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Apology to Turkish Cypriots by Markoulilis Erato

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Apology to Turkish Cypriots by Markoulilis Erato

Postby mistermax » Thu Aug 18, 2016 6:51 am

Νοιώθω την ανάγκη να εκφράσω μια ειλικρινή δημόσια απολογία προς τους Τουρκοκύπριους συμπατριώτες μας για τα αποτρόπαια εγκλήματα που διαπράχθηκαν στις 14 Αυγούστου 1974 από εξτριεμιστές της ΕΟΚΑ Β σε βάρος 126 γυναικόπαιδων στα χωριά Αλόα, Μαράθα και Σανταλάρη και 85 αμάχων ανδρών (περιλαμβανομένου και ενός αγοριού 12 ετών) από το χωριό Τόχνη. Δυστυχώς όλα αυτά τα 42 χρόνια καμία διερεύνηση δεν διεξάχθηκε από το επίσημο κράτος της Δημοκρατίας για διαλεύκανση αυτών των εγκλημάτων και κανένας από τους ενόχους δεν οδηγήθηκε στη δικαιοσύνη. Είναι καιρός να συσταθεί επιτέλους μια Eπιτροπή Αλήθειας για αποτελεσματική εξακρίβωση της αλήθειας πίσω από την πρόσφατη Κυπριακή τραγωδία, γιατί χωρίς την αλήθεια δεν θα υπάρξει συμφιλίωση και χωρίς συμφιλίωση δεν θα υπάρξει ειρηνική συμβίωση. Ενώ εδώ και 42 χρόνια καταδικάζουμε έντονα διεθνώς τα αποτρόπαια εγκλήματα που διαπράχθηκαν από τον Τουρκικό κατοχικό στρατό και Τουρκοκύπριους εξτρεμιστές σε βάρος αθώων και στην πλειονότητα τους αμάχων Ελληνοκυπρίων δεν μπορούμε να κλείνουμε τα μάτια στα εγκλήματα που διέπραξαν δικοί μας εξτρεμιστές και φασίστες σε βάρος αμάχων και αθώων Τουρκοκυπρίων.

Οι φωτογραφίες είναι παρμένες από το αρχείο των Ηνωμένων Εθνών και αφορούν τις στυγνές δολοφονίες Τουρκοκυπρίων στα χωριά Αλόα, Μαράθα και Σανταλάρη.


I feel the need to express a sincere public apology to our Turkish Cypriot compatriots for the horrific crimes committed on 14 August 1974 by EOKA B extremists against 126 women and children in the villages of Aloa, Maratha and Sandalaris and 85 civilian men (including a boy of 12 years) from the village of Tochni. Unfortunately, during the past 42 years no investigation has been conducted by the official state of the Republic of Cyprus to unravel the truth behind these crimes and none of the culprits has been brought to justice. It is time to finally establish a Truth Commission for effectively ascertaining the truth behind the recent Cyprus tragedy, because without the truth there will be no reconciliation and without reconciliation there will be no peaceful coexistence. While for the past 42 years we have been strongly condemning internationally the heinous crimes committed by the Turkish occupying army and Turkish Cypriots extremists against innocent and in the majority of them civilian Greek Cypriots, we cannot turn a blind eye to the crimes committed by our own extremists and fascists against civilians and innocent Turkish Cypriots.
The pictures are from the UN archives and concern the brutal murders of the Turkish Cypriots in the villages of Aloa, Maratha and Santalaris.


