miltiades wrote:Schnauzer wrote:As is written :- "Thou shalt ne'er expect more from a Swine than a GRUNT".
Perhaps you might like to add THAT to your extensive list of 'Biblical Extractions'.

Although you have converted to the Islamic faith, no doubt you are aware that much of the Christian Old Testament is exactly to that of the Islamic religion. Both, in fact all of the so called religious holy books are nothing more than mythological nonsense written down over hundreds of years by medieval men, mostly disturbed and not in a position to have undertaken any real research.
Santa is as much " real" as all the other gods put together.
Well, as expected, it didn't take long for you to get your snout in the trough !.
On a more serious note :- YOU (by virtue of the fact that I endowed you with the Islamic name of 'Mustapha Kwiktug' ) are now Muslim.
I will explain the fundamental implications of your new 'Status' as simply as possible.
When one chooses a Dog for a companion, it is customary to give it a name and for our purpose let us assume we wish to call him 'Rover', once the Dog responds to his name, he becomes 'Rover' from that day forth.
Accordingly (in the Tenets of Islam) once one responds to his Islamic NAME, he becomes one of the faithful AND, since you HAVE in a previous post responded (albeit laced with your customary insults and abuse) to the name I endowed upon you in the name of 'Allah' , you are NOW a 'Muslim'.
You are of course a 'Bad Muslim' BUT, with the assistance and blessings of 'Allah the Merciful' it is now my duty to guide you through the fog of your indifference to the feelings of your fellow man.
I suggest you should obtain a copy of the 'Holy Qu'ran' and commence the study of it immediately (there is still hope for you) and please remember to place the book uppermost on your bookshelf, it is a sign of respect for the faith you have embraced.