kurupetos wrote:miltiades wrote:A simple question to those that believe in life after death, in a creator and in Paradise and Hell.
What is the ....current " population" of Paradise and respectively of Hell. Since man has been on earth for millions of years the number must be in trillion trillion trillion plus many more trillions!!

A bit congested wouldn't you say so ?

Ignorance will send you to hell, old boy.
Stay your condemnation of our poor ignoramus, for it is written:- "The Lord loveth the sinner that repents his sins" AND, when the time comes for Milti to face his demise, his last thoughts and hopes will be that the 'Almighty' (whosoever or whatsoever) will embrace him and offer him solace in his final moments.
It happens to everyone, the dread of the unknown is a powerful force and will topple the most valiant of warriors, how much easier it will be to unseat the valiance of a blasphemous champion of 'Atheinism'... may 'Allah' be merciful unto him also.
The only caveat (before entry into the realms of 'Paradise' MAY be (for I am not qualified to make final judgments) that there will be NO virgins available to him, it will be punishment enough to find himself in the company of SO many courageous 'Jihadi Warriors' who will perhaps explain to him the TRUE meaning of 'Courage', something that he never quite understood on the 'Earthly Plain'.
Given time (and there will be plenty of it) they may even teach him to understand that which is written.