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Checkmate, Atheists

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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Aug 20, 2016 7:30 pm

miltiades wrote:

A simple question to those that believe in life after death, in a creator and in Paradise and Hell.

What is the ....current " population" of Paradise and respectively of Hell. Since man has been on earth for millions of years the number must be in trillion trillion trillion plus many more trillions!! :lol: :lol: A bit congested wouldn't you say so ? :lol:


kurupetos wrote:

Ignorance will send you to hell, old boy.


Schnauzer wrote:

Stay your condemnation of our poor ignoramus, for it is written:- "The Lord loveth the sinner that repents his sins" AND, when the time comes for Milti to face his demise, his last thoughts and hopes will be that the 'Almighty' (whosoever or whatsoever) will embrace him and offer him solace in his final moments.

It happens to everyone, the dread of the unknown is a powerful force and will topple the most valiant of warriors, how much easier it will be to unseat the valiance of a blasphemous champion of 'Atheism'... may 'Allah' be merciful unto him also.

The only caveat (before entry into the realms of 'Paradise' MAY be (for I am not qualified to make final judgments) that there will be NO virgins available to him, it will be punishment enough to find himself in the company of SO many courageous 'Jihadi Warriors' who will perhaps explain to him the TRUE meaning of 'Courage', something that he never quite understood on the 'Earthly Plain'.

Given time (and there will be plenty of it) they may even teach him to understand that which is written. :lol:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 20, 2016 8:01 pm

Schnauzer wrote:miltiades wrote:

A simple question to those that believe in life after death, in a creator and in Paradise and Hell.

What is the ....current " population" of Paradise and respectively of Hell. Since man has been on earth for millions of years the number must be in trillion trillion trillion plus many more trillions!! :lol: :lol: A bit congested wouldn't you say so ? :lol:


kurupetos wrote:

Ignorance will send you to hell, old boy.


Schnauzer wrote:

Stay your condemnation of our poor ignoramus, for it is written:- "The Lord loveth the sinner that repents his sins" AND, when the time comes for Milti to face his demise, his last thoughts and hopes will be that the 'Almighty' (whosoever or whatsoever) will embrace him and offer him solace in his final moments.

It happens to everyone, the dread of the unknown is a powerful force and will topple the most valiant of warriors, how much easier it will be to unseat the valiance of a blasphemous champion of 'Atheism'... may 'Allah' be merciful unto him also.

The only caveat (before entry into the realms of 'Paradise' MAY be (for I am not qualified to make final judgments) that there will be NO virgins available to him, it will be punishment enough to find himself in the company of SO many courageous 'Jihadi Warriors' who will perhaps explain to him the TRUE meaning of 'Courage', something that he never quite understood on the 'Earthly Plain'.

Given time (and there will be plenty of it) they may even teach him to understand that which is written. :lol:

True to form and full of shit Pervert, learn to write you stupid bastard, fuck the bloody brackets will you!
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby MR-from-NG » Sat Aug 20, 2016 8:48 pm

If there is god then he must be one lazy son of a bitch. He's done fuck all in my lifetime and I'm a fucking coffindodger.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Aug 20, 2016 8:57 pm

miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:miltiades wrote:

A simple question to those that believe in life after death, in a creator and in Paradise and Hell.

What is the ....current " population" of Paradise and respectively of Hell. Since man has been on earth for millions of years the number must be in trillion trillion trillion plus many more trillions!! :lol: :lol: A bit congested wouldn't you say so ? :lol:


kurupetos wrote:

Ignorance will send you to hell, old boy.


Schnauzer wrote:

Stay your condemnation of our poor ignoramus, for it is written:- "The Lord loveth the sinner that repents his sins" AND, when the time comes for Milti to face his demise, his last thoughts and hopes will be that the 'Almighty' (whosoever or whatsoever) will embrace him and offer him solace in his final moments.

It happens to everyone, the dread of the unknown is a powerful force and will topple the most valiant of warriors, how much easier it will be to unseat the valiance of a blasphemous champion of 'Atheism'... may 'Allah' be merciful unto him also.

The only caveat (before entry into the realms of 'Paradise' MAY be (for I am not qualified to make final judgments) that there will be NO virgins available to him, it will be punishment enough to find himself in the company of SO many courageous 'Jihadi Warriors' who will perhaps explain to him the TRUE meaning of 'Courage', something that he never quite understood on the 'Earthly Plain'.

Given time (and there will be plenty of it) they may even teach him to understand that which is written. :lol:

True to form and full of shit Pervert, learn to write you stupid bastard, fuck the bloody brackets will you!

My apologies for the inclusion of (brackets), they are put there specifically out of deference to YOUR obvious inability to understand that which is written (they should help).

You have the annoying habit of drawing conclusions before considering the content of (or meaning of) that which you read.

