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French priest murdered by.......

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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:03 pm


I watched this some years ago and it made a big impression on me. I just tried to watch it again ....... and I couldn’t. It is a heart breaking chronicle mainly narrated by young children. Anyone who watches this and doesn’t shed a tear, has no heart and no humanity.

There is little difference between what the Israelis are doing in Gaza than what the Nazis’s did in their death camps. I suppose you could say that in the Camps, at least it was all over very quickly for those that perished. This is a slow tortuous death for almost 2 Million people and the world stands silent and does nothing!!!!!

No member of the human race could do this to children, in fact do it to anyone ........... and yet some on here admire the Israeli’s and accuse a few ‘Islamic’ hot heads of being barbaric! In Zionist Israel it is the majority that are barbaric and rejoice in it, and the world looks the other way. Children have to grow up very quickly in Gaza ...... if they live long enough to actually grow up and even if they do, they are traumatised for life.

Take a good look ...... this is barbarism and war crimes up close ..... very close!

NOTE, Milti ..... this is barbarism carried out by a so called civilised nation ..... watching this not only raises my anger to you but makes me want to throw up at your previous sickening comments!!!!!!!

I posted this on another forum a few years ago and one member commented it was a waste of 14 minutes of his life ........ he couldn’t be bothered to watch the whole thing.

Tears of Gaza.
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Linichka » Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:23 pm

The true barbarism in Gaza?
Committed by their 'freely elected' government - Hamas.
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:55 pm

Robin Hood wrote:There is little difference between what the Israelis are doing in Gaza than what the Nazis’s did in their death camps.


Why minimize what Hitler did?
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:19 am

Robin, you are a Jew hater as well as hating the USA. Unlike you, my comments are not sparked off by hatred against either the Palestinians or the Arab people in general. My support of the west is not blind but objective. My support for Israel's right to exist is unquestionable. I believe that Israel would like nothing more than to live in peace with its neighbours, neighbours who foster an unimaginable hatred for the Jewish state and have as their goal the destruction of Israel.

Atrocities have been committed by both warring parties , strangely enough by combatants who consider them selves god fearing, another proof if one was needed that religion, especially in this region , precludes the road to peace.

Do also remember that the Hams manifesto clearly calls for the destruction of the state of Israel.

Seeing young children suffering and dying does not make anyone remotely happy, all decent men and women are affected by the suffering of young people. It is the "hate" structure that is embedded in the hearts and minds of Palestinians who do not wish to live in peace, do not want to negotiate anything other than the destruction of Israel.

I put the blame squarely on those elements that are driven by immense hatred aided and abated by a sick ideology.

Israel is not going away, neither are the Palestinians. The only option is for both sides to accept each others right to exist and sit down in a cordial atmosphere and resolve their issues . The process of achieving the utmost can only be constructive in an atmosphere of good will and cooperation.

What makes you such a Jew hater Robin?
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:41 am


Its Covenant is a comprehensive

manifesto comprised of 36 separate articles, all of which promote the

basic HAMAS goal of destroying the State of Israel through Jihad

(Islamic Holy War).

'The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinguished Palestinian

movement, whose allegiance is to Allah, and whose way of life is

Islam. It strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of

Palestine.' (Article 6)

'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will

obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' (Preamble)

'[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and

international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of

the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than

a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of

Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by

Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a

waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13)

'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and

kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the

rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind

me, come and kill him.' (Article 7)

A constructive and a peace dedicated Manifesto indeed !!
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:07 am

Linichka wrote:The true barbarism in Gaza?
Committed by their 'freely elected' government - Hamas.

I didn't know Hamas had helicopter gun ships or used white phosphorous on their own people from F-16's?

You are obviously one that believes the lies rather than the reality and will point out, as the basis of your support that ' is all the Palestinians fault because they fire home made rockets into poor defenceless 'Israel' ?
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:12 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:There is little difference between what the Israelis are doing in Gaza than what the Nazis’s did in their death camps.


Why minimize what Hitler did?

I am not 'minimising' I am drawing a parallel. The only thing missing is the gas chambers and the incinerators ...... try reading up on what the Nazi's did in the Warsaw Ghetto .... change the name to Gaza ..... and there IS no difference. The MO is identical!
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:37 am

What makes you such a Jew hater Robin?

