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Checkmate, Atheists

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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Atheist » Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:03 am

Get Real! wrote:
Atheist wrote:In this thread my argument is that not even most religious people are true believers. And this conclusion doesn't come from "some bad examples of Christians" but in fact from the vast majority of them.

So why the hell do you care? :?

You seem so preoccupied with the religious failure of individuals but I cannot see how they are relevant in the research/study of theism or atheism.

Now you claim to be atheist so what research have you conducted into atheism/theism that has resulted in this stance?

And please don’t start again about Brian, Peter, and Anna being bad Christians! I don't care about them. :)

I don't believe in "Gods" in the same way I don't believe in unicorns, the tooth fairy or ghosts. You can't research something that doesn't exist.

Religions just offer fairy tales and rely on nothing but blind faith and wishful thinking. They do not provide any evidence that can be tested.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:05 pm

Atheist wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Atheist wrote:In this thread my argument is that not even most religious people are true believers. And this conclusion doesn't come from "some bad examples of Christians" but in fact from the vast majority of them.

So why the hell do you care? :?

You seem so preoccupied with the religious failure of individuals but I cannot see how they are relevant in the research/study of theism or atheism.

Now you claim to be atheist so what research have you conducted into atheism/theism that has resulted in this stance?

And please don’t start again about Brian, Peter, and Anna being bad Christians! I don't care about them. :)

I don't believe in "Gods" in the same way I don't believe in unicorns, the tooth fairy or ghosts. You can't research something that doesn't exist.

Religions just offer fairy tales and rely on nothing but blind faith and wishful thinking. They do not provide any evidence that can be tested.

:idea: Maybe *you're* a God and that's why you don't need one! :wink:

Have a little play with that theory... it may suit your needs. :lol:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Atheist » Fri Aug 19, 2016 2:27 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Atheist wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Atheist wrote:In this thread my argument is that not even most religious people are true believers. And this conclusion doesn't come from "some bad examples of Christians" but in fact from the vast majority of them.

So why the hell do you care? :?

You seem so preoccupied with the religious failure of individuals but I cannot see how they are relevant in the research/study of theism or atheism.

Now you claim to be atheist so what research have you conducted into atheism/theism that has resulted in this stance?

And please don’t start again about Brian, Peter, and Anna being bad Christians! I don't care about them. :)

I don't believe in "Gods" in the same way I don't believe in unicorns, the tooth fairy or ghosts. You can't research something that doesn't exist.

Religions just offer fairy tales and rely on nothing but blind faith and wishful thinking. They do not provide any evidence that can be tested.

:idea: Maybe *you're* a God and that's why you don't need one! :wink:

Have a little play with that theory... it may suit your needs. :lol:

There lies the problem Get Real. Religions were invented by humans to serve their needs. And humans being declared Gods is not new either. At the time of Jesus it was pretty common.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:25 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Excellent posts by Schnauzer btw... :)

The psycho concurs with the pervert :lol:

And with THAT uncalled for observation, you have once again demonstrated that you are not qualified to enter into a 'Debate' under any circumstances since you are quite unable to consider ANY opinion which might be in conflict to your own.

Such a shame really (for a man of advancing years) since you actually managed to offer SOME evidence of 'Life's Experiences' without resorting to your usual tirades of filth and abuse.

Are you SURE that the last thoughts which occupied those who were about to depart were NOT attuned to the prospect of an afterlife ?, if you are (and I confess that I would not be surprised if your arrogance confirmed your view) it would be interesting if you could support the fact that their passage was without some reflection and.., how can you be so sure ?.

For a man who would not bother to attend the funeral of one of his supposed 'Best Friends' (do you remember Charly) yet openly admits to being an observer of some 'Theological Practices', it comes as no great revelation that YOU are convinced of your own opinions.

Just comes across as a proof of the 'Hypocrisy' that has taken root in your sub-conscious and I would NOT wish to be anywhere around YOU when your final hour comes, you will probably expire "Roaring like Doran's Ass" (if you will pardon a little Irish humour). :lol:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 19, 2016 9:05 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Excellent posts by Schnauzer btw... :)

The psycho concurs with the pervert :lol:

And with THAT uncalled for observation, you have once again demonstrated that you are not qualified to enter into a 'Debate' under any circumstances since you are quite unable to consider ANY opinion which might be in conflict to your own.

Such a shame really (for a man of advancing years) since you actually managed to offer SOME evidence of 'Life's Experiences' without resorting to your usual tirades of filth and abuse.

Are you SURE that the last thoughts which occupied those who were about to depart were NOT attuned to the prospect of an afterlife ?, if you are (and I confess that I would not be surprised if your arrogance confirmed your view) it would be interesting if you could support the fact that their passage was without some reflection and.., how can you be so sure ?.

