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French priest murdered by.......

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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:22 am

miltiades wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:The Palestinians are considered to be terrorists because THEY (like so many other downtrodden victims of aggression by the forces of the West) choose to resist and oppose subjugation.

They are branded 'Terrorists' in order to stir up the hatred such title is bound to produce since the general population of Western society is unable to differentiate twixt 'Shit and Salt'.

The Pope recently visited 'Auschwitz-Birkenau' and (as usual) the favourite topic of the Jews was the horrors of the 'Holocaust' and how they have suffered... the pity is that they do not seem capable of recognizing the suffering of others (particularly the Palestinians)who are now either under threat or living in fear because of the pressures imposed upon them by Israel.

I think it might not be such a bad idea to re-open 'Auschwitz-Birkenau' and finish the job that was started decades ago (which we are reminded of on a daily basis) and which might result in a bit of the 'Peace on Earth' which seems to be beyond humanity's grasp since the heady days of the 'Holocaust' (which we are still talking about).

Thinking about it, a quicker route might be a few 'Nukes' on Israel, they are a bit strong BUT, they could still go. :lol:

Up to your fourth paragraph I agreed with you but the last two are not the sort of view I have come to associate with your posts ..... so I don't agree. Nothing can justify a deliberate, designed and engineered plan to exterminate human beings ..... no matter who they are! :x

I could see a case for say Russia locating a defensive shield of missiles in say Syria or Lebanon, but like the shield the US is erecting along Russia's borders ...... they would be simply a defensive measure and a deterent. :roll: :wink:

Robin, you do surprise me at times. How on earth can you even remotely agree with a single word that this pervert writes.
The same pervert that considers ISIS savages as courageous, the murder of British tourists in Tunisia as justified, the throwing of gays from high floors, " sling them off" he wrote. Mate you judge a man by the contents of his stated views and not by a couple of statements. This guy, a muslim convert" is a pervert and should be told so loudly.

The views I have seen recently by Schnauzer have appeared 'moderate' and with some of these views I agree, especially when it comes to Palestine and Palestinians and their treatment by the Zionist Government of Israel. Do I blame Jews? No ..... because many Jews detest Netanyahu and the Zionists because they do just what Islamic extremists do, they have usurped a religion and use parts of it to support their views.

I do not believe that ALL Muslims are a threat and I think Sakers argument has some credibility.

At the top of my plot I have a hornets nest. I have an unspoken agreement with the vicious little insects! I will leave them alone and they leave me alone, so far it has worked. When they stray over the red line and get into the house, they get zapped, likewise if I disturb their nest, I expect them to retaliate, so I give them a wide berth. In my view, what the West has done in the ME and other places, has been the equivalent of attacking a hornets nest. So should we really be surprised that some hot heads with nothing to lose, use our actions as a reason and take out their vengeance on our society after we have so viciously attacked theirs?

We started the violence between the West and Islamic countries and for our own gain. We are now having to pay the price of those foolhardy actions but even then, no matter how brutal we regard their attacks on us, in the terms of body count it is nothing compared to what we have done to them. I don't agree with what these extremists are doing by what ever name they choose, but I can understand where they are coming from. :roll: :|
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:38 am

Yes, the West made many mistakes not least getting involved in Syria. I do not for a minute think that these ME nations would live in peace even if a single westerner never set a foot in their countries. The Iran Iraq war cost the lives of more than a million people, it was not started by the west.

As far as Israel goes the Palestinians have not exactly been eager to establish peace, after all their manifesto calls for the destruction of Israel. Robin the ME can ONLY be governed by theocratic Dictators. Sanctity of life and other virtues that we in the west take for granted are simply not compatible with a 7th century mind set.
Leave them alone, I have always believed ,for they have the capability to destroy their nations. Also, they too must leave us alone to continue enjoying our hard earned freedoms and our very own culture. For as long as these impoverished people continue to believe that their warped religion is the righteous one and that we are infidels they will continue killing each other as they now do.
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:33 am

Yes, the West made many mistakes not least getting involved in Syria. I do not for a minute think that these ME nations would live in peace even if a single westerner never set a foot in their countries. The Iran Iraq war cost the lives of more than a million people, it was not started by the west.

Their religion is an unforgiving one. They are a simple people used to a hard life and tribalism is rife and, as you rightly say, has led to inter-communal violence throughout history. I would disagree with you on the Iran/Iraq war though.

