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Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:54 am

Lordo wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Lordo wrote:you not in bed yet.

You are 86 years old, you have stamina I must confess, but you are also full of shit!

of beeee napacayik seninginan gavole git yat da rahat edelim.

Mine is with extra chilly please! :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 19, 2016 1:10 pm

Another virus infected moron carries out an attack on innocent people in Germany. He is now on his way to ....paradise !!
A hand-painted flag of so-called Islamic State has been found in the room of an Afghan asylum seeker accused of carrying out an axe and knife attack on a south German train, officials say.
The 17-year-old injured four people from Hong Kong, one critically, in the attack in Wuerzburg on Monday evening. He was shot dead by police as he fled.
He had shouted Allahu akbar" ("God is great"), a witness said.
The IS-linked Amaq news agency said the teenager was an IS "fighter".
It said he had "carried out the operation in answer to the calls to target the countries of the coalition fighting the Islamic State".
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Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 19, 2016 5:43 pm

well what do you know, the virus is contagious. civilians killed by the yanks and their friends, perhaps the french air-force may be. cant be can it.
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 17, 2016 11:43 am

Cp279 wrote:It is an undeniable fact that western states-starting with the US-by attacking and plundering ME countries have triggered this wave of atrocities. However, it should be borne in mind that although they did similar crap elsewhere in the world (Latin America,Asia etc..) the people coming from these areas and who emigrated to US and Europe adopted to the host countries culture and customs. Ever heard about vietnamese, indians or brazilians resorting to this kind of acts ?

this is a Miltiades multi account.

Admin, needs to do something about this!

so dodgy!
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Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 17, 2016 11:48 am

Cp279 wrote:Not only Middle Easterners (mainly Arabs) but nations at almost every corner of the world had to suffer colonialism and mainly neo-colonialism. But one wonders why Latin Americans (Mexicans, Brazilians, Peruvians and others) have not attempted to resort to the violence the way Muslim people are doing right now. Why Vietnamese, Cambodians and other Asians have not blown themselves up when they come to work in western countries ? Why blacks throughout several centuries of slavery and humiliation have not detonated themselves and instead they have strived hard to compete with the whites using the areas they excel such as arts ,sports ,etc? I do not subscribe to the idea that anti-imperial struggle is the main concern of the islamists. Quite the contrary, I think colonizing their host countries is what they have been dreaming about but because they neither have the power and competence they choose this "practical" shortcut..which evetnually will lead to their inevitable defeat.

Which Arabs had to endure colonialism?

Yes we know Iraq got attacked twice, once for the invasion of Kuwait and another for WMD which turned out to not exist. Which other Arab countries have been attacked or colonized by USA?

Western Countries get along very well with most Gulf states. they are good mates of ours. We buy their oil and they buy US made arms and our diplomatic relations with all of them are first class. last time I checked, they all have embassies in Washington and Canberra. the Kuwait embassy is right next door to the Cyprus Embassy btw. Syria doesn't have an embassy. :?

The only other country we don't like much is Iran but they aren't Arabic.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:10 pm

Is this another of your ....predictions !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Schnauzer » Sat Dec 17, 2016 6:56 pm

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Jul 17, 2016 7:04 am

Schnauzer wrote:
If one wished to illustrate an 'Indiscriminate and Premeditated' attack upon innocents, one could find no finer example than the unlawful cold-blooded murderous assault upon the sleeping civilians of Iraq.

If you have forgotten OR.. are unable to associate the actions with that which NOW takes place in retaliation to the initial and subsequent scenarios, you are really not qualified to reach the conclusions you proffer so adamantly.

THIS particular atrocity (and atrocity it was), can only be viewed as an act of desperation committed by a person who (unlike yourself) was convinced that his action would provide a 'Graphic example' of what a heap of mutilated innocent victims looks like.

Unfortunately, no such visible evidence is available of the carnage which took place when Iraq was unlawfully and murderously attacked.

As the song says...."This is where it all began". :wink:

Miltiades wrote:

The mentally unstable barbarian who perpetrated this gruesome act used the same logic as you are now displaying. You are prone to act in a similar fashion and you, Lordo and GR, apologists to this horrific act , ought to be rounded up and questioned, since you lot are a fucking menace to civilization and ideal candidates to commit similar acts.


Schnauzer wrote:

In case you have not noticed, I have NOT indicated that I am in agreement with that which took place in Nice but merely expressed my opinion on the reasons for such action, together with descriptive examples of events which preceded it.

Without wishing to antagonize you further, I would like to draw your attention to a news report (this morning) from 'Place Massena' in the location of Nice where the 'Clean Up' has now been completed and normality has been restored.

The pristine condition of the square and the beautifully kept beaches and tourist areas, belie the atrocity that took place there and it is hard to imagine that such an event was possible in such a wonderful environment.