For a man who would not bother to attend the funeral of one of his supposed 'Best Friends' (do you remember Charly) yet openly admits to being an observer of some 'Theological Practices', it comes as no great revelation that YOU are convinced of your own opinions.

Just comes across as a proof of the 'Hypocrisy' that has taken root in your sub-conscious and I would NOT wish to be anywhere around YOU when your final hour comes, you will probably expire "Roaring like Doran's Ass" (if you will pardon a little Irish humour). :lol:

May I ...respectfully ask you to go and fuck your self or better go and join your savage heroes and blow your useless self up. I promise you, 72 plus bvirgins will be anxiously awaiting your arrival, poor virgins, they would not be aware that you are a ,,,,poofter !!! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:07 pm

is this meant to be a joke
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:39 pm

Atheist wrote:There lies the problem Get Real. Religions were invented by humans to serve their needs. And humans being declared Gods is not new either. At the time of Jesus it was pretty common.

You have the intellect of a sparrow forever wasting your time with John, Peter, and Lulu who are just common idiots like you.

The never-ending spectacular universe wasn't invented by humans but you still cannot see it because you find common idiots on tiny planet Earth far too interesting to look anywhere else! :roll: :lol:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Atheist » Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:05 pm

Schnauzer wrote:Are you SURE that the last thoughts which occupied those who were about to depart were NOT attuned to the prospect of an afterlife ?, if you are (and I confess that I would not be surprised if your arrogance confirmed your view) it would be interesting if you could support the fact that their passage was without some reflection and.., how can you be so sure ?.

Schnauzer, what is arrogant is for you to claim that you know what every person that has ever died had in his mind in his last moments. None of us can read minds and if we are going by what those people say, then yes, I've seen people who were about to die and mentioned nothing about Gods and afterlife.

Furthermore there is a huge difference between hoping for the prospect of an afterlife and truly believing that there is an afterlife. If you truly believe that there is an afterlife then not only you wouldn't fear death, but in your last moments you would be ecstatic that soon you would be departing for this great place of eternal happiness. Your religious relatives next to you would be celebrating the moment you died, cheering: "You made it buddy! See you in paradise soon!" So how many dying people have you seen who acted in a way that denoted certainty in an afterlife? I bet you that not even most of the religious people that you've seen dying were happy and without any fear in their last moments, unless maybe you had pumped them with lots of drugs before.
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:16 pm

miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Excellent posts by Schnauzer btw... :)

The psycho concurs with the pervert :lol:

And with THAT uncalled for observation, you have once again demonstrated that you are not qualified to enter into a 'Debate' under any circumstances since you are quite unable to consider ANY opinion which might be in conflict to your own.

Such a shame really (for a man of advancing years) since you actually managed to offer SOME evidence of 'Life's Experiences' without resorting to your usual tirades of filth and abuse.

Are you SURE that the last thoughts which occupied those who were about to depart were NOT attuned to the prospect of an afterlife ?, if you are (and I confess that I would not be surprised if your arrogance confirmed your view) it would be interesting if you could support the fact that their passage was without some reflection and.., how can you be so sure ?.

For a man who would not bother to attend the funeral of one of his supposed 'Best Friends' (do you remember Charly) yet openly admits to being an observer of some 'Theological Practices', it comes as no great revelation that YOU are convinced of your own opinions.

Just comes across as a proof of the 'Hypocrisy' that has taken root in your sub-conscious and I would NOT wish to be anywhere around YOU when your final hour comes, you will probably expire "Roaring like Doran's Ass" (if you will pardon a little Irish humour). :lol:

May I ...respectfully ask you to go and fuck your self or better go and join your savage heroes and blow your useless self up. I promise you, 72 plus bvirgins will be anxiously awaiting your arrival, poor virgins, they would not be aware that you are a ,,,,poofter !!! :lol: :lol:

Further evidence of your inane stupidity. :roll:
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Re: Checkmate, Atheists

Postby Atheist » Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:38 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Atheist wrote:There lies the problem Get Real. Religions were invented by humans to serve their needs. And humans being declared Gods is not new either. At the time of Jesus it was pretty common.

You have the intellect of a sparrow forever wasting your time with John, Peter, and Lulu who are just common idiots like you.

The never-ending spectacular universe wasn't invented by humans but you still cannot see it because you find common idiots on tiny planet Earth far too interesting to look anywhere else! :roll: :lol:

Obviously the universe wasn't invented by humans. What was invented by humans were the fairy tales about Gods. Jews invented a God that placed earth in the center of that "never-ending spectacular universe" with everything else being insignificant details that served as a mere background. How convenient! And Jews were the chosen people of that "God". This obviously had nothing to do with the fact that this "God" was their own creation :lol: And other people elsewhere and in various times have created 1000s of totally different Gods with totally different stories to serve their own needs.

If you need a God how about Aphrodite who is a local? Why should Cypriots believe in a Jewish God?
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