miltiades wrote:Robin Hood wrote:Schnauzer wrote:The Palestinians are considered to be terrorists because THEY (like so many other downtrodden victims of aggression by the forces of the West) choose to resist and oppose subjugation.
They are branded 'Terrorists' in order to stir up the hatred such title is bound to produce since the general population of Western society is unable to differentiate twixt 'Shit and Salt'.
The Pope recently visited 'Auschwitz-Birkenau' and (as usual) the favourite topic of the Jews was the horrors of the 'Holocaust' and how they have suffered... the pity is that they do not seem capable of recognizing the suffering of others (particularly the Palestinians)who are now either under threat or living in fear because of the pressures imposed upon them by Israel.
I think it might not be such a bad idea to re-open 'Auschwitz-Birkenau' and finish the job that was started decades ago (which we are reminded of on a daily basis) and which might result in a bit of the 'Peace on Earth' which seems to be beyond humanity's grasp since the heady days of the 'Holocaust' (which we are still talking about).
Thinking about it, a quicker route might be a few 'Nukes' on Israel, they are a bit strong BUT, they could still go.
Up to your fourth paragraph I agreed with you but the last two are not the sort of view I have come to associate with your posts ..... so I don't agree. Nothing can justify a deliberate, designed and engineered plan to exterminate human beings ..... no matter who they are!![]()
I could see a case for say Russia locating a defensive shield of missiles in say Syria or Lebanon, but like the shield the US is erecting along Russia's borders ...... they would be simply a defensive measure and a deterent.![]()
Robin, you do surprise me at times. How on earth can you even remotely agree with a single word that this pervert writes.
The same pervert that considers ISIS savages as courageous, the murder of British tourists in Tunisia as justified, the throwing of gays from high floors, " sling them off" he wrote. Mate you judge a man by the contents of his stated views and not by a couple of statements. This guy, a muslim convert" is a pervert and should be told so loudly.
The views I have seen recently by Schnauzer have appeared 'moderate' and with some of these views I agree, especially when it comes to Palestine and Palestinians and their treatment by the Zionist Government of Israel. Do I blame Jews? No ..... because many Jews detest Netanyahu and the Zionists because they do just what Islamic extremists do, they have usurped a religion and use parts of it to support their views.
I do not believe that ALL Muslims are a threat and I think Sakers argument has some credibility.
At the top of my plot I have a hornets nest. I have an unspoken agreement with the vicious little insects! I will leave them alone and they leave me alone, so far it has worked. When they stray over the red line and get into the house, they get zapped, likewise if I disturb their nest, I expect them to retaliate, so I give them a wide berth. In my view, what the West has done in the ME and other places, has been the equivalent of attacking a hornets nest. So should we really be surprised that some hot heads with nothing to lose, use our actions as a reason and take out their vengeance on our society after we have so viciously attacked theirs?
We started the violence between the West and Islamic countries and for our own gain. We are now having to pay the price of those foolhardy actions but even then, no matter how brutal we regard their attacks on us, in the terms of body count it is nothing compared to what we have done to them. I don't agree with what these extremists are doing by what ever name they choose, but I can understand where they are coming from.