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Anjem Choudary convicted of supporting Isis

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Re: Anjem Choudary convicted of supporting Isis

Postby Lordo » Wed Sep 07, 2016 1:22 am

miltiades wrote:
Lordo wrote:being opposed to yanks killing innocent civilians in the mid east is not sharing his views you stupid old fool. i think the bottle of red has finished too early tonight open another one eyva brodi.

post here what the charges were you asshole.
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Re: Anjem Choudary convicted of supporting Isis

Postby Lordo » Wed Sep 07, 2016 1:28 am

here is what he did.
LONDON — The radical preacher Anjem Choudary, some of whose followers have joined the Islamic State, was charged by the British authorities on Wednesday with inciting support for the organization.

Mr. Choudary was charged alongside an associate, Mohammed Mizanur Rahman, with “inviting support” for the Islamic State from June 29, 2014, to March 6 of this year, the Metropolitan Police in London said. Both men were set to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.

The two men are accused of advocating on behalf of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, in “individual lectures which were subsequently published online,” said Sue Hemming, head of the counterterrorism division at the Crown Prosecution Service.

“We have concluded that there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest to prosecute Anjem Choudary and Mohammed Rahman for inviting support for ISIL,” she said, without offering additional details.

Mr. Choudary, 48, and Mr. Rahman, 32, both from East London, were arrested in September on suspicion of being members of the Islamic State, which is banned in Britain. Since then, they have been free on bail.

Mr. Choudary is widely known in Britain for his extreme views. He has praised the attacks against the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, and the bombings in London on July 7, 2005.

He helped found an Islamist organization, Al-Muhajiroun, now banned, with another cleric, Omar Bakri Muhammad, who has been barred from Britain for his extreme views. Mr. Bakri is facing terrorism charges in Lebanon.

Mr. Choudary has also been involved with other Islamist organizations, including Islam4UK, a proscribed group. Some members who belonged to successor groups are known to have joined the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, and Mr. Choudary has said he would like to live in the Muslim caliphate that the Islamic State says it wants to establish.

“Anjem Choudary’s following is very small, maybe 100 or 200,” said Shiraz Maher, a senior research fellow at the International Center for the Study of Radicalization at King’s College London. But Mr. Choudary’s followers are fanatical and extremely dedicated, he said, and a “network exists around him from which a number of people have joined the Islamic State.”

hat have I done that is remotely the same as this idiot. you stupid old man.
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Re: Anjem Choudary convicted of supporting Isis

Postby miltiades » Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:01 am

Lets see the similarities.
Anjem Choudary despised passionately thee USA, Israel, and the west in general. SO DO YOU.

Anjem Choudary absolved the Jihadists regardless of how gruesome and barbaric their acts were. SO DO YOU.
Blaming America, as you always do, when a vile act is committed by extremists Islamists , is an indicative of your support of their actions . Need I say more ?
As for the pervert, he should be arrested and locked up, he may have some of his heroes as company.
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Re: Anjem Choudary convicted of supporting Isis

Postby Lordo » Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:45 am

read the charges one more time old fool and then check to see what i habve posted but this time only drink half of usual alchohol consupmtion you hear.
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Re: Anjem Choudary convicted of supporting Isis

Postby Lordo » Wed Sep 07, 2016 5:20 pm

its time the yanks were made to answer how they support isis. especially for the old fool before he starts drinking.
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Re: Anjem Choudary convicted of supporting Isis

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:33 pm

Lordo wrote:its time the yanks were made to answer how they support isis. especially for the old fool before he starts drinking.

Lordo, pay no mind to the inane ramblings of your antagonist, he does not have the intelligence to understand the meaning of that which is written (although he CAN read the words) and therefore assumes that any person that declares an abhorrence to the treachery of those Western Forces which are slaughtering innocent civilians (by the thousands), MUST be a sympathizer with ANY retaliatory force that has the 'Courage' to oppose them.

He cannot visualize the alternative, which would be that WHATEVER murderous activities those Western Forces may wish to undertake in order to dominate and subjugate the peoples of the nations under attack, their only course would be capitulation.

