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Checkmate, Atheists

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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:41 pm

Atheist wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:Are you SURE that the last thoughts which occupied those who were about to depart were NOT attuned to the prospect of an afterlife ?, if you are (and I confess that I would not be surprised if your arrogance confirmed your view) it would be interesting if you could support the fact that their passage was without some reflection and.., how can you be so sure ?.

Schnauzer, what is arrogant is for you to claim that you know what every person that has ever died had in his mind in his last moments. None of us can read minds and if we are going by what those people say, then yes, I've seen people who were about to die and mentioned nothing about Gods and afterlife.

Furthermore there is a huge difference between hoping for the prospect of an afterlife and truly believing that there is an afterlife. If you truly believe that there is an afterlife then not only you wouldn't fear death, but in your last moments you would be ecstatic that soon you would be departing for this great place of eternal happiness. Your religious relatives next to you would be celebrating the moment you died, cheering: "You made it buddy! See you in paradise soon!" So how many dying people have you seen who acted in a way that denoted certainty in an afterlife? I bet you that not even most of the religious people that you've seen dying were happy and without any fear in their last moments, unless maybe you had pumped them with lots of drugs before.

Have you actually read that which you have written ?, absolute drivel in response to intelligent observations which in no way should be interpreted as a claim to KNOW the thoughts of the dying BUT, there are countless examples of those who DO believe in the promises of their faith, entering the realm of oblivion with serene confidence.

However, the focus of THIS thread is more to examine the passing of 'Atheists' and in THAT vein, I maintain my opinion that the utterance of blasphemy (particularly in expletive form) is merely a sign of 'Bravado' on the part of the one who declares such views.

Probably their most 'Courageous' stance throughout their lives......until "El Momento de la Verdad" (when the bottle goes). :lol:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Atheist » Sat Aug 20, 2016 12:13 am

Schnauzer wrote:
Atheist wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:Are you SURE that the last thoughts which occupied those who were about to depart were NOT attuned to the prospect of an afterlife ?, if you are (and I confess that I would not be surprised if your arrogance confirmed your view) it would be interesting if you could support the fact that their passage was without some reflection and.., how can you be so sure ?.

Schnauzer, what is arrogant is for you to claim that you know what every person that has ever died had in his mind in his last moments. None of us can read minds and if we are going by what those people say, then yes, I've seen people who were about to die and mentioned nothing about Gods and afterlife.

Furthermore there is a huge difference between hoping for the prospect of an afterlife and truly believing that there is an afterlife. If you truly believe that there is an afterlife then not only you wouldn't fear death, but in your last moments you would be ecstatic that soon you would be departing for this great place of eternal happiness. Your religious relatives next to you would be celebrating the moment you died, cheering: "You made it buddy! See you in paradise soon!" So how many dying people have you seen who acted in a way that denoted certainty in an afterlife? I bet you that not even most of the religious people that you've seen dying were happy and without any fear in their last moments, unless maybe you had pumped them with lots of drugs before.

Have you actually read that which you have written ?, absolute drivel in response to intelligent observations which in no way should be interpreted as a claim to KNOW the thoughts of the dying BUT, there are countless examples of those who DO believe in the promises of their faith, entering the realm of oblivion with serene confidence.

However, the focus of THIS thread is more to examine the passing of 'Atheists' and in THAT vein, I maintain my opinion that the utterance of blasphemy (particularly in expletive form) is merely a sign of 'Bravado' on the part of the one who declares such views.

Probably their most 'Courageous' stance throughout their lives......until "El Momento de la Verdad" (when the bottle goes). :lol:

I had an atheist uncle that died from cancer some years ago. At no point did he trade his reason for a false hope. He remained courageous until the very end.

Religions are just another form of superstition. While people are free to believe whatever they want this doesn't mean that nonsense should be allowed to be promoted unchallenged. People should have a choice between reason and the benefits of false hope.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 20, 2016 12:40 am

Atheist wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Atheist wrote:There lies the problem Get Real. Religions were invented by humans to serve their needs. And humans being declared Gods is not new either. At the time of Jesus it was pretty common.

You have the intellect of a sparrow forever wasting your time with John, Peter, and Lulu who are just common idiots like you.

