lets understad what crappos like gr dt and sottarui are saying they are no different then terggy. so long as you accept that you are the same as terggy there is nothing to talk about. but how can that be.
a legal government recognised does not investigate murder by its own citizens in its own country on the grounds of race. lets call a spade a spade. you are furquine racist to the core.
when it comes to terggy take it up with terggy. when it comes to tmt take it up with tmt. blaming the vicims just shows not only how crappy you are but how much shit is in between the ears like.
as to corrapt-o-meter - lordo has no corruption what so ever. i have nothing that does not belong to me. if anything you bar stuards have a few properties of mine which i am hoping that at some point not only will you return to me but also pay me rent for 53 years as you took it in 1963.
ching ching.
gr this is you this is.