Another misconception! I find that offensive as it is certainly not true.

I don’t hate Jews, in fact every year we have a Jewish friend from the US to stay for a couple of weeks and she is very obviously Jewish. She is very political, very astute and I really enjoy her company. We disagree on some things but Israel is not one of them. She expresses exactly the same hatred for what the Israeli’s are doing to the Palestinians as I do.

Like many, you find it difficult to understand that it is not Judaism that is doing this, as Judaism is a religion. Many real Jews oppose Israel's policies toward the Palestinians. It is the political Zionist element that is behind it and has been since before the Balfour Agreement was even thought of. How often do we read about the Syrians being besieged by evil Assad but how often do you read about the siege of Gaza? You need to do a lot more reading!

Do I hate Americans? No! I have worked with them for years and still maintain contact some 20 years later and they are not happy with their Governments actions either. All of the Americans I have been close to have said that the US is run by Zionist's and solely for Israel’s benefit. An example; the largest arms deal in history ($40bn) has just been signed between the US and Israel ..... and still Netanyahu wants more! Tell me, who are they defending themselves against? Who has attacked Israel in the last few decades?

Your post shows you have absolutely no idea of the reality. Ignore the facts if you want but I won’t enter into an argument with you as your mind is obviously made up. :|
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:43 am


Its Covenant is a comprehensive

manifesto comprised of 36 separate articles, all of which promote the

basic HAMAS goal of destroying the State of Israel through Jihad

(Islamic Holy War).

'The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinguished Palestinian

movement, whose allegiance is to Allah, and whose way of life is

Islam. It strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of

Palestine.' (Article 6)

'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will

obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' (Preamble)

'[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and

international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of

the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than

a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of

Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by

Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a

waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13)

'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and

kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the

rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind

me, come and kill him.' (Article 7)

A constructive and a peace dedicated Manifesto indeed !!

Now have a look at the Israeli constitution, they want to destroy the Arabs and drive them out of the land that God gave to his chosen people ..... and after 3000 years they still haven't got the deeds! Is there really that much difference in the rhetoric? :roll:
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:18 am

Robin Hood wrote:

Its Covenant is a comprehensive

manifesto comprised of 36 separate articles, all of which promote the

basic HAMAS goal of destroying the State of Israel through Jihad

(Islamic Holy War).

'The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinguished Palestinian

movement, whose allegiance is to Allah, and whose way of life is

Islam. It strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of

Palestine.' (Article 6)

'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will

obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' (Preamble)

'[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and

international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of

the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than

a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of

Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by

Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a

waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13)

'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and

kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the

rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind

me, come and kill him.' (Article 7)

A constructive and a peace dedicated Manifesto indeed !!

Now have a look at the Israeli constitution, they want to destroy the Arabs and drive them out of the land that God gave to his chosen people ..... and after 3000 years they still haven't got the deeds! Is there really that much difference in the rhetoric? :roll:

I would appreciate a link that shows Israel wants to destroy the Arabs.
Incidentally, each and every Israeli action against Gaza was precipitated by the launching of multiple rockets , as indeed in 2014.
Main article: Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel
This is a detailed list of Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks on Israel in 2014. All of the attacks originated in the Gaza Strip, unless stated otherwise. For information pertaining to the wider conflict, see Arab-Israeli conflict and Israeli–Palestinian conflict. This list does not include reports of deaths and injuries caused by Hamas rocket and mortar attacks that fell within Gaza.
In total, all the rockets launched on Israel in 2014 resulted in 8 deaths and 60 injuries. All the fatalities occurred during Operation Protective Edge.
On 5 March, the Israeli Navy intercepted a ship containing dozens of long-range rockets being smuggled from Iran to the Gaza Strip.[1]
On 10 March, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist group that controls the Gaza Strip, unveiled a monument to its rocket attacks on Israeli cities and towns, a life-sized model of an M-75 rocket in Gaza City. The group declared that the attacks "managed to take the battle to the heart of the Zionist entity (Israel)".[2]
On 23 April, Fatah and Hamas signed a reconciliation deal.[3]
In July, the number of rocket attacks launched toward Israel from Gaza increased dramatically. Eighty rockets were fired on 7 July.[4] On the following day, Israel launched Operation Protective Edge.
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