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Recipe for a little peace.

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Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Sep 04, 2016 9:38 am

One would imagine that at the age of 87 years of age, ANY person would be entitled to voice an opinion without having to face the prospect of committal to a prison cell and, with this in mind, I would cite the case of 'Ursula Haverbeck' a.k.a. 'Nazi-Oma' (Gott segne ihre seele).

This elderly Lady (whom I recently met) received a 10 month sentence in a Hamburg court for 'Holocaust Denial' and is quoted as insisting that the death camp at 'Auschwitz' deserves to be tagged as "The biggest, most sustainable LIE in history" and flatly refused to withdraw Her comments even though She knew what the outcome of such a refusal would be.

NOW, without getting into a 'Tizzy' about whether or not there may or may not be any truth in Her insistence, I think She is entitled to some respect for the 'Courage of Her Convictions', since a vast number of those of Her age are more prone to 'Alzheimer's' than they are to such an admirable degree of 'Tenacity'.

I spoke at length to Her and during the course of our conversation, She handed me a note (which was written in German) and asked me to forward it to the 'Board of Directors' of the 'Heinz Food Manufacturers' which I am now in the process of doing BUT, before I do, I would like to share with you ALL, some part of the conversation which encouraged the 'Dear Old Lady' to hand me the note.

Like MOST of us (I'm sure) She is absolutely fed up to the back teeth (pardon the cliche) with our almost 'Daily Dose' of references to the awful events which took place more than 70 years ago and, whether it be on 'Television' or reported in 'Newspapers', it is the same old story day after day after day and, quite frankly, I too am quite sick of being reminded of the horrors of 'The Holocaust', particularly since similar horrors (though not quite SO well advertised) are now being committed on a daily basis YET, nothing is being reported on it although we are all aware that there is mass slaughter and persecution rife in so many areas of this troubled world.

Strangely enough, these latter horrors are (in some cases) being perpetrated by the very survivors (or descendants of) those who suffered the consequences of their imprisonment and torture in those days when the world was embroiled in WW2.

Gone for a 'Cuppa', back soon. :wink:
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Lordo » Sun Sep 04, 2016 12:28 pm

for a brief moment i thought milti has got locked up.
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Sep 04, 2016 5:52 pm

The 'Cuppa' turned out to be rather more time consuming than I had been led to believe, I had to drive from the centre of London to Northampton and back and so, wine-glass to the left:-

The note 'Frau Haverbeck' handed me was in fact a 'Recipe' and the title written at the top of the page is 'Holocaust-Suppe' which is easily translated to 'Holocaust-Soup, the ingredients are rather interesting since they are a combination of 'Chicken and Vegetables' and, as such are admirably suitable for consumption by the 'Jewish' folk, 'Chicken soup' being possibly among their favourite 'Cure all' for a multitude of minor ailments, however, the interesting addition to the usual ingredients contained in the more 'Traditional' delicacy, is the vegetable chosen for inclusion.., 'Dieffenbachia', a common 'House-Plant with the extraordinary ability to cause a strange re-action to any who ingest it.

It apparently causes an immediate swelling of the tongue, increases the production of 'Saliva' in the mouth and renders the diner unable to speak (in some cases for many days) and it is freely available and quite popular in homes and offices throughout the world, the 'English' name for the plant is 'Dumb Cane' and the foregoing confirms the reason for it being so called.

As the 'Good Lady ' explained "Eine gute Schüssel der Suppe könnte verhindern, dass sie für ein paar Tage über den Holocaust sprechen" which loosely translated means, " A good bowl of it might stop them from talking about 'The Holocaust' for a few days" :lol:

Actually I am not confident as far as the acceptance of the 'Recipe' by the 'Heinz Board' is concerned, after all, there is a strong 'Jewish' presence in that organization and I am sure THEY too must relish 'Chicken Soup'.

'Frau Haverbeck' demonstrated a keen sense of humour when she made her next remark in response to my pointing out that the 'Jewish' folk were notorious for their fondness of 'Chicken Soup' and She immediately laughed and said, "Wenn es keine Juden waren, würde die Welt mit Hühner befallen werden".., "If there were no 'Jews', this world would be infested with 'Chickens' :lol:

On the PLUS side, 'Frau Haverbeck's' recipe might prove to be an asset to the 'Muslim Fraternity', particularly the 'Jihadists', just imagine, the 'Muslims' are also required to consume only 'Halal' (or 'Kosher') foodstuffs and if the 'Jihadi' slurped up a bowl before engaging in any battle, it could save lives since they would not be able to announce their presence by declaring "Allahu Akbar" as they leapt out of their place of concealment....Hmmm, perhaps the 'Recipe' should be copied and posted to them also.

