mistermax wrote:I am not the one with 16923 posts.![]()
Don't worry, the amount of clap trap you post, you'll soon have that number!
mistermax wrote:I am not the one with 16923 posts.![]()
repulsewarrior wrote:God and Saint Peter are sitting together at the Pearly Gates one day, when Saint Peter asks God if He enjoyed his recent vacation to Earth.
God thunders, "Earth?, Earth?, don't talk to me about earth!!", ...
..."met a girl named Mary, and they're still talking about it."
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
Matthew 19:24
Atheist wrote:A thread about Atheism? I have to comment on this!
I don't care what people believe in as long as they do not try to impose their religion on others and as long as the state treats everybody the same without discriminating (why should the Church pay less taxes than the rest of us?)
Beyond that everybody is free to believe whatever. If it makes you happier to believe that there is a God that loves you and you are able to believe such thing then more power to you. This is the only life you will ever get so whatever helps you feel better is good for you (as long as your blind beliefs are not used by others to exploit you)
That said I doubt that most people who claim to be religious truly believe in God and the fairytales of the Church.
Those who truly believe in a God and an afterlife would not fear death and would not care much about the problems of this life since our time on earth would be literally nothing compared to the eternity which they expect to live in paradise. All they would need to worry about is how to be good Christians (or Muslims etc).
However the reality is the opposite. Most of those supposedly religious people fear death like everybody else, and their aim in life seems to be to gain as much wealth as possible, even though Jesus said:Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
Matthew 19:24
Not to mention the stealing, adultery and all the other "sins" that are committed by people who are trying by all means, even illegal, to get something in this short life, while they don't seem to care at all about the eternity that supposedly will follow.
So it is quite obvious that they do not truly believe in God, paradise etc, and they know that this life is the only one that they will ever get. Religious people want to believe all those fairytales because those nice lies would make them feel better, but unfortunately for them those stories are so obviously untrue, that even most religious people can't truly believe in them no matter how much they are trying to convince themselves.
Schnauzer wrote: ANY person who has experienced the dying moments of a friend (or even enemy) will have noticed a rather peculiar phenomenon, that in EVERY case, in the last moments before the final breath is taken, the near departed (be they 'Atheist' or otherwise) will turn to the very subject they apparently despised throughout their lives.
As a matter of fact, it is accepted among those who have made their careers studying the attitudes of confirmed non-believers that their declarations (or terms of ridicule) are usually an ill-conceived attempt to portray themselves as courageous.
The opposite is (of course) the true measure of their courage and is most likely an example of the most courageous action they have ever undertaken.
When YOUR time comes (Oh Courageous 'Atheist' and spreader of blasphemy) try to remember the words of 'Schnauzer'......I will be your comfort and you will pass from this life peacefully.
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