The never-ending spectacular universe wasn't invented by humans but you still cannot see it because you find common idiots on tiny planet Earth far too interesting to look anywhere else! :roll: :lol:

Obviously the universe wasn't invented by humans. What was invented by humans were the fairy tales about Gods. Jews invented a God that placed earth in the center of that "never-ending spectacular universe" with everything else being insignificant details that served as a mere background. How convenient! And Jews were the chosen people of that "God". This obviously had nothing to do with the fact that this "God" was their own creation :lol: And other people elsewhere and in various times have created 1000s of totally different Gods with totally different stories to serve their own needs.

If you need a God how about Aphrodite who is a local? Why should Cypriots believe in a Jewish God?

Nobody gives a shit about your repetitive 2c sophistry revolving around what other idiots like you have said or done on this planet.

Unless you have conducted research on topics that are RELEVANT to theism such as the mortality of Man, infinity as a number, the direction of time, the biological origin of paganism, substance and matter, archaeological evidence of the authenticity of the bible, bible study, and so forth; topics that are prerequisite to investigating theism, you’re in no position to debate this subject at all so kindly spare us the monotonous primary school sophistry and quit making a fool of yourself.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 20, 2016 12:53 am

Atheist wrote:While people are free to believe whatever they want this doesn't mean that nonsense should be allowed to be promoted unchallenged. People should have a choice between reason and the benefits of false hope.

But you specifically do NOT have the education to challenge any of this because you haven't RESEARCHED theism/atheism so any challenge won’t be coming from you! :lol:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Atheist » Sat Aug 20, 2016 4:02 am

Scientific fields such as Math, Biology, Chemistry and Archeology have nothing to do with the fairy tales you believe in. At best your bible contains common scientific knowledge that existed 2000 years ago (that came from ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans etc who were not Christian or Jew) and contains no knowledge whatsoever that wasn't already available in those times. The only thing that was added were lots of fairy tales about the world being created in 6 days, about Adam and Eve and all that totally useless crap.

The Bible is a work of fiction. If it had such value in scientific fields then it would have been a prerequisite for every science degree, but the truth is that it doesn't have any such value at all.

Yes, you can study a religion and become an expert in it. You can study the religion of ancient Greeks and become an expert in this field if you want. But you don't need to be an expert in Greek Mythology to know that the Olympian Gods were man made creations, do you?

Or are you going to tell me that you started by believing in every religion that was ever devised and you concluded that the one religion you currently believe in is the "true" one only after deeply studying the mythology of every single religion? Chances are that you accepted your religion before you even knew how to read, because this is what you were told to believe by your parents. So if you are honest with yourself you will have to admit that the reason you believe in what you believe is because your mommy told you so, and has absolutely nothing to do with any research.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 20, 2016 4:12 am

Atheist wrote:Scientific fields such as Math, Biology, Chemistry and Archeology have nothing to do with the fairy tales you believe in. At best your bible contains common scientific knowledge that existed 2000 years ago (that came from ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans etc who were not Christian or Jew) and contains no knowledge whatsoever that wasn't already available in those times. The only thing that was added were lots of fairy tales about the world being created in 6 days, about Adam and Eve and all that totally useless crap.

The Bible is a work of fiction. If it had such value in scientific fields then it would have been a prerequisite for every science degree, but the truth is that it doesn't have any such value at all.

Yes, you can study a religion and become an expert in it. You can study the religion of ancient Greeks and become an expert in this field if you want. But you don't need to be an expert in Greek Mythology to know that the Olympian Gods were man made creations, do you?

Or are you going to tell me that you started by believing in every religion that was ever devised and you concluded that the one religion you currently believe in is the "true" one only after deeply studying the mythology of every single religion? Chances are that you accepted your religion before you even knew how to read, because this is what you were told to believe by your parents. So if you are honest with yourself you will have to admit that the reason you believe in what you believe is because your mommy told you so, and has absolutely nothing to do with any research.

:shock: My goodness, you’re the biggest FUCKING IDIOT to have ever walked into this forum! :?