Simply put, the Yanks and their allies have picked on the wrong targets THIS time, nothing has gone quite according to plan and, as far as 'I' am concerned, I say "Good Luck" to anyone who stands up to a 'Bully' and "More Luck" to them when the 'Bully' is by far mightier in terms of manpower, sophisticated war machines and weaponry BUT, sadly lacking in justification for their aggressive activities since the WHOLE scenario is of their own making and they are paying the price for it now.

Bombs cannot obliterate the 'Faith' that these people have and, as the old adage says :- "Thrice armed is he that hath his quarrel just".

Maybe a 'Caliphate' is not such a bad idea when compared to the system that governs in the West insulting the principles of what we are led to believe is 'Democracy', though it falls FAR short of that which the people truly wish for.

I have never met a person that wished for war, nor have I ever met a politician that could visualize a future without one.

Don't make me laugh, this is a very serious business. :wink:
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Re: Anjem Choudary convicted of supporting Isis

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:15 pm

Couldn't help but notice the reaction to the 'Leniency' of the sentence imposed by the Judge in the case of 'Anjem Choudary' as reported in the newspapers (which I seldom read).

My own take on the situation which led to the gentleman's arrest in the first instance, is quite at odds with the general consensus of opinion (apparently) since I am not 'Baying for Blood' like so many of those who DO take that which they read in newspapers as undeniable fact.

Anjem Choudary is NOT a 'Hate Preacher' and neither should he be vilified for exposing the truth about the circumstances which have brought about such an enormous amount of strife in so many parts of the world, strife which has destroyed the lives of millions of decent folk whose ONLY 'Crime' is that they happen to occupy certain territories which are militarily and politically important (and desirable) to those 'Western Powers' that wish to control them.

Anjem (as with others of like mind) merely expresses the 'Truth' about facts in accordance with his OWN conscience and, as is common when one wishes to illustrate the 'Truth' about situations which require analysis, those that dwell on the other side of the fence are apt to take offence since they are used to the environments in which they are accustomed to and naturally resent 'Change'........and good luck to them.

So too do those (of other nations) who are accustomed to the environments in which 'THEY' dwell, resent 'Change' BUT, there is a difference, simply because the 'Changes' that they are expected to accept (and adopt as a new culture) are, 'In accordance with THEIR beliefs' of far less value than those they already have.

Anjem Choudary (and others like him) condemn the 'Decadence' of the 'Western Culture', they are entitled to since the 'Western Culture' IS 'Decadent' and only blind fools would deny it.

Therefore, the message is:- "Fight to resist those impositions which are unacceptable to our own respectable cultures, defend our lands against the aggressiveness of our enemies and do to THEM that which THEY do to us". (or something along those lines).

Don't know about YOU, it seems fair enough to ME..... which does NOT mean that I consider myself a spokesman for 'Jihadists' (or suchlike) BUT, I cannot easily differentiate between ONE atrocious action and another..., they are ALL the same to me, a dead body is a dead body regardless of how mutilated it might be, blown to smithereens as the result of a 'Suicide Attack' OR blown to smithereens by a sophisticated 'Rocket Attack' or aerial bombardment. Dead is Dead. :wink:
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Re: Anjem Choudary convicted of supporting Isis

Postby miltiades » Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:15 pm

'Claim jobseeker's allowance and plan holy war': Hate preacher pocketing £25,000 a year in benefits calls on fanatics to live off the state
•Anjem Choudary called benefits 'Jihadseeker's allowance'
•The extremist told followers they must hate democracy and freedom
•Also listed bizarre sharia laws, including 'not riding cats and sheep'
•Later said he had been 'joking' and his words were misconstrued
•He called Osama bin Laden his 'hero'

Anjem Choudary has been recorded telling followers to claim benefits as part of their struggle to bring sharia law to the UK

Anjem Choudary has been recorded telling followers to claim benefits as part of their struggle to bring sharia law to the UK

A controversial Muslim cleric who lives off benefits is urging his followers to also sponge off UK taxpayers by claiming their 'Jihadseeker's allowance'.

Anjem Choudary, who in the past has planned to disrupt the minute's silence on Remembrance Sunday, also openly mocked hard-working Britons, calling them 'slaves'.