“14 Ağustos 1974’te EOKA-B aşırı unsurları tarafından Muratağa-Atlılar-Sandallar köylerinden 126 kadın ve çocuğa karşı ve Dohni köyünden 85 sivil erkeğe karşı (aralarında 12 yaşında bir de çocuk vardı) işlenen korkunç suçlar nedeniyle kamuoyu önünde samimi biçimde Kıbrıslıtürk yurttaşlarımızdan özür dileme ihtiyacı hissediyorum.
Ne yazık ki resmi Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti devleti aradan geçen 42 yıl süre boyunca, bu cinayetlerin ardındaki gerçeği ortaya çıkarmak için herhangi bir soruşturma yapmadı ve bu suçları işleyenlerden hiçbiri de adalete teslim edilmedi.
Yakın geçmişte yaşanan Kıbrıs trajedisinin arkasında yatan gerçeği etkili biçimde ortaya çıkarmak için bir Hakikat Komisyonu kurmanın artık zamanı gelmiştir çünkü gerçek ortaya çıkarılmadan, yeniden uzlaşma olmayacaktır, yeniden uzlaşma olmazsa da barışçıl birlikte bir yaşam mümkün değildir.
Gerek Türkiye’nin işgal ordusu, gerekse Kıbrıslıtürk aşırı unsurları tarafından ağırlıkla sivil olan masum Kıbrıslırumlar’a karşı işlenmiş korkunç suçları son 42 yıldır uluslararası alanda güçlü biçimde kınarken, kendi aşırı unsurlarımızın ve faşistlerimizin masum ve sivil Kıbrıslıtürkler’e karşı işlemiş oldukları suçları görmezden gelemeyiz.
Burada yayımladığım resimler Atlılar, Muratağa ve Sandallar köylerinde vahşice öldürülmüş Kıbrıslıtürkler’le ilgilidir ve Birleşmiş Milletler arşivlerinden alınmışlardır.” ... e=58190D3E ... e=585A3CAA ... e=585071BD ... e=584E3DE9 ... e=5852E716 ... e=584AAA11
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Re: Apology to Turkish Cypriots by Markoulilis Erato

Postby Sotos » Fri Aug 19, 2016 2:43 pm

Those events were a result of the Turkish invasion. That is how wars are... people get killed, and in 1974 it is the Turks who choose to go to war against us and therefore they are responsible for all the victims of the war they chose to make against us.
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Re: Apology to Turkish Cypriots by Markoulilis Erato

Postby Oceanside50 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 3:41 pm

Sotos wrote:Those events were a result of the Turkish invasion. That is how wars are... people get killed, and in 1974 it is the Turks who choose to go to war against us and therefore they are responsible for all the victims of the war they chose to make against us.

Sotiri, we usually agree on most issues, but I disagree with you on this issue. Taking innocents and killing them is not an act of war its murder. The ROC had 42 years to bring the guilty to justice, it failed.
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Re: Apology to Turkish Cypriots by Markoulilis Erato

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:01 pm

and a lawful state taking no action to investigate the murderers and bring them to justice is collusion.
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Re: Apology to Turkish Cypriots by Markoulilis Erato

Postby B25 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:49 pm

Erato (kerato) Markoullis can go fuck herself and if anyone know the treacherous cow pass it on to her.

Who's going to apologies for these young men:

Δεκαεννέα Αυγούστου 1974 Η πιο θλιβερή μέρα για την Κοινότητα της Γιαλουσας στην σύγχρονη Ιστορία της. Ένοπλοι Τουρκοκύπριοι συμπατριώτες μας απο το διπλανό Χωριό- Άγιον Ανδρόνικο " φίλοι" μας ( μυστικοί αξιωματικοί όμως του Τουρκικού Στρατού όπως αποδείχθηκε) συνοδευομένοι απο εκατοντάδες ένοπλους Τούρκους στρατιώτες εισβάλουν στην Κοινότητα μας και αρπάζουν με την βία και χωρίς κανένα ουσιαστικό λόγω, Εννέα Παλληκάρια μας με πρόσχημα οτι δήθεν θα τους ανέκριναν. Κάποιους τους απήγαγαν απο το καφενείο και άλλους απο τα σπίτια τους. Τους μάζεψαν όλους αρχικά στον Αστυνομικό σταθμό της Γιαλούσας και αφού τους ξυλοφόρτωσαν κτυπώντας τους με τα κοντάκια των όπλων, τους φόρτωσαν σε Στρατιωτικό Φορτηγό και τους μετέφεραν σύμφωνα με μαρτυρίες στο Τουρκοκυπριακό Χωριό Γαλάτεια. Εκεί τους υποδέχθηκαν στην πλατεία του χωριού οι κάτοικοι με πέτρες , λοστούς, ξύλα και αλλά αιχμηρά αντικείμενα. Στην συνέχεια τους μετέφεραν λίγο έξω απο το χωριό κοντά σε κάποια λίμνη και όπως καταδεικνύουν τα ευρήματα των ιατροδικαστικών εξετάσεων που έγιναν στα οςτα τους, τους εκτέλεσαν εν ψυχρό πυροβολώντας τους στα πόδια στα χέρια και στα κεφάλια και τους έθαψαν σε ομαδικό Τάφο. Η τύχη και των Εννέα ΗΡΩΩΜΑΡΤΥΡΩΝ μας αγνοείτο μέχρι τον Ιούλιο του 2007 ότε και βρέθηκαν τα Ιερά Οστά τους εκεί στην Γαλάτεια. Οι κηδείες και των εννέα έγιναν με πλήρη τιμές απο τις Οικογένειες τους , την Κοινότητα μας και την Πολιτεία και τάφηκαν ξεχωριστά όπου επιθυμούσε η κάθε οικογένεια.
Λίγες μέρες αργότερα μέσα στον Σεπτεμβριο του 1974 απήχθησαν επίσης δια της βίας αλλά τρία Παλληκάρια μας - οι τρεις τελευταίοι στις φωτογραφίες, οι Γιαννάκης Χαραλαμπουδης , Κουμής Καράγιωργης και Χριστόδουλος Καουτζάνης, οι οποίοι εξακολουθούν να βρίσκονται στον κατάλογο των ΑΓΝΟΟΥΜΕΝΩΝ.