The US encouraged Saddam to attack Iran as Iran was becoming a serious regional power and supported him both with weapons and politically. They wanted a long term war but when they realised that Saddam looked like coming out on top, they then began supporting the Iranians. (Iran/Contra Affair) So even in that war the US was implicated. It just seems that the US cannot keep its nose out of other countries affairs.
As far as Israel goes the Palestinians have not exactly been eager to establish peace, after all their manifesto calls for the destruction of Israel. Robin the ME can ONLY be governed by theocratic Dictators. Sanctity of life and other virtues that we in the west take for granted are simply not compatible with a 7th century mind set.

First, let me say I don’t like Palestinians very much, having worked with a few in my time but I can relate to their cause, which I regard as fully justified. I think that just like Khomenie's oft quoted threat to ‘... wipe Israel from the face of the map’ the intent and wording was the removal of the occupiers of Jerusalem, not the destruction of Israel but the removal of the regime. It was pointed out in the same speech that no one believed they would see the destruction of The Shah and his hated regime ..... but it happened! (Read the translation of the original speak ..... it says nothing about destroying Israel)

I agree that most of these Arab countries need a powerful dictator to keep them under a modicum of control, but why don’t we just accept the one they happen to have, let events take their course rather than starting conflicts so that the West can impose their guy and, by buying him off, they can strip these countries of their resources with impunity?
Once again it comes down to what we do to them first that causes the trouble.
Leave them alone, I have always believed ,for they have the capability to destroy their nations. Also, they too must leave us alone to continue enjoying our hard earned freedoms and our very own culture. For as long as these impoverished people continue to believe that their warped religion is the righteous one and that we are infidels they will continue killing each other as they now do.

I think like the hornets, they will leave us alone if we get out of their lands and let them solve their own problems.

All religions in history have believed theirs is the only true religions! Like you, I regard any religion as exploitation of weak and easily convinced people and thus no more than a fairy story that makes various religious leaders rich and powerful. Just like many Politicians I suppose. :roll: :wink:
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:25 pm

miltiades wrote:Yes, the West made many mistakes not least getting involved in Syria. I do not for a minute think that these ME nations would live in peace even if a single westerner never set a foot in their countries. The Iran Iraq war cost the lives of more than a million people, it was not started by the west.

As far as Israel goes the Palestinians have not exactly been eager to establish peace, after all their manifesto calls for the destruction of Israel. Robin the ME can ONLY be governed by theocratic Dictators. Sanctity of life and other virtues that we in the west take for granted are simply not compatible with a 7th century mind set.
Leave them alone, I have always believed ,for they have the capability to destroy their nations. Also, they too must leave us alone to continue enjoying our hard earned freedoms and our very own culture. For as long as these impoverished people continue to believe that their warped religion is the righteous one and that we are infidels they will continue killing each other as they now do.

your problem old boy is you utterly ignorant of what is going on in the west.

just one example should explain it because it is repeated everywhere, not that i expect you to understand it.

in the 50s iran was as democratic as the western world but the yanks were not happy about it so they deposed the president and parliament and replaced it a pro american dictatorship. the last time they did it recently in egypt and it has been happening in the third world ever since where ever there is some resource they wanted. where ever they found dictatorship they helped it and blocked freedom-

not that i expect asshole like you to see the real world for what it is.

go on one more red and you will be fine old man
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 31, 2016 2:22 pm

Lordo wrote:
miltiades wrote:Yes, the West made many mistakes not least getting involved in Syria. I do not for a minute think that these ME nations would live in peace even if a single westerner never set a foot in their countries. The Iran Iraq war cost the lives of more than a million people, it was not started by the west.

As far as Israel goes the Palestinians have not exactly been eager to establish peace, after all their manifesto calls for the destruction of Israel. Robin the ME can ONLY be governed by theocratic Dictators. Sanctity of life and other virtues that we in the west take for granted are simply not compatible with a 7th century mind set.
Leave them alone, I have always believed ,for they have the capability to destroy their nations. Also, they too must leave us alone to continue enjoying our hard earned freedoms and our very own culture. For as long as these impoverished people continue to believe that their warped religion is the righteous one and that we are infidels they will continue killing each other as they now do.

your problem old boy is you utterly ignorant of what is going on in the west.

just one example should explain it because it is repeated everywhere, not that i expect you to understand it.

in the 50s iran was as democratic as the western world but the yanks were not happy about it so they deposed the president and parliament and replaced it a pro american dictatorship. the last time they did it recently in egypt and it has been happening in the third world ever since where ever there is some resource they wanted. where ever they found dictatorship they helped it and blocked freedom-

not that i expect asshole like you to see the real world for what it is.

go on one more red and you will be fine old man

The forum's IDIOT has spoken!! Iran had a ....president in the 50s. :lol: :lol:
Look stupid, keep your mouth shut as you are an absolute ignorant peasant. When are you fucking off our country? Time for jihadists like you to clear off !!
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jul 31, 2016 3:40 pm


The forum's IDIOT has spoken!! Iran had a ....president in the 50s. :lol: :lol:

Lordo is right, but just like you he has a rather quaint method of delivering the information! Although to correct him, Mossadegh was Prime Minister not President.

