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Coop Bank's and general

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Coop Bank's and general

Postby Toran » Sat Aug 20, 2016 2:32 am

I have a loan ok.

Like any other person in this place and as Nixon once said i am not a crook, i know i am phrasing a notable world class crook but my point is I was treated and quite possibly still be treated as a crook by none other than the bank from which my salary is being banked there, after a long time of being good on my behalf towards their behalf they refuse to be good to my behalf. A family member will go off seas for work as a mechanic and me along the rest will support him. So went to my loan handler asked if possible to not pay the coming month and pay them double the next month. The handler said 'one month of not paying the loan wont do any harm and no need to pay double you are asking for something that is your right' That was a very positive response but unfortunately that was LaLa land for the central coop bank whose name shall not be said, they denied me of this but what added the cherry on the cake was that i have an automatic order done by me no contracts just a small form with no terms on it, thus i said i want to cancel the auto pay order. And they said 'you cannot stop it' but i respond 'why?' and they reply back 'you are not allowed' my reaction :?: 'how i am not allowed' - 'their is an Auto order' :shock: and i said 'yes by me' their response 'we cant help you we understand but we truly are sorry' The real translation Fuck u Fuck your family Fuck Your Rights and Fuck off. And all of this made me feel like a damn crook i only asked for a simple thing but they made me tense and stressed along with a you are below us treatment. For all this I have changed my bank my money now goes now to a real bank a proper bank and it is called a safe.

My wage is earned by hard work like any other citizen and once earned it is mine to consume as i like 8)
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Re: Coop Bank's and general

Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 20, 2016 3:59 am

It’s unfortunate that you’ve found yourself in some kind of difficulty but unfortunately you’re not allowed to change a loan agreement without the bank’s agreement or you can no longer have the loan!

Given that there’s a standing order in force then there’s nothing you can do to prevent the automatic deduction from your salary.

However, if you can arrange for your salary not to be paid into that account for that month then the bank will add a penalty to your loan for defaulting, and buy yourself some time.
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