You uneducated little prick… if things like archaeological findings that support the authenticity of the bible have no weight in this subject then what does… your assumed logic and intellect? :lol:

Re fucking maimouna dis dekaras! :roll:
Last edited by Get Real! on Sat Aug 20, 2016 4:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Aug 20, 2016 4:16 am

...a man was taking it easy, lying on the grass and looking up at the clouds. He was identifying shapes when he decided to talk to God. "God", he said, "how long is a million years?"

God answered, "In my frame of reference, it's about a minute."

The man asked, "God, how much is a million dollars?"

God answered, "To Me, it's a penny."

The man then asked, "God, can I have a penny?"

God said, "In a minute."
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Atheist » Sat Aug 20, 2016 5:11 am

Get Real! wrote:
Atheist wrote:Scientific fields such as Math, Biology, Chemistry and Archeology have nothing to do with the fairy tales you believe in. At best your bible contains common scientific knowledge that existed 2000 years ago (that came from ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans etc who were not Christian or Jew) and contains no knowledge whatsoever that wasn't already available in those times. The only thing that was added were lots of fairy tales about the world being created in 6 days, about Adam and Eve and all that totally useless crap.

The Bible is a work of fiction. If it had such value in scientific fields then it would have been a prerequisite for every science degree, but the truth is that it doesn't have any such value at all.

Yes, you can study a religion and become an expert in it. You can study the religion of ancient Greeks and become an expert in this field if you want. But you don't need to be an expert in Greek Mythology to know that the Olympian Gods were man made creations, do you?

Or are you going to tell me that you started by believing in every religion that was ever devised and you concluded that the one religion you currently believe in is the "true" one only after deeply studying the mythology of every single religion? Chances are that you accepted your religion before you even knew how to read, because this is what you were told to believe by your parents. So if you are honest with yourself you will have to admit that the reason you believe in what you believe is because your mommy told you so, and has absolutely nothing to do with any research.

:shock: My goodness, you’re the biggest FUCKING IDIOT to have ever walked into this forum! :?

You uneducated little prick… if things like archaeological findings that support the authenticity of the bible have no weight in this subject then what does… your assumed logic and intellect? :lol:

Re fucking maimouna dis dekaras! :roll:

You are so stupid it is no surprise you are a theist :lol:

Which archeological finding supports that what is written in the bible came from "God"?

All that archeology can show is that what is compiled in the bible is a collection of stories written at different times by different people in different locations and went through revisions by yet different groups of people who picked and choose what tales to include and what tales to exclude from their Bible Fairy Tale Collection.

Nobody disputes that the bible fairytale was written, just like many fictional stories where written since people learned to write and archeologists found tons of those stories as well. What is clearly false is that this fairytale somehow came from a "God". Anybody can write crap and then claim that he was enlightened by "God" to do so, it is the easiest thing to make such claim. Many people have done this, lots of fairytales and myths have been created over the history of mankind.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 20, 2016 5:32 am

Atheist wrote:You are so stupid it is no surprise you are a theist :lol:

Which archeological finding supports that what is written in the bible came from "God"?

All that archeology can show is that what is compiled in the bible is a collection of stories written at different times by different people in different locations and went through revisions by yet different groups of people who picked and choose what tales to include and what tales to exclude from their Bible Fairy Tale Collection.

Nobody disputes that the bible fairytale was written, just like many fictional stories where written since people learned to write and archeologists found tons of those stories as well. What is clearly false is that this fairytale somehow came from a "God". Anybody can write crap and then claim that he was enlightened by "God" to do so, it is the easiest thing to make such claim. Many people have done this, lots of fairytales and myths have been created over the history of mankind.

Your homework for today:

1. What evidence exists for the authenticity of the bible?

2. How long did it take for the bible to be completed?

3. How many authors contributed to the bible?

4. How did the bible’s authors collaborate towards this cause?

It’s high time you started putting some work into it instead of posting whatever tossings come to your head.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:48 am

A simple question to those that believe in life after death, in a creator and in Paradise and Hell.

What is the ....current " population" of Paradise and respectively of Hell. Since man has been on earth for millions of years the number must be in trillion trillion trillion plus many more trillions!! :lol: :lol: A bit congested wouldn't you say so ? :lol:
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