The CIA and MI6 were up to their armpits in creating the situation that overthrew Mossadegh in 1953. The Shah was a weak man and just like most people of weakness was very easily bought off by the UK/US. The CIA were responsible for creating and training his hated secret police (SAVAK) who were responsible for a regime of terror (28 years) against the people. This hostility toward the Shah and his regime eventually ended up as the Iranian Revolution and put an old Mullah into power, who the US thought would be a push-over. They were wrong because, just like the Western politicians and diplomats of today, they had no clue as to how powerful religion was in the region. They continue to make the same mistakes to this day.

The Coup Against Iran’s Mohammad Mossadegh

The plot, known as Operation Ajax, centered on convincing Iran’s monarch to issue a decree to dismiss Mossadegh from office. But the Shah was reluctant to attempt such an unpopular and legally questionable move. He finally relented, after much persuasion and bribes to his family. In early August, Iranian CIA operatives threatened Muslim leaders with “savage punishment if they opposed Mossadegh,” thereby giving the impression that Mossadegh was cracking down on dissent.

On August 16, 1953, the Shah formally dismissed Mossadegh and nominated the CIA’s choice, General Fazlollah Zahedi, as Prime Minister. The decrees were dictated by Donald Wilber, the CIA architect of the plan. Soon, massive protests, engineered by the U.S., took place across the city to assist the coup. Mosaddegh was imprisoned for three years, then put under house arrest until his death until 1967. The coup not only encouraged the Shah’s descent towards dictatorship, it would later become a rallying cry in anti-U.S. protests during the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Even now, Mossadegh is one of the most popular figures in Iranian history. ... mossadegh/
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 31, 2016 5:57 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Militi:

The forum's IDIOT has spoken!! Iran had a ....president in the 50s. :lol: :lol:

Lordo is right, but just like you he has a rather quaint method of delivering the information! Although to correct him, Mossadegh was Prime Minister not President.

So FI was wrong!! :lol:
Thanks mainly to the Americans we can now all obtain information on practically everything, including the correct spelling of Tairki
:lol: :lol:
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:21 pm

I fear there is no hope for you Milti, you have reached an age where you should be in a position to to pass SOME wisdom on to the younger generations, unfortunately (since you have none to pass on) you are consigned to the realms of utter ignorance.

Such is your mindset, you are quite unable to even consider the views of those you would dearly love to converse with since THEIR opinions are invariably at odds to your own, therefore, your only option is to resort to tirades of abuse and tiresome insults.

It would appear that you consider your exchanges to be something of an endearing characteristic when you resort to filth... allow me to explain something to you (which you SHOULD know having attained the advancing years of your life) that offering insult merely because you are not in agreement, DETRACTS any credibility you may gain by at least trying to understand the points of view of others.

I have born the whip of your abuse for a considerable amount of time and it is of grave concern to me that (at times) you have goaded me into retaliation, something which I regret since I am NOT quite the person YOU have come to describe me as due to YOUR inability to understand that which is written.

I feel quite sorry for you actually, particularly when you attempt to undermine the exchanges of two members who MIGHT have a great deal in common (I refer to RH and myself) although I realize that you are quite unable to do otherwise in an attempt to present yourself as some kind of 'Spokesman' for the forum.

Incidentally, I firmly believe that it is because of YOU (and your filth) that so many of those members who in the past frequented this forum, have now departed.

Who could blame them ?, not everyone appreciates the language of the gutter AND, perchance any younger persons may be attempting to join the forum and perhaps LEARN something about the world in which they live, I now take it upon myself to apologize for YOUR filthy attitude in the hope that THEY (like myself) can summon up the COURAGE to exchange views with the more discerning members who are NOT afflicted with YOUR obvious maladies.

You have already indicated 'Severally' that you do not understand the concept of 'Courage', not unexpected from one such as you. :roll:
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:40 pm

miltiades wrote:
Lordo wrote:
miltiades wrote:Yes, the West made many mistakes not least getting involved in Syria. I do not for a minute think that these ME nations would live in peace even if a single westerner never set a foot in their countries. The Iran Iraq war cost the lives of more than a million people, it was not started by the west.

