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Recipe for a little peace.

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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri May 11, 2018 4:28 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Is this her in her younger years? Gee she was certainly a pretty cute young girl! :lol:

Nice blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin.



But if that is little Gudrun she is friend of the Frau...
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri May 11, 2018 4:32 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:She's a right wing extremist who so far has written 3+ huge books with more or less the same content.
Point is she did not serve not even one day in prison (i think her total convictions were more than 4 years).
She's been drag to courts all the time, but they cannot even detain her for some legal reasons.
Lawyers make money, she makes money, the legal system fails(Imo on purpose), it's all a big circus...
Point is the German society is very hypocritical. Most of them show polite and civilized, but
that's just a smoke screen for what they really are: Huns.

That is her Pyro. She is the Daughter of a SS Henchman, who was convicted at Nuremberg.

That is the person in the photos.

She obviously has some serious gripes over the execution of her Dad, which is understandable I guess. So she has gone on a campaign of Holocaust denial.

She is probably being targeted because of her family SS links as well.

Oh and no. Please don't call Germans Huns. it isn't very nice. They can call Greeks and Cypriots all kinds of things too because we are not exactly more smart or civilised than Germans are. There are Germans of all walks of life. Yes they tend to be regimented and cold generally speaking but we can certainly take a leaf or 2 out of their book because they are highly organised and actually progress as a country. They do roll up their sleeves and are more selfless too.

You said Germans are Huns.

You also said African Blacks are dum or not as smart as whites - white supremacists feel the same way too.

You also said something about Hispanics on either side of the US border as being shit compared to more shit. :roll:

But are we suppose to be more intelligent, civilized or better than them? Doesn't appear so.

Paph, sorry no, the "Lady" that little dog is barking on about is likely not the one in the picture, but if the one on the picture Should be Gudrun Himmler then they are friends and likely birds of feather... why I am not surprised that the little dog is generating his usual racist shit? Does he get his jollies off with it, more than he does humping someone's leg, for whic that breed is infamous?
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri May 11, 2018 5:27 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:She's a right wing extremist who so far has written 3+ huge books with more or less the same content.
Point is she did not serve not even one day in prison (i think her total convictions were more than 4 years).
She's been drag to courts all the time, but they cannot even detain her for some legal reasons.
Lawyers make money, she makes money, the legal system fails(Imo on purpose), it's all a big circus...
Point is the German society is very hypocritical. Most of them show polite and civilized, but
that's just a smoke screen for what they really are: Huns.

That is her Pyro. She is the Daughter of a SS Henchman, who was convicted at Nuremberg.

That is the person in the photos.

She obviously has some serious gripes over the execution of her Dad, which is understandable I guess. So she has gone on a campaign of Holocaust denial.

She is probably being targeted because of her family SS links as well.

Oh and no. Please don't call Germans Huns. it isn't very nice. They can call Greeks and Cypriots all kinds of things too because we are not exactly more smart or civilised than Germans are. There are Germans of all walks of life. Yes they tend to be regimented and cold generally speaking but we can certainly take a leaf or 2 out of their book because they are highly organised and actually progress as a country. They do roll up their sleeves and are more selfless too.

You said Germans are Huns.

You also said African Blacks are dum or not as smart as whites - white supremacists feel the same way too.

You also said something about Hispanics on either side of the US border as being shit compared to more shit. :roll:

But are we suppose to be more intelligent, civilized or better than them? Doesn't appear so.

First of all it was not a war of the Nazis. It was a war of the Axis which included Germany, Italy, and Japan. The crimes of the Nazis were not evident from the beginning.

For your information Greece had strong economic and military ties to Germany which actually continued with Nazi Germany. The only reason Greece did not join the Axis was because King George II was pro-British. If you were the King I am absolutely certain you would have joined the Axis because you always side with the ones that have the most chances of coming out winners.

Show me where I ever said I support Putin or Assad. I am really tired of this habit of yours.
If you mean not been anti-Putin for absolutely no reason other that fantasies in my head (like you do) means I support Putin, then may God have mercy on you.

Israel is a state built on theft, ethnic cleansing, cold blood murder, and colonizing.
It just exists because of the Zionist control over the USA. It’s at constant risk of getting vanished from the map and that’s why the US supplied it with nukes. Israel lives on constant fear, because it’s surrounded by enemies. Israel can be defeated with a clever Guerrilla war and that’s what it fears the most. It can’t add more enemies like stealing on our EEZ. In fact making a deal with us and all neighboring countries including Egypt establishes itself as a "normal" state with friendly relations with it’s neighbors. It needs some more time to eradicate the Palestinians completely. We will see what will happen after that.

