What you mean???? All the chat here and none of the politicians listened?
Come ON people. What 's going on here?????
And that was a subject close to United States heart.
Why should they do it for Cyrpus? A country that is so Anti-American it has become sickening.
\Yiannakis wrote:As long as the masons are running the USA then things will just remain the way they are unfortunately.
The USA couldnt care less about Saddam or Iraq, but merely whats under iraq, black gold I think you guys call it. Bush senior couldnt get the job done back in the 90s, so he sent his son in to do the dirty work.
Oh no Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction, really, so do I, in my pants, why dont they come and take over me? Bush planned 9/11 as a means of scaring the American people. Oh the terrorists are coming to get the americans, Gimme a break how the heck is Afghanistan or Iraq gonna take over america, its like saying Cyprus is gonna take over Turkey. Oil on the other hand seems like a good thing but lets tell everyone else that we are taking over iraq cause saddam has WOMD, and the rest you all know blah blah.
So you want to know why so many countries are so anti american, cause you got idiots like bush running you, America doesnt give a rats about anyone except america, and when they get fed up with the turks and have no use for them anymore, that is when cyprus will once again become one.
Bush planned 9/11 as a means of scaring the American people. Oh the terrorists are coming to get the americans
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