Pyrpolizer wrote:Paphitis wrote:I need to tell you why the holocaust occurred. Why? Do I also have to explain why I believe the Pope is Catholic? That is what you are asking me to do.
The NAZIs has a very efficient system of extermination during WW2 and those targeted were the Jews, Blacks, Homosexuals, the Mentally ill and Disabled, many Poles, Russians, Communists, and alleged traitors.
In addition, I have a good friend (Polish) whose ancestor (Grandmother) was in Auschwitz and they saw with their eyes the Transports, Selection and the March to the “showers” where women, children, and elderly were destroyed. It was a factory and no one was expected to get out.
The Jews were not the only ones, but they were the overwhelming majority. There was a NAZI ambition to eradicate them in Europe at least.
You also misunderstand. Israel really isn’t the evil country that is portrayed. Their every action is usually a response to an act of aggression against them. Such as the 1967 war where they had the entire Sinai Peninsula as well as the Golan Heights. They ended up returning the Sinai because the signed a Treaty with Egypt.
There action in Syria is once again a response to an Iranian Rocket fires into the Golan Heights.
If they wanted to stuff around, they wouldn’t have recognized the Cyprus EEZ. But they did and they are a country that actually recognizes The Law of the Sea. Turkey and China do not.
So Israel is such a natural ally.
Of course you have to explain why you BELEIVE the holocaust occurred. It's not a mathematical axiom that you take for granted. Neither you or me where there.
For a start let me tell you that knowing how you think and how you always side by the stream, i would bet that during WWII you would have sided by the Germans. Exactly like what Turkey did. Simply because it looked like they would end up the winners. I can imagine you painting them with the most bright colours inventing all sorts of excuses to support their crimes and the SS. Just like you do now with your constant struggle to excuse all the crimes of the West and the Zionists.
Before starting your usual defense of Israel which in fact is headed by Zionists, do search what the agenda of Zionists is in contrast with what the average normal Jew is- yes Zionism doesn't exclude murdering Jews for the ultimate cause)
The fact is I strongly BELEIVE the holocaust did occur and all the atrocities described in history books are true.
My reasoning would be more or less the same as yours. I would add that there are thousands of witnesses including German soldiers and guards. More thousands of Hitler's official documents/reports and military orders.
It's not a matter of a few witnesses and few documents that could possibly divert from the truth. It's thousands.
And btw it was the Russians who first entered Berlin and liberated the last moribund from the concentration camps and gas chambers..
Oh those evil Russians...
NB. I will reply about Israel in the topic where it was raised. Try to keep topics tidy. spreading your views everywhere makes it hard for anyone to follow.
Well it looks like you do not know me well at all.
I would have never betrayed my country - whether you talk about Australia where I was born and have grown up, or my ancestral Cyprus and Greece which is where my family had come from and which were all allies and fighting the NAZIs as much as they could.
The NAZIs were pretty damn evil, invading country after country and the holocaust actually even defies all logic and comprehension even. Why would I ever be interested in siding with Germany (Hitler)? Are you crazy? There are however similarities to Pootin and Assad, yet you support them. You support a regime that is responsible for so much evil against their own people and at the same time you say you have sympathy for the Palestinians and think Israel is evil - that pretty much the only democratic country in the entire God forsaken Middle east is evil. the mind boggles!
No of course I would not side with them, and I would have been happy to serve either Australia or Greece or even the British as a Cypriot. I have absolutely no link to Germany at all so why on earth would I be sympathetic to them or something as evil as the NAZIs which tried to destroy the very countries I do have links to?
Are you comparing the NAZIs to Israel? If that were the case, then Israel would have stolen our resources. It hasn't. In actual fact, it actually supports Cypriot interests and its dejure right to an EEZ and fair share of the reserves. What, do you think they couldn't just have stolen our reserves if they wanted to.
I believe the holocaust occured like I believe the moon landing occurred and just like I believe the Pope is Catholic. It isn't a subject that is open for debate. it is a proven historical fact. Just because a few idiots deny it or believe in some-kind of conspiracy doesn't make the holocaust any less factual and true.
Even so many NAZI war criminals admitted that it had occurred. There are 2 Australian Senators which are the Grand Children of one of the most notorious NAZIs, and they are coming to terms with their Grandad's role in the holocaust. There are still to this day survivors from Auschwitz. Thessaloniki, Greece, there was a thriving Jewish community of some 50,000. Where are they now? Where did they disappear to? Did they just vanish?
The holocaust is very real, and it is disgusting to even suggest it isn't.
You claim to be sympathetic to the Palestinians, and you insinuate that I am not. Which isn't true. However, Israel isn't the evil empire you say it is, and neither have they done anything as cruel as the NAZIs. They just reacted for their own security and they will do it again and again. Israel would not have done anything if it were not about to be invaded by Syria, Jordan and Egypt. That is what everyone seems to ignore.
And why mention the Russians? Do you think I hate Russia or the Russian people? Oh boy you gotta be kidding right? I do not like Pootin, because yes, he and his actions are evil. he is supporting a regime which is a lot more evil than Israel. You see, Israel doesn't attack its own people, is a democracy and a proactive international citizen. Syria is not like that at all. Israel didn't just decide to be an arsehole you know. It's enemies need to take responsibility too, because they provoked Israel to do whatever it needed to do in order to protect itself. The 1967 war didn't just start for no reason. Israel was about to be invaded.
But yes, since we are at it. Please tell me the difference between Hitler and Stalin? Are we to say that Stalin was a good bloke because he was an ally and fought the NAZIs? Was Stalin responsible for the Death of about 10 million of his own people too? That is even bigger than the NAZI holocaust. So yes, Stalin was no friggin saint was he?