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Checkmate, Atheists

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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Aug 20, 2016 10:56 pm

miltiades wrote:Just make sure when you ...pray for me don't use fucking brackets. :lol:
Strange as it might ( perhaps :lol: ) sound, intellectually you are but a dwarf ( as evidenced :lol: ) insecure and exceedingly naïve, a convert to Islam, and a ...fucking idiot . As you may have gathered I have NOT the slightest respect for your utterances either concerning your heroes, the fucking savages, or your beliefs in an all mighty mythological ...micky mouse :lol: :lol:
Boy ( or is it ...thing ) you have much to learn.
Since you seem to be aware of my presence when can I expect you ??
Before I sign off I would remind you that I, Miltiades, have trod on a load of shit in my long life but you take the ...biscuit :lol: :lol:

Pissed again (I assume). :roll:.........................Good Night and God Bless. :lol:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Atheist » Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:51 am

Get Real! wrote:
Atheist wrote:I care as much about the bible as I care about Kokinoskoufitsa. How long did it take to write Kokinoskoufitsa? How many authors contributed to this fairy tale? The answers can make up an interesting story but they do not provide any answers about the universe.

Well then stop calling yourself an "atheist" and start using the correct description which is none other than DUMBO! :)

To qualify as an atheist you must first study theism, debunk it, and then resort to atheism.

You haven’t even studied the most basic things! :roll:

The opposite is true. You should not believe something until evidence is provided to convince you to believe it. Otherwise you would believe in everything, in every religion ever made, in magic, in astrology and every other superstition, and stop believing them only after you study each and every one of them in depth and become an expert in them.

Just like you don't need to become a certified astrologist to know that astrology is bullshit, just like you don't need to become an expert in ancient Greek Mythology to know that the Olympian Gods do not really exist, similarly you don't need to be an expert in every single religion that ever existed to know that their outlandish, unscientific claims are not true.

I've had religious classes for many years in school and I even had a good grade in them. No proof was ever provided that there is a "God". Neither anybody else, including you, has ever been able to provide such a proof.

The fact is that your religion is not any more "true" than any other religion ever invented. All religions without exception are manmade creations and no "Gods" were ever involved in their creation.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 21, 2016 1:23 am

Atheist wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Atheist wrote:I care as much about the bible as I care about Kokinoskoufitsa. How long did it take to write Kokinoskoufitsa? How many authors contributed to this fairy tale? The answers can make up an interesting story but they do not provide any answers about the universe.

Well then stop calling yourself an "atheist" and start using the correct description which is none other than DUMBO! :)

To qualify as an atheist you must first study theism, debunk it, and then resort to atheism.

You haven’t even studied the most basic things! :roll:

The opposite is true. You should not believe something until evidence is provided to convince you to believe it. Otherwise you would believe in everything, in every religion ever made, in magic, in astrology and every other superstition, and stop believing them only after you study each and every one of them in depth and become an expert in them.

Just like you don't need to become a certified astrologist to know that astrology is bullshit, just like you don't need to become an expert in ancient Greek Mythology to know that the Olympian Gods do not really exist, similarly you don't need to be an expert in every single religion that ever existed to know that their outlandish, unscientific claims are not true.

I've had religious classes for many years in school and I even had a good grade in them. No proof was ever provided that there is a "God". Neither anybody else, including you, has ever been able to provide such a proof.

The fact is that your religion is not any more "true" than any other religion ever invented. All religions without exception are manmade creations and no "Gods" were ever involved in their creation.

Dude, you don't even seem to know what atheism is for it has nothing to do with religion! :?

Atheism simply questions the possibility of the existence of God, so it is always contrasted with theism not religion.

And to think you bragged in another thread that you were gonna expose some priests or something... but so far you're only good at exposing your own shortcomings. :lol:

It's just as well you had a little practice run on this forum... :roll:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 21, 2016 1:28 am

Here’s your homework for today:

Investigate how it was possible for bible authors to have known that the universe is everlasting 2000+ years ago.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Atheist » Sun Aug 21, 2016 6:04 am

Get Real! wrote:
Atheist wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Atheist wrote:I care as much about the bible as I care about Kokinoskoufitsa. How long did it take to write Kokinoskoufitsa? How many authors contributed to this fairy tale? The answers can make up an interesting story but they do not provide any answers about the universe.

Well then stop calling yourself an "atheist" and start using the correct description which is none other than DUMBO! :)

To qualify as an atheist you must first study theism, debunk it, and then resort to atheism.

You haven’t even studied the most basic things! :roll:

The opposite is true. You should not believe something until evidence is provided to convince you to believe it. Otherwise you would believe in everything, in every religion ever made, in magic, in astrology and every other superstition, and stop believing them only after you study each and every one of them in depth and become an expert in them.

