Couldn't help but notice the reaction to the 'Leniency' of the sentence imposed by the Judge in the case of 'Anjem Choudary' as reported in the newspapers (which I seldom read).
My own take on the situation which led to the gentleman's arrest in the first instance, is quite at odds with the general consensus of opinion (apparently) since I am not 'Baying for Blood' like so many of those who DO take that which they read in newspapers as undeniable fact.
Anjem Choudary is NOT a 'Hate Preacher' and neither should he be vilified for exposing the truth about the circumstances which have brought about such an enormous amount of strife in so many parts of the world, strife which has destroyed the lives of millions of decent folk whose ONLY 'Crime' is that they happen to occupy certain territories which are militarily and politically important (and desirable) to those 'Western Powers' that wish to control them.
Anjem (as with others of like mind) merely expresses the 'Truth' about facts in accordance with his OWN conscience and, as is common when one wishes to illustrate the 'Truth' about situations which require analysis, those that dwell on the other side of the fence are apt to take offence since they are used to the environments in which they are accustomed to and naturally resent 'Change'........and good luck to them.
So too do those (of other nations) who are accustomed to the environments in which 'THEY' dwell, resent 'Change' BUT, there is a difference, simply because the 'Changes' that they are expected to accept (and adopt as a new culture) are, 'In accordance with THEIR beliefs' of far less value than those they already have.
Anjem Choudary (and others like him) condemn the 'Decadence' of the 'Western Culture', they are entitled to since the 'Western Culture' IS 'Decadent' and only blind fools would deny it.
Therefore, the message is:- "Fight to resist those impositions which are unacceptable to our own respectable cultures, defend our lands against the aggressiveness of our enemies and do to THEM that which THEY do to us". (or something along those lines).
Don't know about YOU, it seems fair enough to ME..... which does NOT mean that I consider myself a spokesman for 'Jihadists' (or suchlike) BUT, I cannot easily differentiate between ONE atrocious action and another..., they are ALL the same to me, a dead body is a dead body regardless of how mutilated it might be, blown to smithereens as the result of a 'Suicide Attack' OR blown to smithereens by a sophisticated 'Rocket Attack' or aerial bombardment. Dead is Dead.