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Postby B25 » Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:55 pm

Milti, for goodness sake, calm down man.
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Postby Schnauzer » Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:56 am

The damage is done and is seen to be done.

No amount of outpourings of grief nor threats of 'Military Responses' will ever repair it.

The West has sewn it's seeds and the 'Harvest' is not quite that which was expected.

IS will eventually achieve it's objectives and we may as well get used to it.

One atrocity is as bad as another BUT, Allah (the merciful) will be the final judge of it all.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 16, 2016 9:34 am

Schnauzer wrote:The damage is done and is seen to be done.

No amount of outpourings of grief nor threats of 'Military Responses' will ever repair it.

The West has sewn it's seeds and the 'Harvest' is not quite that which was expected.

IS will eventually achieve it's objectives and we may as well get used to it.

One atrocity is as bad as another BUT, Allah (the merciful) will be the final judge of it all.

Merciful ....indeed, tell this to the bereaved families of the murdered men women and TEN children in Nice !!
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Postby Schnauzer » Sat Jul 16, 2016 10:09 am

miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:The damage is done and is seen to be done.

No amount of outpourings of grief nor threats of 'Military Responses' will ever repair it.

The West has sewn it's seeds and the 'Harvest' is not quite that which was expected.

IS will eventually achieve it's objectives and we may as well get used to it.

One atrocity is as bad as another BUT, Allah (the merciful) will be the final judge of it all.

Merciful ....indeed, tell this to the bereaved families of the murdered men women and TEN children in Nice !!

One could equally express their concerns for the bereaved of those innocents that have suffered in far greater numbers at the hands of the instigators of ALL the atrocities committed in a far greater area than a small province of France.

When one is entrenched in the belief that the Western forces are entitled to subjugate any nation that they choose in order to impose their will upon them, it is hardly surprising that the suffering of they that are afflicted is somehow overlooked.

It is quite shameful to be able to sympathize with victims of retaliatory actions, whilst condoning the actions (and objectives) of the very forces that instigated the problems which resulted in the retaliations.

We ALL know how horrific these scenes are, the trick is to admit (or accept ) responsibility and seek solutions.

Dropping bombs and boots on the ground is NOT the solution, withdrawal, restitution and grovelling apologies MIGHT have some effect although it would appear that it is a bit late for such overtures. (imho) :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 16, 2016 10:22 am

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:The damage is done and is seen to be done.

No amount of outpourings of grief nor threats of 'Military Responses' will ever repair it.

The West has sewn it's seeds and the 'Harvest' is not quite that which was expected.

IS will eventually achieve it's objectives and we may as well get used to it.

One atrocity is as bad as another BUT, Allah (the merciful) will be the final judge of it all.

Merciful ....indeed, tell this to the bereaved families of the murdered men women and TEN children in Nice !!

One could equally express their concerns for the bereaved of those innocents that have suffered in far greater numbers at the hands of the instigators of ALL the atrocities committed in a far greater area than a small province of France.

When one is entrenched in the belief that the Western forces are entitled to subjugate any nation that they choose in order to impose their will upon them, it is hardly surprising that the suffering of they that are afflicted is somehow overlooked.

It is quite shameful to be able to sympathize with victims of retaliatory actions, whilst condoning the actions (and objectives) of the very forces that instigated the problems which resulted in the retaliations.

We ALL know how horrific these scenes are, the trick is to admit (or accept ) responsibility and seek solutions.

Dropping bombs and boots on the ground is NOT the solution, withdrawal, restitution and grovelling apologies MIGHT have some effect although it would appear that it is a bit late for such overtures. (imho) :wink:

Along with the psychopath and Vordo you also justify these horrendous murders.
I note you have not uttered one word of condemnation directed at the Daesh savages whom you no doubt fully support. May your fictitious non existent Allah have .....mercy on your soul !!

By the way, for the umpteenth time let me reiterate. There is no Allah, there is no god only virus infected humans who created this myth.
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Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jul 16, 2016 11:01 am

It is now beginning to come out what and who this guy was!

