do now with it other than use as toilet paper like all other plans before it? :lol:

lets see if the gc community has balls to say no to this one. remember why they voted no last time. they were told once in the eu there will be a better plan round the corner. your man lied through his teeth, he had no intention of agreeing to anything. this time is different.

how different you will unpleasantly surprised.

funny enough it has most of the annan plan in it - so no it was saved for this agreement. we used the cyprus lira and drachma for toilet paper instead.

98 per cent
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Re: MAP 1 - Leaked, Return of Morphou!

Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:30 pm

B25 wrote:I would just prefer this:

(5) If a Solution is not found, Turkey's only choice left is to Annex northern Cyprus which it apparently doesn't want to do!

And you can stick the Turkish Businesses up yours and Turkeys ass. Giving a separate TC state will be the worst thing we ever did and would be the beginning of the end of Cyprus as we know it. It will be a haven for Turkish Mafiosi, prostitution, gambling and whatever else the Turks get up to.

We would have lost complete control of our country to Turkish money. At least this way you remain illegal in the eyes of international law, and maybe some day .......

Keep your money and poutanes re MrH.

Most Greeks participating on this forum would be much more at home and more productive posting on :lol:
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