Get Real! wrote:Atheism isn’t really an opinion about the existence of God but rather a display of anger at Man’s religion, and I don’t blame them for this anger for Man has used and abused scripture from the very onset, but we must direct this anger at the real culprit which is none other than Man, not the power responsible for the universe.
Now here’s a little test for you that proves that you are NOT an atheist… (tick those that are true or false)
1. The universe is *there* (visible and tangible) and we are a part of it.
2. The universe is phenomenally huge and spectacular… miraculous even!
3. The universe had to have come about and be governed by *something*.
Who can disagree with any of the above simple statements?
They are FACTS after all, so congratulations… at the very least you *are* a pantheist and not an atheist!

Man didn't just "used and abused scripture", Man wrote every single letter in those "scriptures".
As already said, the universe is governed by the laws of physics (and vice versa) and the same laws apply everywhere. If we fully understand those laws is a different question, but we surely understand them better than we did 2000 years ago.
Your "scriptures" supposedly coming from the "manufacturer" didn't provide any new information whatsoever regarding the universe, but they were instead filled with fairytales, most of which have already been debunked.
And there is nothing literally "miraculous" about the universe. There is a popular saying that "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". To paraphrase: "anything we don't understand seems magical". But just because you can't understand something it doesn't mean it is magic. If you don't know how Solar Eclipse works, and you see the sun disappear in the middle of a cloudless day, it might seem magical to
you but what seems magical to you doesn't mean that it is literally magical. It just means that you don't understand the
real reason something is happening.
Lastly lets take your first point: "The universe is *there* (visible and tangible) and we are a part of it." Exactly. And "God" is
If your argument is that "nothing can exist without a creator" then the question is "Who then created God?" As you can see "God" doesn't solve the "nothing can exist without a creator" argument, it just pushes it one step further. So the reason you believe in a "God" is
not because "nothing can exist without a creator", but because you
want a "God" to exist. This fact becomes even more evident when to this *something* that "must" have created the universe you attach a series of attributes based on nothing more than wishful thinking. For example that this *something* cares specifically for some insignificant species on some insignificant planet, that he will give you paradise, 40 virgins and whatever else you choose to include in your God fairytale.