He may have been born in a Muslim country and have a Muslim name but his association with Islam seems to stop there. He is apparently a loaner, a petty criminal who has served prison time and, according to his father, has mental issues. The guy never attended the Mosque, he eat pork and took drugs. He beat up his wife so she dumped him and took his children.

In other words he was a friggin nut job.

IMO: Before too long it will come out he had issues with his ex-wife ..... maybe she found someone else and was going to give his children another father. This hurt his masculine pride and he decided to punish those he hated ....... normal people, included children, in much the same way as some parents with mental problems have been known to kill their children to ‘save them’ , or as revenge against a partner and then they kill themselves.

So no need really for all the hatred and accusations. He was mental and slipped through the net ..... once again!
I don’t think any amount of security would have stooped this atrocity.

In fact, we seem to have two choices:

1) Carry on as we are and take ‘reasonable’ precautions (undefined) but let life go on as usual.

2) Put Greater Europe into a military lock-down where there are armed troops on the streets, guarding all likely targets, Govt buildings, industrial locations, shopping Malls places of entertainment and also at transport hubs and a ‘Europe’ where you need permission to travel between areas (countries/cities). Maybe a curfew in city centre’s .............. and so on ...... a police/military State! :(

I’ll settle for the first choice! :|

It would also help if the west pulled out of the Middle East and stopped feeding ‘moderate’ rebels and dictators arms and let them sort out their own problem’s ........... but contain them ......... one agreed way into the ME and one way out ....... anything going in or coming out requires clearance ........... uncleared or any other route and it is taken down. :x
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Postby Schnauzer » Sat Jul 16, 2016 11:02 am

miltiades wrote: Along with the psychopath and Vordo you also justify these horrendous murders.

Since your opinions are (as ever) entrenched in the conviction that every action of the Western Forces is justified, it comes as no surprise that you should rely upon the above conclusion.

Doubtless you are unaware of the recent condemnations highlighted in the 'Chilcot Report' and the evidence which clearly demonstrates precisely where the responsibility for ALL the relatively recent discontent in the ME and contiguous areas lie.

In the light of such a report, I think it quite absurd that one could 'Justify' murder at any level.

There is a difference between 'Justification' and 'Understanding' and, whereas I cannot find any 'Justification' in the murderous activities which have created the problems in the regions under such oppression, I can 'Understand' the pressures which force retaliation.

I can also 'Understand' your particular brand of 'Debating Technique' which compels you to add insult to any that might not agree with your own views, it is quite amusing but solves nothing.

Perhaps you should read up on the 'Chilcot Report' (with an open mind) if at all possible. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 16, 2016 11:40 am

8000 pages ??

I have been highly critical of the west, more recently on the Syrian involvement.
I do not blindly support actions taken by the West, I do however fully support our democratic principles, our way of life, our freedom of choice, FAITH, and speech, values that do not exist in the ME .

The West was wrong in Syria just as it was wrong in Iraq, a war which at the time I expressed support for believing that Weapons of Mass Destruction existed, and if that was the case I had no doubt that the West faced a real threat from Sadam.

If one is ready to either justify or understand Hitler's actions then one is also ready, as you are , to justify or understand the savages who make up Daesh and other such savages.

The West must do all it can to protect our values.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jul 16, 2016 11:45 am

Even if we accept the legitimacy of the struggle of subjected peoples against colonialism or neo-colonialism - and I do - one surely has to ask if the act of mowing down dozens of innocent civilians constitutes a legitimate form of anti-imperial struggle in the way certain people here appear to be arguing.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:06 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Even if we accept the legitimacy of the struggle of subjected peoples against colonialism or neo-colonialism - and I do - one surely has to ask if the act of mowing down dozens of innocent civilians constitutes a legitimate form of anti-imperial struggle in the way certain people here appear to be arguing.

I agree entirely with your statement. This act is reprehensible, regardless of motives behind it.
Indiscriminate and premeditated, cold blooded murder committed by a psychopath .
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