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Islamofascist thugs accost a group of tourists in Turkey

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Islamofascist thugs accost a group of tourists in Turkey

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Aug 19, 2016 4:59 pm

A group of Asian tourists walking around the Turkish city of Gaziantep were caught on video (can be seen at the following article) being accosted by a gang of thugs (typical of the kind of thugs that the Islamofascist AKP employs to keep control of the streets and supress any dissenting voices in the way that Nazi Germany used the brownshirts) shouting things like “What are you walking around here for?”, “Clear off out of here. On your way. Immoral bunch of people. You are turning Muslims into Christians. Faithless ones!” and “You sons of infidels”.

Yes, this is where fourteen years of Islamofascist rule has taken Turkey. ... dular.html

What with the country having been placed under a state of emergency and the European Convention of Human Rights suspended and with the judiciary now entirely under political control and a deranged Islamofascist cementing his dictatorship, I think it is not a good time for any foreigner to contemplate a visit to Turkey.
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Re: Islamofascist thugs accost a group of tourists in Turkey

Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:10 pm

Could something like this, perhaps, happen in our northern parts, I wonder...
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Re: Islamofascist thugs accost a group of tourists in Turkey

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Aug 19, 2016 6:08 pm

miltiades wrote:Could something like this, perhaps, happen in our northern parts, I wonder...

Quite candidly...., If 'I' were a man in your position and similarly equipped with the depraved audacity to condemn the faith of 'Islam' with such apparent relish, I think I would be more concerned with the welfare of my 'Southern Parts'. :lol:

I will cite the case of the (some may brand fanatic) faithful follower of Islam who took it upon himself to travel a considerable distance to wreak vengeance upon an individual who insulted the 'Prophet' (pbuh), the outcome of which resulted in a slit throat.

Now, YOU are supposedly something of a wise man...., you have often indicated your whereabouts and it occurs to me that you actually prove yourself to be a complete fool by so doing, I will elucidate.

If some seriously devout follower of the faithful were to catch sight of YOUR expletive blasphemies, does it not occur to you that the end product could well be 'Milti the Eunuch' if that faithful follower felt inclined to travel ?. :lol:

It is also possible that YOU have inadvertently confirmed the 'Mercy' that is so often evidenced twixt the 'Muslim Faith' and others in that it is quite likely that your insults and blasphemies HAVE been seen BUT, by the decree of 'Allah the Merciful' (and his teachings) you have been spared..., due to the fact that you are so obviously of no real consequence in this world.... I wouldn't depend on it though.

Meanwhile:- a small suggestion and perhaps some sound advice to go with it, "Look after your cobblers" :lol:
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Re: Islamofascist thugs accost a group of tourists in Turkey

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Aug 19, 2016 6:28 pm

miltiades wrote:Could something like this, perhaps, happen in our northern parts, I wonder...

I do visit the north, less frequently than I used to, where I do my best only to spend money at Cypriot-owned businesses (a certain member of this forum can vouch for me on that point), but I must confess that recent developments in Turkey might make me think twice. What concerns me is that Turkey is effectively in control of the part of Cyprus it occupies, and with that country under a state of emergency in which the judiciary is now entirely under political control, one has to wonder what impact this can have on the north of Cyprus. In particular, Turkey has suspended the European Convention of Human Rights, and the European Court of Human Rights holds Turkey responsible for human rights abuses committed in the part of Cyprus it occupies, so it would appear that this recourse will remain barred for as long as Turkey suspends the Convention. I have visited the occupied areas many times without even a hint of trouble, but even if it is a one in many thousand chance, knowing that at the end of the day you may be able to take a case to the European Court if your human rights are abused there and you have exhausted all domestic remedies acts as a safeguard, and one that may currently not exist. This would make me think twice about going there just now.

It is absolutely impossible for Turkish Cypriots to act like this towards foreign tourists, but, on the other hand, Turkey has settled a massive number of its own people there now, and some of them will inevitably be Islamist fanatics who are brainwashed to hate all non-Muslims, so I could not totally rule such a thing out in the part of Cyprus controlled by Turkey.

On a happier note, I was in Paphos city centre today and had a lovely visit.
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Re: Islamofascist thugs accost a group of tourists in Turkey

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Aug 19, 2016 6:36 pm

It has been established that these tourists were from South Korea. Yet, some of these ignorant morons were accusing them of turning Muslims into Christians! Why would South Koreans be doing that?
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Re: Islamofascist thugs accost a group of tourists in Turkey

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 19, 2016 6:51 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
miltiades wrote:Could something like this, perhaps, happen in our northern parts, I wonder...

I do visit the north, less frequently than I used to, where I do my best only to spend money at Cypriot-owned businesses (a certain member of this forum can vouch for me on that point), but I must confess that recent developments in Turkey might make me think twice. What concerns me is that Turkey is effectively in control of the part of Cyprus it occupies, and with that country under a state of emergency in which the judiciary is now entirely under political control, one has to wonder what impact this can have on the north of Cyprus. In particular, Turkey has suspended the European Convention of Human Rights, and the European Court of Human Rights holds Turkey responsible for human rights abuses committed in the part of Cyprus it occupies, so it would appear that this recourse will remain barred for as long as Turkey suspends the Convention. I have visited the occupied areas many times without even a hint of trouble, but even if it is a one in many thousand chance, knowing that at the end of the day you may be able to take a case to the European Court if your human rights are abused there and you have exhausted all domestic remedies acts as a safeguard, and one that may currently not exist. This would make me think twice about going there just now.

It is absolutely impossible for Turkish Cypriots to act like this towards foreign tourists, but, on the other hand, Turkey has settled a massive number of its own people there now, and some of them will inevitably be Islamist fanatics who are brainwashed to hate all non-Muslims, so I could not totally rule such a thing out in the part of Cyprus controlled by Turkey.

On a happier note, I was in Paphos city centre today and had a lovely visit.

and it was a very nice day too.

everything erdogan does is with the full blessing of the americans. they get billions of dollars of american aid. what we need is the yanks stop the aid to terggy and then we may see some change. while the yanks give all those billions there is not going to be much a change.
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Re: Islamofascist thugs accost a group of tourists in Turkey

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:11 pm

I agree that the Islamisation of Turkey was a conscious US policy following the 1980 coup, bankrolled by Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich Gulf states. I can't work out if we are witnessing a sorceror's apprentice kind of situation, with Erdoğan manging to turn the tables on the Gulen movement, which in my opinion was instrumental in creating the AKP and bringing him in to head what was once essentially the political wing of Gulenism, and establish himself as absolute dictator to the horror of the Americans (and I have my doubts about his conviction to the cause of Islamism nowadays), or if this was the plan all along. I still have not seen him do anything detrimental to the interests of global capital in Turkey, which is curcumstantial evidence for the latter.
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Re: Islamofascist thugs accost a group of tourists in Turkey

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:55 pm

in about 30 years when they release the information we shall find out.
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Re: Islamofascist thugs accost a group of tourists in Turkey

Postby B25 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 8:24 pm

any tourist / visitor to Turkshit deserves all they get.

Really do you expect anything different from a barbaric nation.

I would be very happy to see this God forsaken place sink under the sea and take all with her,
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Re: Islamofascist thugs accost a group of tourists in Turkey

Postby Cap » Fri Aug 19, 2016 8:49 pm

B25 wrote:any tourist / visitor to Turkshit deserves all they get.

Really do you expect anything different from a barbaric nation.

I would be very happy to see this God forsaken place sink under the sea and take all with her,

It is unfortunate though.
For Cyprus that is.

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