Basically translates to, TCs our friend and neighbours from St Andronikos came to our village on the 19 aug 1974 armed with the Turkish army and took away by force 9 men, who were subsequently beaten, taken to a TC village Gelata, and placed in the main square where they were again abuse and stone thrown at them. They were then taken to some riverside where they were duly murdered in cold blood and buried in a mass grave.


So I say Fuck the bitch and any other fucker that supports her and her actions may you all burn in F hell, traitors the lot of you.
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Re: Apology to Turkish Cypriots by Markoulilis Erato

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 19, 2016 8:08 pm

oh well thats alright then. they killed some gcs so we can kill some tcs. what kind of an asshole sub human are you
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Re: Apology to Turkish Cypriots by Markoulilis Erato

Postby B25 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 8:27 pm

Lordo wrote:oh well thats alright then. they killed some gcs so we can kill some tcs. what kind of an asshole sub human are you

You are missing the essence of the post you thick dipshit. This stupid f ugly treacherous bitch is given you credence by apologising to you murdering MFs, whilst at the same time you were doing the same shit to ours. She should look at home first, I hate this cow and would not to piss in her ear if her brain was on fire.
Last edited by B25 on Fri Aug 19, 2016 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Apology to Turkish Cypriots by Markoulilis Erato

Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 19, 2016 9:21 pm

It’s all bullshit!

During the Turkish invasion TCs climbed aboard tanks and other military vehicles and acted as guides for the invader.

They were active participants in the invasion and a key component for the speedy Turkish slaughter.

Prisoners that were caught (both civilians and military) were passed on to TCs for “judgment“. We will never know how many they murdered.

Aboard the Turkish boats that sailed with hundreds of prisoners to Adana, TCs were active in tossing bound prisoners overboard.

Once again we will never know what kind of interrogations and torture took place on these death boats.

45 years later nobody has come forward to apologize for thousands for GC victims, civilian or otherwise.
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Re: Apology to Turkish Cypriots by Markoulilis Erato

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:19 pm

so what you are saying just becasue a few tmt men killed some gcs then you as a country have the right to murder tcs on the gounds that they were tc and nothing more. so long as we understand what you really are saying. a legal country that does not investigate murder on account that the victims are tcs. one which is a memebr of the eu.

what more can one say.
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Re: Apology to Turkish Cypriots by Markoulilis Erato

Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:28 pm

Lordo wrote:so what you are saying just becasue a few tmt men killed some gcs then you as a country have the right to murder tcs on the gounds that they were tc and nothing more. so long as we understand what you really are saying. a legal country that does not investigate murder on account that the victims are tcs. one which is a memebr of the eu.

what more can one say.

:idea: That’s what you’ve interpreted and are saying which is why it’s got your name above it.

Your daft response is further evidence why the thousands of GC victims will NEVER get an apology, and that Erato is an utter idiot for assuming that a Turk could possibly ever understand and return a civilized gesture! :roll:

She obviously overestimated you.... :lol:
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