Schnauzer wrote:Unless one is willing to accept that the formation of IS (and like-minded resistance forces) are the natural result of those who will never accept the imposition of foreign aggression, there is little point in discussing the reasons for such formations.
If one relies upon the 'News Bulletins' and suchlike as a source of information, one is unlikely to understand (or appreciate) the motives of those who are prepared to fight for their cause.
Simply put, the Western forces are unable to claim justice in THEIR cause since they do not have one, whereas the opponents of the Western forces have absolute justice in theirs since they are victim to the aggression they so strenuously resist (BY ANY MEANS).
Armed with the capacity to THINK about the causes of the discontent which now exists in so many regions of our troubled world, is hardly an indication that one is in favour of the awful events that we witness (via the Media) with increasing frequency, it is surely an indication that the THINKER is rather more in tune with the suffering of those who have been forced to resort to such awful events.
"Yanks go home"........your OWN country needs quite a bit of sorting out AND, while you are about it, take the Israeli (behind the scenes) bastards with you.
Well said .....BRAVO!!!! Unless we accept the simple fact that the West is to blame for the creation of this revenge and hate, then there will be no solution. Bombing the shit out of them is not the answer.