Get Real! wrote:miltiades wrote:Get Real! wrote:Your car is also “governed” by the laws of physics but that doesn’t mean that its manufacturer didn’t manufacture it!
The difference is that the car manufacturer exists, GODS DO NOT EXIST apart from mentally brainwashed people such as you!
For a 4ft 8" dwarf you sure got a nerve… but then again,you’re so tiny you can’t see the universe just as an ant can’t see a person standing right next to it!
Let me say that I do not take kindly to psychopaths talking crap such as you and the pervert do.
What amazes me the most is that an individual such as you, on record for making disgusting comments about the dead, can have the audacity to proclaim that he is ....religious. You are a fucking insult to your religion you prick!
By the way, you never met me ( You surely will know when you do ) how the fuck do you know how big my villos is