The Sun newspaper secretly filmed him saying Islam will overrun Europe, David Cameron and Barack Obama should be killed and calling the Queen 'ugly'.

But today he said he had been 'joking' and his words had been misconstrued.

He also maintained that Osama Bin Laden was his 'hero'.

The father-of-four takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone, East London.

He told a crowd of around 30 fanatics: 'People will say, 'Ah, but you are not working'. But the normal situation is for you to take money from the kuffar (non-Muslim).

'So we take Jihadseeker's Allowance. You need to get support.'

In another video a grinning Choudary is recorded telling his disciples that it is justifiable to take money from non-believers.

He said: 'The normal situation is to take money from the kuffar. You work, give us the money, Allahu Akhbar (God is great).

'Hopefully there's no one from the DSS listening to this.'

He also called Mr Cameron, Mr Obama and the leaders of Pakistan and Egypt the 'shaitan', or devil, and said he wanted them to be killed.

Choudary spoke glowingly of the 9/11 attacks and urged his followers to have 'hate' in their hearts for core British concepts like democracy, freedom and freedom of religion.

YOU PERVERT , ought to be arrested and charged. We do not need crap such as you in our mists.
Now Fuck off
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Re: Anjem Choudary convicted of supporting Isis

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:33 pm

miltiades wrote:'Claim jobseeker's allowance and plan holy war': Hate preacher pocketing £25,000 a year in benefits calls on fanatics to live off the state
•Anjem Choudary called benefits 'Jihadseeker's allowance'
•The extremist told followers they must hate democracy and freedom
•Also listed bizarre sharia laws, including 'not riding cats and sheep'
•Later said he had been 'joking' and his words were misconstrued
•He called Osama bin Laden his 'hero'

Anjem Choudary has been recorded telling followers to claim benefits as part of their struggle to bring sharia law to the UK

Anjem Choudary has been recorded telling followers to claim benefits as part of their struggle to bring sharia law to the UK

A controversial Muslim cleric who lives off benefits is urging his followers to also sponge off UK taxpayers by claiming their 'Jihadseeker's allowance'.

Anjem Choudary, who in the past has planned to disrupt the minute's silence on Remembrance Sunday, also openly mocked hard-working Britons, calling them 'slaves'.

The Sun newspaper secretly filmed him saying Islam will overrun Europe, David Cameron and Barack Obama should be killed and calling the Queen 'ugly'.

But today he said he had been 'joking' and his words had been misconstrued.

He also maintained that Osama Bin Laden was his 'hero'.

The father-of-four takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone, East London.

He told a crowd of around 30 fanatics: 'People will say, 'Ah, but you are not working'. But the normal situation is for you to take money from the kuffar (non-Muslim).

'So we take Jihadseeker's Allowance. You need to get support.'

In another video a grinning Choudary is recorded telling his disciples that it is justifiable to take money from non-believers.

He said: 'The normal situation is to take money from the kuffar. You work, give us the money, Allahu Akhbar (God is great).

'Hopefully there's no one from the DSS listening to this.'

He also called Mr Cameron, Mr Obama and the leaders of Pakistan and Egypt the 'shaitan', or devil, and said he wanted them to be killed.

Choudary spoke glowingly of the 9/11 attacks and urged his followers to have 'hate' in their hearts for core British concepts like democracy, freedom and freedom of religion.

YOU PERVERT , ought to be arrested and charged. We do not need crap such as you in our mists.
Now Fuck off

Perfectly understandable comments from a person who stands on the platform (metaphorically) of HIS beliefs and, incidentally, some of the comments you have attributed to him are also perfectly justified given the circumstances that HE considers to be 'Satanic'.

Of course YOU would not understand that which I have written, it does NOT fit in with that which is written in the newspapers therefore it would be beyond your comprehension. "The SUN reports it, therefore it must be right" eh ?. :lol:

I certainly would NOT wish to be in the 'Mists' wherein YOU reside, perhaps that is the reason for why you are such a blind fool. :roll:
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Re: Anjem Choudary convicted of supporting Isis

Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:39 pm

in the meantime 1000 more people have been killed in the last five days. just thought i will remind the old fool. in fact from now on i shall remind him every day twice a day just in case he tries to avoid it.
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