Lordo wrote:miltiades wrote:Lordo wrote:you not in bed yet.
You are 86 years old, you have stamina I must confess, but you are also full of shit!
of beeee napacayik seninginan gavole git yat da rahat edelim.
Mine is with extra chilly please!

Lordo wrote:miltiades wrote:Lordo wrote:you not in bed yet.
You are 86 years old, you have stamina I must confess, but you are also full of shit!
of beeee napacayik seninginan gavole git yat da rahat edelim.
Cp279 wrote:It is an undeniable fact that western states-starting with the US-by attacking and plundering ME countries have triggered this wave of atrocities. However, it should be borne in mind that although they did similar crap elsewhere in the world (Latin America,Asia etc..) the people coming from these areas and who emigrated to US and Europe adopted to the host countries culture and customs. Ever heard about vietnamese, indians or brazilians resorting to this kind of acts ?
Cp279 wrote:Not only Middle Easterners (mainly Arabs) but nations at almost every corner of the world had to suffer colonialism and mainly neo-colonialism. But one wonders why Latin Americans (Mexicans, Brazilians, Peruvians and others) have not attempted to resort to the violence the way Muslim people are doing right now. Why Vietnamese, Cambodians and other Asians have not blown themselves up when they come to work in western countries ? Why blacks throughout several centuries of slavery and humiliation have not detonated themselves and instead they have strived hard to compete with the whites using the areas they excel such as arts ,sports ,etc? I do not subscribe to the idea that anti-imperial struggle is the main concern of the islamists. Quite the contrary, I think colonizing their host countries is what they have been dreaming about but because they neither have the power and competence they choose this "practical" shortcut..which evetnually will lead to their inevitable defeat.
Is this another of your ....predictions !!!![]()
#Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:POUEN MBORI NA DERI TON GARON DERNI TO SAMA![]()
Is this another of your ....predictions !!!![]()
Miltiades, you're an idiot and I will explain tio you why.
Attacks like the one we saw in France, will be the norm for quite a number of years from groups such as DAESH and to a lesser extent Jamar Islamiyah and Al Qaeda.
Secondly, you are guaranteed a war between Israel and Iran in the very near future. Israel isn't going to tolerate Iran on its border under any circumstances with direct communication and supply line to Tehran.
This will of course increase the terrorism cycle even further.
You are now in a cycle which can't be broken. And terrorism can't be defeated because the preconditions that keep it thriving are abundant.
An invasion is also a possibility (but unlikely) as Israel will redraw its border with Syria. Israel, is just as unpredictable as Iran.
miltiades wrote:#Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:POUEN MBORI NA DERI TON GARON DERNI TO SAMA![]()
Is this another of your ....predictions !!!![]()
Miltiades, you're an idiot and I will explain tio you why.
Attacks like the one we saw in France, will be the norm for quite a number of years from groups such as DAESH and to a lesser extent Jamar Islamiyah and Al Qaeda.
Secondly, you are guaranteed a war between Israel and Iran in the very near future. Israel isn't going to tolerate Iran on its border under any circumstances with direct communication and supply line to Tehran.
This will of course increase the terrorism cycle even further.
You are now in a cycle which can't be broken. And terrorism can't be defeated because the preconditions that keep it thriving are abundant.
An invasion is also a possibility (but unlikely) as Israel will redraw its border with Syria. Israel, is just as unpredictable as Iran.
Mate you have made your self the laughing stock on the CY Forum.
Let me also make a ...prediction. Sunday next will be ....Christmas![]()
Have a plane to catch in a couple of hours, wish you and all your family a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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