Notice Cyprus itself was one of the places the Zionists were looking to built their Jewish state in the earlier 20th century. ... wish_state

Oh and please don’t make me laugh. Israel is as much of a democracy as the occupied areas in Cyprus are and as S.Africa’s apartheit regime was. Elections don’t make democracy in a military state that restricts basic freedoms to civilians, demolishes Palestinian houses, bombs neighborhoods, kills at will, applies ethnic cleansing, and does colonizing.

What’s your point about Stalin? He wasn’t the only dictator among the allies, China was also an ally, plus many other dictatorships. Greece was under dictator Metaxas on the first place.
The truth is the Russians lost 20 million soldiers (the heaviest loss among all allies). But they were the first to enter Berlin. and liberate people. Russians were the ones who found the burned bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun, where Himler and his wife poisoned their children and then committed suicide as well. Honor is due to the Russian soldiers. Don’t mess the dictators in the picture. The Greek victory in Albania was not Metaxa’s
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Paphitis » Sat May 12, 2018 3:20 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:She's a right wing extremist who so far has written 3+ huge books with more or less the same content.
Point is she did not serve not even one day in prison (i think her total convictions were more than 4 years).
She's been drag to courts all the time, but they cannot even detain her for some legal reasons.
Lawyers make money, she makes money, the legal system fails(Imo on purpose), it's all a big circus...
Point is the German society is very hypocritical. Most of them show polite and civilized, but
that's just a smoke screen for what they really are: Huns.

That is her Pyro. She is the Daughter of a SS Henchman, who was convicted at Nuremberg.

That is the person in the photos.

She obviously has some serious gripes over the execution of her Dad, which is understandable I guess. So she has gone on a campaign of Holocaust denial.

She is probably being targeted because of her family SS links as well.

Oh and no. Please don't call Germans Huns. it isn't very nice. They can call Greeks and Cypriots all kinds of things too because we are not exactly more smart or civilised than Germans are. There are Germans of all walks of life. Yes they tend to be regimented and cold generally speaking but we can certainly take a leaf or 2 out of their book because they are highly organised and actually progress as a country. They do roll up their sleeves and are more selfless too.

You said Germans are Huns.

You also said African Blacks are dum or not as smart as whites - white supremacists feel the same way too.

You also said something about Hispanics on either side of the US border as being shit compared to more shit. :roll:

But are we suppose to be more intelligent, civilized or better than them? Doesn't appear so.

First of all it was not a war of the Nazis. It was a war of the Axis which included Germany, Italy, and Japan. The crimes of the Nazis were not evident from the beginning.

For your information Greece had strong economic and military ties to Germany which actually continued with Nazi Germany. The only reason Greece did not join the Axis was because King George II was pro-British. If you were the King I am absolutely certain you would have joined the Axis because you always side with the ones that have the most chances of coming out winners.

Show me where I ever said I support Putin or Assad. I am really tired of this habit of yours.
If you mean not been anti-Putin for absolutely no reason other that fantasies in my head (like you do) means I support Putin, then may God have mercy on you.

Israel is a state built on theft, ethnic cleansing, cold blood murder, and colonizing.
It just exists because of the Zionist control over the USA. It’s at constant risk of getting vanished from the map and that’s why the US supplied it with nukes. Israel lives on constant fear, because it’s surrounded by enemies. Israel can be defeated with a clever Guerrilla war and that’s what it fears the most. It can’t add more enemies like stealing on our EEZ. In fact making a deal with us and all neighboring countries including Egypt establishes itself as a "normal" state with friendly relations with it’s neighbors. It needs some more time to eradicate the Palestinians completely. We will see what will happen after that.

Notice Cyprus itself was one of the places the Zionists were looking to built their Jewish state in the earlier 20th century. ... wish_state

Oh and please don’t make me laugh. Israel is as much of a democracy as the occupied areas in Cyprus are and as S.Africa’s apartheit regime was. Elections don’t make democracy in a military state that restricts basic freedoms to civilians, demolishes Palestinian houses, bombs neighborhoods, kills at will, applies ethnic cleansing, and does colonizing.

What’s your point about Stalin? He wasn’t the only dictator among the allies, China was also an ally, plus many other dictatorships. Greece was under dictator Metaxas on the first place.
The truth is the Russians lost 20 million soldiers (the heaviest loss among all allies). But they were the first to enter Berlin. and liberate people. Russians were the ones who found the burned bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun, where Himler and his wife poisoned their children and then committed suicide as well. Honor is due to the Russian soldiers. Don’t mess the dictators in the picture. The Greek victory in Albania was not Metaxa’s

Oh thank you very much Pyro. I am well aware of the Axis between Germany, Japan and Italy. Australia just had its ANZAC Day which is its National Day for all wars and for all fallen, not just Gallipoli which is said to be the first Australian engagement in history but actually wasn't as the very first was The Boer War in South Africa under the British Flag as Australia did not become a country until 1901.

