On my visit yesterday for some cutlets I noticed a new addition in their store, stacked high up there was ...Halloumi, Cyprus Halloumi the package said, Larissa the trade name, Premium Cyprus Cheese. Im very fond of Halloumi either grilled or as is, so I took one priced at 99p for 200 g , not a bad price and half the price of what one would expect to pay in Cyprus for similar product.
I examined closely the packaging and couldn't help noticing that the Halloumi marketed by a UK Turkish or Turkish Cypriot company, stated that it was .....Halal !!!
I wondered what criteria Halloumi would have to meet in order to be classified as Halal !!
The taste, on a scale from 1 to 10 about 4, not particularly good for a connoisseur such as I.

On my regular visit to Cyprus I always try and get some village Halloumi from Paphos, the ones made in Theletra are by far the most original in taste.