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Attacks In Turkey

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Re: Attacks In Turkey

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:54 am

...curious, is there a Cyprus connection to the coup; was there anyone from Cyprus arrested?
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Re: Attacks In Turkey

Postby Maximus » Tue Jul 19, 2016 1:46 am

Lordo wrote:maximullagimu thankfully you belong to the elam which represents about o.ooooooooooooooo1 percent of cypriots. the talks will get serious in july. enjoy. territory and guaranties will be negotiated.

I dont belong to any political party. I am my own man.

You live in a fantasy world, negotiating your apartheid will always be a waste of time. Repent before it is too late.
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Re: Attacks In Turkey

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:09 am

Jerry wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:My own hypothesis is that global capital wants a fascist dictatorship in Turkey so that it can be rid of pesky things like unions and strikes and work health and safety regulations.

But can Turkey remain stable, is it a safe place to invest? Had the coup succeeded a civil war would have followed judging by the reaction of the mobs a couple of nights ago. Another coup seems unlikely but imagine the turmoil if Erdogan were to be assassinated, the place would erupt into chaos.

I think you are putting the cart before the horse. Global capital has decided to make Turkey into one of its manufacturing bases, and because of this is creating the kind of regime it wants/needs to be able to operate there. Last week's pathetic attempt at a coup was either staged or allowed to go ahead so that it could be crushed and then used to justify a further huge wave of crackdowns and oppression. Everything is going to plan as far as I can see.
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Re: Attacks In Turkey

Postby Flying Horse » Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:56 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...curious, is there a Cyprus connection to the coup; was there anyone from Cyprus arrested?

Yes. A handful of young Turkish Cypriot 'recruits' were arrested.
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Re: Attacks In Turkey

Postby Jerry » Tue Jul 19, 2016 1:30 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Jerry wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:My own hypothesis is that global capital wants a fascist dictatorship in Turkey so that it can be rid of pesky things like unions and strikes and work health and safety regulations.

But can Turkey remain stable, is it a safe place to invest? Had the coup succeeded a civil war would have followed judging by the reaction of the mobs a couple of nights ago. Another coup seems unlikely but imagine the turmoil if Erdogan were to be assassinated, the place would erupt into chaos.

I think you are putting the cart before the horse. Global capital has decided to make Turkey into one of its manufacturing bases, and because of this is creating the kind of regime it wants/needs to be able to operate there. Last week's pathetic attempt at a coup was either staged or allowed to go ahead so that it could be crushed and then used to justify a further huge wave of crackdowns and oppression. Everything is going to plan as far as I can see.

Global capital seems confused, ... hats-next/ ... sCatID=345 ... 9ecd3b86fc
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Re: Attacks In Turkey

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:41 pm

Jerry wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Jerry wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:My own hypothesis is that global capital wants a fascist dictatorship in Turkey so that it can be rid of pesky things like unions and strikes and work health and safety regulations.

But can Turkey remain stable, is it a safe place to invest? Had the coup succeeded a civil war would have followed judging by the reaction of the mobs a couple of nights ago. Another coup seems unlikely but imagine the turmoil if Erdogan were to be assassinated, the place would erupt into chaos.

I think you are putting the cart before the horse. Global capital has decided to make Turkey into one of its manufacturing bases, and because of this is creating the kind of regime it wants/needs to be able to operate there. Last week's pathetic attempt at a coup was either staged or allowed to go ahead so that it could be crushed and then used to justify a further huge wave of crackdowns and oppression. Everything is going to plan as far as I can see.

Global capital seems confused, ... hats-next/ ... sCatID=345 ... 9ecd3b86fc

We obviously come at this from very different paradigms. I see Western strategic interests and global, especially Western, corporate interests (what might be called the 'new world order') being very much a hands-on actor in shaping developments, especially in a country like Turkey that is undoubtedly under Western influence to a greater or lesser extent. You seem to regard such forces as being far more passive observers reacting to events over which they have no direct control. I am not sure that plans made in the corridors of power necessarily find reflection in the sort of articles you refer to above.
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Re: Attacks In Turkey

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jul 19, 2016 4:14 pm

The body that oversees universities in Turkey has called on the deans at all universities in the country (numbering 1577) to resign.

Meanwhile, 15,200 people at the Ministry of Education have been removed from their posts.
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Re: Attacks In Turkey

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 19, 2016 4:28 pm

Fresh off the press!!!

Erdo, has ordered the arrests of his gardener, the milkman, the postman, the barber, the manicurist, and the old lady who lives across the street for suspicious behavior.

An attempt to arrest his wife, kids, and parents was met by resistance from the family dogs.

In the end a deal was struck whereby family members would remain free but the dogs have to be put down.

We’ll keep you posted on any further arrests.
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Re: Attacks In Turkey

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jul 19, 2016 4:53 pm

Get Real! wrote:Fresh off the press!!!

Erdo, has ordered the arrests of his gardener, the milkman, the postman, the barber, the manicurist, and the old lady who lives across the street for suspicious behavior.

An attempt to arrest his wife, kids, and parents was met by resistance from the family dogs.

In the end a deal was struck whereby family members would remain free but the dogs have to be put down.

We’ll keep you posted on any further arrests.

Perhaps it will be easier to list who has NOT been arrested.
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Re: Attacks In Turkey

Postby Mustiejodu » Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:14 pm

If they can deal internally with such force to arrest wipe out who ever they think instigated this what do you think they can do to you guys in Cyprus ? Turkey is coping with internal warfare, terrorism and 3 million Syrians that have come into turkey but eu can't even cope with 150000 Syrians in fact the BREXIT was fuelled due to immigration fears. The point IS that in my view the Turks are resilient and never give up. In fact a bit of a parasite to be frank. However the point here is that I hear some of you comment that this is the best opportunity that GCS should take to wipe out tcs whilst turkey has other issues to deal with. BIG MISTAKE ON YOUR BEHALF. THAT WOULD UNITE ALL TURKS WHAT EVER BACKGROUND LIKE THEY DID TO TOPPLE THIS COUP.
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