NOW, allow your imagination to stretch as far as the city of Aleppo where (this very day) more bombs have been dropped, more innocent civilians have been killed and the carnage continues, then ask yourself this simple question, "Where is the difference ?". :roll:

17th December 2016.

Thought that NOW might be a good time to remind you of past exchanges which challenged your ludicrous
interpretations of that which is written.

I really think it is time for you to dispense with your inane ramblings and concentrate on trying to express yourself in a more civilized and acceptable manner on this forum.

After all, there may be impressionable youngsters viewing these pages, Heaven help us if they should suffer the lifelong consequences of YOUR influence, they might even end up in a 'Mashugana House' where, (come to think of it) is probably the correct location for yourself.... there, you could 'Froth at the Mouth' till your heart is content and nobody would take a blind bit of notice of you BUT, on the other hand, perhaps you should stay put, nobody takes any real notice of your rantings and ravings anyway. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:45 am

Is this another of your ....predictions !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Miltiades, you're an idiot and I will explain tio you why.

Attacks like the one we saw in France, will be the norm for quite a number of years from groups such as DAESH and to a lesser extent Jamar Islamiyah and Al Qaeda.

Secondly, you are guaranteed a war between Israel and Iran in the very near future. Israel isn't going to tolerate Iran on its border under any circumstances with direct communication and supply line to Tehran.

This will of course increase the terrorism cycle even further.

You are now in a cycle which can't be broken. And terrorism can't be defeated because the preconditions that keep it thriving are abundant.

An invasion is also a possibility (but unlikely) as Israel will redraw its border with Syria. Israel, is just as unpredictable as Iran.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:15 am

Paphitis wrote:
Is this another of your ....predictions !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Miltiades, you're an idiot and I will explain tio you why.

Attacks like the one we saw in France, will be the norm for quite a number of years from groups such as DAESH and to a lesser extent Jamar Islamiyah and Al Qaeda.

Secondly, you are guaranteed a war between Israel and Iran in the very near future. Israel isn't going to tolerate Iran on its border under any circumstances with direct communication and supply line to Tehran.

This will of course increase the terrorism cycle even further.

You are now in a cycle which can't be broken. And terrorism can't be defeated because the preconditions that keep it thriving are abundant.

An invasion is also a possibility (but unlikely) as Israel will redraw its border with Syria. Israel, is just as unpredictable as Iran.
Mate you have made your self the laughing stock on the CY Forum.
Let me also make a ...prediction. Sunday next will be ....Christmas :lol:
Have a plane to catch in a couple of hours, wish you and all your family a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 19, 2016 1:27 am

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Is this another of your ....predictions !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Miltiades, you're an idiot and I will explain tio you why.

Attacks like the one we saw in France, will be the norm for quite a number of years from groups such as DAESH and to a lesser extent Jamar Islamiyah and Al Qaeda.

Secondly, you are guaranteed a war between Israel and Iran in the very near future. Israel isn't going to tolerate Iran on its border under any circumstances with direct communication and supply line to Tehran.

This will of course increase the terrorism cycle even further.

You are now in a cycle which can't be broken. And terrorism can't be defeated because the preconditions that keep it thriving are abundant.

An invasion is also a possibility (but unlikely) as Israel will redraw its border with Syria. Israel, is just as unpredictable as Iran.
Mate you have made your self the laughing stock on the CY Forum.
Let me also make a ...prediction. Sunday next will be ....Christmas :lol:
Have a plane to catch in a couple of hours, wish you and all your family a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I don't think so.

Lebanon has declared a National Unity Government without the Sunnis. Remember what happened in the 80s?

You are staring down another hell. Time will tell who will be the laughing stock and all I can so is that will not be any good news for a long time to come.

You're also looking at a major war involving Israel which will not let Hezbollah free reign anywhere near its border.

BTW, I might be a laughing stock on this forum (who cares?) but I am no laughing stock among normal descent self respecting people who abide by the rule of law. The Eiffel Tower was darkened, as a token of support and in recognition of the criminal slaughter of thousands and the Sectarian Cleansing. A city rocked by terrorism stands with the residents of Aleppo as do I.

I have nothing to be ashamed of. You however have no shame.

You have also bought Hezbollah to Israel's border. A terrorist organisation which will even make DAESH look good because they have as their purpose the complete destruction of Israel and its people. How is that going to work for you? It will end in tears that's what.

But I fear, that once this war starts, you will once again change sides and support Israel against Hezbollah even though you supported this without even knowing it. I might be laughed at on this forum, but I am no idiot or a clown. I am not a "low information commentator" like yourself. And that is the problem now isn't it. A lot of the concepts I mention are over your head.
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