Schnauzer wrote:To those of you who consider it amusing to ridicule others who may have faith in the existence of an almighty deity (whosoever or whatsoever it may be) or those who feel that by declaring themselves 'Atheist' they are somehow exhibiting some worldly quality which others do not possess, I will put you a case.
ANY person who has experienced the dying moments of a friend (or even enemy) will have noticed a rather peculiar phenomenon, that in EVERY case, in the last moments before the final breath is taken, the near departed (be they 'Atheist' or otherwise) will turn to the very subject they apparently despised throughout their lives.
As a matter of fact, it is accepted among those who have made their careers studying the attitudes of confirmed non-believers that their declarations (or terms of ridicule) are usually an ill-conceived attempt to portray themselves as courageous.
The opposite is (of course) the true measure of their courage and is most likely an example of the most courageous action they have ever undertaken.
When YOUR time comes (Oh Courageous 'Atheist' and spreader of blasphemy) try to remember the words of 'Schnauzer'......I will be your comfort and you will pass from this life peacefully.
These are the facts.....anyone who has had the experience aforementioned will KNOW it and perhaps devote a little time to those who do not.
The supposed humour of that which has been written is NOT appreciated (by those who lack the 'Valour' to ridicule the 'Almighty') nor is it a sign of sound judgement, it rather smacks of a naughty schoolchild vying for attention in the vain hope of impressing someone.

I recall vividly when way back in 1953, at the age of seven, I kneeled by my mothers dead body , the local priest's hand on my shoulder comforting me and telling me " THELIMA TOU THEOU YIE MOU", and praying intensely and genuinely for my mother to open her eyes....
Yes at the age of seven I knew no better, years later I abstained from doing so faced with my late wife's death and only last year my daughter in law's death. Neither I nor my wife believed in a creator, neither I nor my late wife ever utter one word aimed at the creator during her eight year battle with cancer.
My late wife was born a Christian, Church of England, my late father wished that we should get married in a Greek Orthodox Church, five years after our Registry wedding. I did not wish to not please him so we did, my late wife was also baptised and became a Greek Orthodox, just as our two children did .
I have always followed tradition ingrained in the Greek Orthodox Church and always will. Weddings, Christenings and other such traditional Christian " customs".
I do not refer to my self as an " atheist" as this description denotes commonly an individual lacking morals etc. I refer to my self as an enlightened individual whose beliefs cultivated over seven decades are firmly based entirely on logic and common sense. There is no god, there has never been, only a creation by pre historic man. Long before " modern religions, hundreds of thousands years ago, there existed many gods. The Arabs had 365 gods, one for every day, the Greeks had a mere 24!!. There is not one iota of solid evidence, according to science, that there is or there was a god. I believe in real tangible angels, people who dedicate them selves in helping others, the less privileged, the less healthier, the less well off.
We witness daily all around us the poison that consumes those that blindly " believe" the hatred, the blood thirst, the murder in the name of an imaginary creator. Religion gives the human race, not the entire race, a hope, a spiritual guidance but not by any means a proof of the existence of a creator.
My new wife as well as her entire family,bar one, are believers, they are fully aware of my own beliefs, they accept it and thus far no .....fatwas have been issued against me.
In life one's logic evolves around his or her experiences in life. Last Xmas day I was in Limassol, my younger religious brother asked me to go to church, I declined and opened the boot of my car and told him this is what I will do today, showed him 3 rather large hampers destined for.....