We as a country know all about Japan. And let me tell you, it was better apparently to fight against Germans than it was with the Japanese. That is because the German Soldiers were capable of some form of compassion or sympathy to any allied captives. The Japanese had no such thing to any allied troops.

In Australia's case though, about a quarter of its soldiers are of German Prussian heritage. During WW1, the entire Western Front was under the command of an Australian Prussian Jew (maybe why Hitler hated Jews). And that posed another general dynamic altogether which was not good for Australians or Germans fighting in WW1 or WW2.

Greece didn't join the German side which was very lucky for Greece, because it would have been decimated if it did after the war as a punishment. Greece chose the winning side. The Greek Monarch abided by this as well. And the Greek king was Prussian too. So no, it was never a given that he was going to side with Germany. he only hosted some NAZIs before the war and did his diplomatic duties.
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Londonrake » Sat May 12, 2018 8:32 pm

There seems little point in engaging with people who regard what happened to the Jews in 1936 - 1945 Germany as being fabricated. From Kystallnacht to the liberation of the death camps.

There's more evidence, anecdotal and a matter of record, than you could possibly shake a stick at. Why on earth are we even discussing this? Nevertheless, I suspect that all of the evidence will be regarded as contrived by such morons. Much like arguing with a deeply religious person about the existence of God I would think (probably a bad analogy).

It seems to me to be a case of reinforcement for the old maxim though: "Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it."

And they wonder why the Jews, after this, realising they can never trust anybody but themselves, sought their own homeland and nowadays defend it to the death, ferociously, from all comers.

I will go so far as to say that those who willfully and publicly promote denial of these crimes are evil bastards - and fully deserve their fate.

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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat May 12, 2018 9:30 pm

the likely reason Greece did not join the Axis was because Mussolini made demands. Had he left Greece alone then at the minimum Greece would have stayed out - and bearing mind the antipathy to communism under the Metaxas regime, after the Invasion of the USSR might even have committed troops to fight in Russia. That would totally have changed the Dynamics of the Middle East and North African war. Could even have seen Cyprus threatned with Invasion.
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 13, 2018 1:27 am

Londonrake wrote:There seems little point in engaging with people who regard what happened to the Jews in 1936 - 1945 Germany as being fabricated. From Kystallnacht to the liberation of the death camps.

There's more evidence, anecdotal and a matter of record, than you could possibly shake a stick at. Why on earth are we even discussing this? Nevertheless, I suspect that all of the evidence will be regarded as contrived by such morons. Much like arguing with a deeply religious person about the existence of God I would think (probably a bad analogy).

It seems to me to be a case of reinforcement for the old maxim though: "Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it."

And they wonder why the Jews, after this, realising they can never trust anybody but themselves, sought their own homeland and nowadays defend it to the death, ferociously, from all comers.

I will go so far as to say that those who willfully and publicly promote denial of these crimes are evil bastards - and fully deserve their fate.


...well said.

@Stud, i recall the famous quote from Churchill, that Greeks do not fight like heroes, heroes fight like Greeks.
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Re: Recipe for a little peace.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun May 13, 2018 2:40 pm

Londonrake wrote:There seems little point in engaging with people who regard what happened to the Jews in 1936 - 1945 Germany as being fabricated. From Kystallnacht to the liberation of the death camps.

There's more evidence, anecdotal and a matter of record, than you could possibly shake a stick at. Why on earth are we even discussing this? Nevertheless, I suspect that all of the evidence will be regarded as contrived by such morons. Much like arguing with a deeply religious person about the existence of God I would think (probably a bad analogy).

It seems to me to be a case of reinforcement for the old maxim though: "Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it."

And they wonder why the Jews, after this, realising they can never trust anybody but themselves, sought their own homeland and nowadays defend it to the death, ferociously, from all comers.

I will go so far as to say that those who willfully and publicly promote denial of these crimes are evil bastards - and fully deserve their fate.


I am wondering how the old crow managed to fill in thousands of pages in the 3+ books she wrote.
I once spent my time reading Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and I got excited when I came to the point he tried to explain how he evolved to a Jew hater. To my surprise he said that initially he had no idea about the Jews, had nothing against them. Then one day he saw a few Jews doing this and that and he concluded those people were everywhere and were about to enslave Germany.!! What the heck not even a child could ever be convinced by that.

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