'Frau Haverbeck' made one last (quite pensive) comment before I left Her, surprisingly in criticism of the 'Final Solution', She advocated that "Wenn alle Hühner getötet wurden, hätten die Juden zu Tode gehungert, und es wäre viel wirtschaftlicher gewesen" which I took to mean "If they had slaughtered ALL the 'Chickens' instead of the people, the Jews would have starved to death and it would have been more economical".... A grand old Lady, I left Her dozing off in a comfortable armchair and She seemed to have a quizzical smile on Her face as She mumbled something quite incoherent and drifted off into the land of nod.

Quite an interesting interview actually and 'I', as an invited guest, am obliged to report (as accurately as possible) that which passed in conversation between us....................... Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren !. :wink:
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Sep 04, 2016 6:55 pm

Lordo wrote:for a brief moment i thought milti has got locked up.

He's far too slippery mate, they could never catch him !. :lol:
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Lordo » Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:24 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
Lordo wrote:for a brief moment i thought milti has got locked up.

He's far too slippery mate, they could never catch him !. :lol:

it must be all that gel in his hair
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:34 am

It would appear that the recipe which I sent (on behalf of 'Frau Ursula Haverbeck') to the 'Board of Directors' of 'Heinz Foods' has been passed on to their laboratories for consideration, I must admit that I was initially rather surprised at having received a response BUT, after thinking about it, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for such an occurrence.

No mention was made of the consequences of ingestion of the soup in the 'Recipe', therefore, it was probably passed on as a matter of course within the 'Heinz Organization' and (if tested) the unusual properties will not be discovered until a little further 'Down the Line'.

A 'Good Hit' from 'Frau Haverbeck', as a sign of defiance from a tenacious 'Old Lady' to the 'Judiciary' which deemed it necessary to place Her in the confines of a prison cell merely because She (whether rightly or wrongly) opposed a popular 'Historical Opinion'.

One wonders if "The biggest most sustainable LIE in history " (according to 'Frau Haverbeck') will survive the passage of time now that the controversial opinions of the 9/11 incidents have re-surfaced for discussion, it looks as if there is an increasing amount of interest in the possibility that 'Old Larry Silverstein' may have shot Himself in the foot a bit and the doors of doubt have swung open a crack or two.

A 'Bowl of Soup' might have saved the day......,unfortunately THIS little 'Recipe' was not available in time to keep His mouth shut. :wink:
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Schnauzer » Tue May 08, 2018 7:16 pm

Felt I had to revive this particular thread since the dear old soul (Frau Ursula Haverbeck) has been hunted down and arrested once again for the crime of refusing to acknowledge the 'Holocaust'....... :lol:

One would have thought that at the age of 89 the dear old soul would be left in peace BUT, I really think that the authorities are more incensed about the 'Recipe' that she conjured up in order to emphasize her disapproval of constant reminders of (How we suffered) whilst the ongoing campaigns of imposing suffering upon others is still in full swing, perpetrated by the very (How we sufferers) that have been wailing about their misfortunes ever since.

God Bless the dear old soul, she exhibits the same tenacity as my old mate Bob (Robert Mugabe) who likewise does not capitulate to the whims and wiles of wailers.

A good bowl of soup might be the answer to the deluge of crap emanating from the halls of power in many places on the face of the earth. 8)
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Paphitis » Wed May 09, 2018 12:49 am

Is this her in her younger years? Gee she was certainly a pretty cute young girl! :lol:

Nice blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin.

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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed May 09, 2018 11:15 pm

Paphitis wrote:Is this her in her younger years? Gee she was certainly a pretty cute young girl! :lol:

Nice blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin.


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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed May 09, 2018 11:30 pm

She's a right wing extremist who so far has written 3+ huge books with more or less the same content.
Point is she did not serve not even one day in prison (i think her total convictions were more than 4 years).
She's been drag to courts all the time, but they cannot even detain her for some legal reasons.
Lawyers make money, she makes money, the legal system fails(Imo on purpose), it's all a big circus...
Point is the German society is very hypocritical. Most of them show polite and civilized, but
that's just a smoke screen for what they really are: Huns.
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