Just like you don't need to become a certified astrologist to know that astrology is bullshit, just like you don't need to become an expert in ancient Greek Mythology to know that the Olympian Gods do not really exist, similarly you don't need to be an expert in every single religion that ever existed to know that their outlandish, unscientific claims are not true.

I've had religious classes for many years in school and I even had a good grade in them. No proof was ever provided that there is a "God". Neither anybody else, including you, has ever been able to provide such a proof.

The fact is that your religion is not any more "true" than any other religion ever invented. All religions without exception are manmade creations and no "Gods" were ever involved in their creation.

Dude, you don't even seem to know what atheism is for it has nothing to do with religion! :?

Atheism simply questions the possibility of the existence of God, so it is always contrasted with theism not religion.

And to think you bragged in another thread that you were gonna expose some priests or something... but so far you're only good at exposing your own shortcomings. :lol:

It's just as well you had a little practice run on this forum... :roll:

You are grasping at straws ;)

Believing in some "supernatural power that created the universe" is baseless as there is no good evidence for such belief. But your religion is not just that one belief, but a collection of fairytales about Gods that came to earth, Gods that look like them, Gods that love them and will provide them with eternal life and all that crap which are based on nothing more than wishful thinking.

If you merely believe in some abstract "supernatural creator" then you believe on something that you can't prove. But if you believe in all the fairytales of a particular religion then you are stupid. You keep mentioning the bible so it is clear you are one of the stupid ones that buys the whole fairytale of a manmade religion.

And I never said anything about "exposing priests"! I don't have any kind of relationship with any priests and I couldn't care less about what they are doing. The priests are your concern, not mine.

My only problem with the Church is that they are excluded from paying the same taxes as everybody else. Beyond that they are a business like every other. If they can profit by taking advantage of idiots more power to them.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Atheist » Sun Aug 21, 2016 6:30 am

Get Real! wrote:Here’s your homework for today:

Investigate how it was possible for bible authors to have known that the universe is everlasting 2000+ years ago.

Aristotle proposed that theory long before any bible authors (and doesn't the bible say that it was created out of nothing by God in 6 days?). And it just a theory, not something proven. You don't need to be a God to come up with theories about the universe. Many people have done this.

Your bible authors are minnows when compared to the greatest ancient Greek philosophers. Ancient Greeks were no Gods either, and they got several things wrong, but the level of science and philosophy they produced is amazing. Can't say the same for your bible authors.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby mistermax » Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:22 am


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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:54 am

Atheist wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Here’s your homework for today:

Investigate how it was possible for bible authors to have known that the universe is everlasting 2000+ years ago.

Aristotle proposed that theory long before any bible authors (and doesn't the bible say that it was created out of nothing by God in 6 days?). And it just a theory, not something proven. You don't need to be a God to come up with theories about the universe. Many people have done this.

Your bible authors are minnows when compared to the greatest ancient Greek philosophers. Ancient Greeks were no Gods either, and they got several things wrong, but the level of science and philosophy they produced is amazing. Can't say the same for your bible authors.

I asked you to go research some basic things about the bible like...

2. How long did it take for the bible to be completed?

Had you done that you would've found that the book of Genesis was written at around 1450BC and the last book of Revelation at round 90AD.

Putting the bible together spanned 1500 odd years… a tremendous unimaginable collaboration; impossible even with today’s technology of computers, video conferencing, and email!

Anyway, Aristotle lived during… 384–322BC so if he indeed mentioned an everlasting universe then he most likely pinched it from the bible.

The moral of this gaffe is that a person that doesn’t research/study CANNOT participate in debates without looking like a fool so I hope you use this embarrassment as an eye opener.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 21, 2016 9:40 am

The Bible was begun over three thousand years ago and took sixteen centuries to complete !!!!

21st century man is asked by religious people to accept this as gospel, the word of god! Rather odd is it not that a book that was started over three thousand years ago and took 1600 to complete tells us the God created the world in just 6 days !!!
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:08 pm

miltiades wrote:The Bible was begun over three thousand years ago and took sixteen centuries to complete !!!!

21st century man is asked by religious people to accept this as gospel, the word of god! Rather odd is it not that a book that was started over three thousand years ago and took 1600 to complete tells us the God created the world in just 6 days !!!

If 'The Almighty' is the 'Lord of Creation' and accepted as the creator of the universe (still a profound mystery to Mankind) then there would have been no concept of 'TIME' since such concept (as used by Mankind) is dependent upon the movement of Earth as it orbits the Sun.

How wonderful that the 'Almighty' was also able to instill such miraculous balance to our ever expanding and contracting universe, beyond the comprehension of science BUT, not the wisdom of the 'True Believer'. :wink:
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