As far as Israel goes the Palestinians have not exactly been eager to establish peace, after all their manifesto calls for the destruction of Israel. Robin the ME can ONLY be governed by theocratic Dictators. Sanctity of life and other virtues that we in the west take for granted are simply not compatible with a 7th century mind set.
Leave them alone, I have always believed ,for they have the capability to destroy their nations. Also, they too must leave us alone to continue enjoying our hard earned freedoms and our very own culture. For as long as these impoverished people continue to believe that their warped religion is the righteous one and that we are infidels they will continue killing each other as they now do.

your problem old boy is you utterly ignorant of what is going on in the west.

just one example should explain it because it is repeated everywhere, not that i expect you to understand it.

in the 50s iran was as democratic as the western world but the yanks were not happy about it so they deposed the president and parliament and replaced it a pro american dictatorship. the last time they did it recently in egypt and it has been happening in the third world ever since where ever there is some resource they wanted. where ever they found dictatorship they helped it and blocked freedom-

not that i expect asshole like you to see the real world for what it is.

go on one more red and you will be fine old man

The forum's IDIOT has spoken!! Iran had a ....president in the 50s. :lol: :lol:
Look stupid, keep your mouth shut as you are an absolute ignorant peasant. When are you fucking off our country? Time for jihadists like you to clear off !!

you keep repeating that the arabs cannot have democracy and yet i specified two where democracy was overthrown for dictatorship by the yanks and replaced with dick-tator-ship that suited the yanks to steal the resources of the country o the cheap.

may you and your whole western friends who think like you go to hell old man.

no have anther read and off to bed. gani gavole.
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:14 pm

Schnauzer wrote:I fear there is no hope for you Milti, you have reached an age where you should be in a position to to pass SOME wisdom on to the younger generations, unfortunately (since you have none to pass on) you are consigned to the realms of utter ignorance.

Such is your mindset, you are quite unable to even consider the views of those you would dearly love to converse with since THEIR opinions are invariably at odds to your own, therefore, your only option is to resort to tirades of abuse and tiresome insults.

It would appear that you consider your exchanges to be something of an endearing characteristic when you resort to filth... allow me to explain something to you (which you SHOULD know having attained the advancing years of your life) that offering insult merely because you are not in agreement, DETRACTS any credibility you may gain by at least trying to understand the points of view of others.

I have born the whip of your abuse for a considerable amount of time and it is of grave concern to me that (at times) you have goaded me into retaliation, something which I regret since I am NOT quite the person YOU have come to describe me as due to YOUR inability to understand that which is written.

I feel quite sorry for you actually, particularly when you attempt to undermine the exchanges of two members who MIGHT have a great deal in common (I refer to RH and myself) although I realize that you are quite unable to do otherwise in an attempt to present yourself as some kind of 'Spokesman' for the forum.

Incidentally, I firmly believe that it is because of YOU (and your filth) that so many of those members who in the past frequented this forum, have now departed.

Who could blame them ?, not everyone appreciates the language of the gutter AND, perchance any younger persons may be attempting to join the forum and perhaps LEARN something about the world in which they live, I now take it upon myself to apologize for YOUR filthy attitude in the hope that THEY (like myself) can summon up the COURAGE to exchange views with the more discerning members who are NOT afflicted with YOUR obvious maladies.

You have already indicated 'Severally' that you do not understand the concept of 'Courage', not unexpected from one such as you. :roll:

What you fail miserably to understand is that when you are told to fuck off isn't as bad as when you are proclaiming your admiration for the savages whom you consider as courageous. Their despicable acts, burning young girls to death, slitting throats and sticking the severed heads on poles, throwing gays off the top of buildings, acts that you have never condemned but rather praised, barbaric acts that have shocked the entire world, acts that are still happening in Aleppo and elsewhere, acts that have forced millions of Syrians to seek sanctuary and safety in Europe. You are the epitome of a perverted warped mind. An individual that deserves every cacophonic and colourful word that was directed at your person. I do not hide my immense abhorrence at your numerous statements praising these barbarians. I have suggested on numerous occasions that you should really join them since you share their corrupt ideology and interpretation of good versus evil.

I have not the slightest minutest amount of respect for your sick views or indeed for other views that you have expressed concerning the departure from the forum of posters because of my language. To this I will once again advice you strongly to go and join these savages and may your god guide you to the bountiful virgins awaiting for the other savages.

By the way, I almost forgot, Fuck off !
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