The consequence of such an unfortunate habit usually renders you incapable of anything other than drawing 'Inaccurate Conclusions' and following them up with the tirades of abuse and foul language, which (for some obscure reason) you seem to be quite pleased with.

One can only assume that your prolonged involvement with your 'Western Idols' has encouraged you to adapt both their mannerisms and 'Alleged Cultural Habits' and (if such be the case) your disgusting crudity is a credit to your achievement in so doing.

ALL of your characteristics (if they be truly representative of you as portrayed on this Forum) do very little to enhance your standing as one who should be taken note of in a 'Debate', therefore, any of your views are usually dismissed as 'The ramblings of a foolish old man', such a pity actually, for SURELY there must be some instances where you have something intelligent (OF YOUR OWN) to offer to others and possibly learn something at the same time.

"May the Good Lord lift up the light of his countenance to shine upon you"....but I fear it may be too late, I will pray for you. :wink:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:14 pm

Atheist wrote:I care as much about the bible as I care about Kokinoskoufitsa. How long did it take to write Kokinoskoufitsa? How many authors contributed to this fairy tale? The answers can make up an interesting story but they do not provide any answers about the universe.

Well then stop calling yourself an "atheist" and start using the correct description which is none other than DUMBO! :)

To qualify as an atheist you must first study theism, debunk it, and then resort to atheism.

You haven’t even studied the most basic things! :roll:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:18 pm

Just make sure when you ...pray for me don't use fucking brackets. :lol:
Strange as it might ( perhaps :lol: ) sound, intellectually you are but a dwarf ( as evidenced :lol: ) insecure and exceedingly naïve, a convert to Islam, and a ...fucking idiot . As you may have gathered I have NOT the slightest respect for your utterances either concerning your heroes, the fucking savages, or your beliefs in an all mighty mythological ...micky mouse :lol: :lol:
Boy ( or is it ...thing ) you have much to learn.
Since you seem to be aware of my presence when can I expect you ??
Before I sign off I would remind you that I, Miltiades, have trod on a load of shit in my long life but you take the ...biscuit :lol: :lol:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:21 pm

miltiades wrote:TO ALL RELIGIOUS ....SCHOLLARS:

As we all know, at least those of us with the minutest amount of logic, man has been on earth for hundreds of thousands of years.
We also know that Christianity is about 2 thousand years old and Islam about 1300 years.

Any of you ...religious scholars care to explain why it took hundreds of thousands of years for the Son of God to appear and 700 years later the so called prophet. Was god taking a break for hundreds of thousands of years and suddenly decided to .....create ADAM AND EVE IT, WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT !!

Yes folks, the earth planet is billions of years old, life on earth millions of years old, yet a couple of thousand years ago man decided to create something ...original, to give you scholars a ...purpose in life !!
Any one wants to challenge me on the old testimony, particularly EXODUS ? I love the myth on angels being sent down to Egypt to kill the first born !!! I wonder what method they , the angels, used, strangulation perhaps, or maybe they , the angels, slit throats in mass !!!

:? So which part of this bowl of spaghetti is the question? :lol:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:42 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:TO ALL RELIGIOUS ....SCHOLLARS:

As we all know, at least those of us with the minutest amount of logic, man has been on earth for hundreds of thousands of years.
We also know that Christianity is about 2 thousand years old and Islam about 1300 years.

Any of you ...religious scholars care to explain why it took hundreds of thousands of years for the Son of God to appear and 700 years later the so called prophet. Was god taking a break for hundreds of thousands of years and suddenly decided to .....create ADAM AND EVE IT, WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT !!

Yes folks, the earth planet is billions of years old, life on earth millions of years old, yet a couple of thousand years ago man decided to create something ...original, to give you scholars a ...purpose in life !!
Any one wants to challenge me on the old testimony, particularly EXODUS ? I love the myth on angels being sent down to Egypt to kill the first born !!! I wonder what method they , the angels, used, strangulation perhaps, or maybe they , the angels, slit throats in mass !!!

:? So which part of this bowl of spaghetti is the question? :lol:

Its NOT spaghetti, its koutchia gamoto !! Tell me, oh ...god all mighty, how did the angels kill the first born Egyptian child ?
What a fucking cruel bastard to send HIS ...angels to kill children !! What a load of fucking rubbish !
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:50 pm

miltiades wrote:Its NOT spaghetti, its koutchia gamoto !! Tell me, oh ...god all mighty, how did the angels kill the first born Egyptian child ?
What a fucking cruel bastard to send HIS ...angels to kill children !! What a load of fucking rubbish !

:? What angels? There’s no mention of angels in this story.

You’re getting your grand-kid’s Beano confused with the bible. :lol:

What a stupid world we're living in... :?
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 20, 2016 10:01 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:If there is god then he must be one lazy son of a bitch. He's done fuck all in my lifetime and I'm a fucking coffindodger.

:? What were your expectations?
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