Have the Americans left ISIS for Putin to deal with now that they have completely destroyed Syria? Now, they divert our attention towards the so called Russian aggression after committing a coup in Ukraine and moving missiles to Russia's borders. No sooner do they start one conflict they move on to start the next.
They funded and supported rebels (likely and probably ISIS) and destabilized Syria and many country's before. Now that they are being discovered for the war mongering terrorists that they are, they create another distraction and continue to demonize Russia and Putin. More ordinary people around the world are waking up to how America operates though. There are too many instances and now Tony Blair, Bush's tool, is being proven to be the war criminal he was when they illegally invaded Iraq. This cost the lives of many innocent Iraqi's and British serviceman.
The US/NATO/Israeli objective has not changed ....... regime change .....
’Assad must go!’ After the release of the Chillcott report you would think people in The West would wake up to the fact that their Government’s
DO lie to them and frequently. Chillcott shows that even when there is a case for prosecution the Establishment take no action against their own. Exactly the same with the big banks! If someone cheats the State out of a few thousand in benefits, they are tried and go to jail. The bankers rarely go to trial. The bank pays a few billion as a fine ...... and then carry on as usual.
The US and the UK, are probably on the verge of a major economic collapse and would sooner start a world war and tip the chess board than play by the rules they expect the international community to abide by. Than allow others to overtake them. Then they will blame it all on someone else.
I think you are right .... but Obama has declared The USA ‘
The exceptional people, the indispensable people .....’ meaning ‘
We’ are above the Law.
The Western World is on the edge of a collapse not only economic but a moral collapse. It is building in the US with the BLM protests. The picture of a woman in a flimsy dress facing three or four police officers dressed more like special forces in combat, armed to the teeth ..... says a lot about the way society is moving. The lady was arrested, handcuffed and held in custody for seven hours. I have no idea what her ‘
crime’ was, maybe she looked at them disrespectfully but whatever the reason, do their police really need to be a military force? Europe and the UK are following this trend.
The war mongers in Washington don’t give a about Europe. Europe, the American vassal, is being invaded by Islamic economic migrants and our corrupted politicians are being negligent. They are causing divisions amongst the citizens and are putting millions of lives at risk with adventures in Ukraine and entrust Erdogan to look after Europe’s eastern borders while he continues to occupy a member state, Cyprus. They have mush for brains or are on America's payroll
Present an alternative to the ‘
official’ view or express a view that says things are not what they seem and you will immediately be tagged a ‘
conspiracy theorist’, it is the standard response. Those being led by the nose to what could turn out to be a Nuclear confrontation, believe only what they perceive to be the truth. They never question
THEIR source but are very quick to demand that others should do so and require you provide proof.. When you provide it they will question that source, and/or the author or switch to ridicule and start accusations ..... as we have seen in this thread.
But ..... didn’t you know ..... it’s all Russian Propaganda personally directed by the Kremlin, to lull the west into a false sense of security, whilst they plan war!

As Putin said “
We know what the Americans are doing, the Americans know we know what they are doing ...... but you journalists, who should be telling the people the truth, tell them what you are told to tell them!”
The situation US/NATO are driving toward with a military build up on Russia’s borders, based on a deception, instead of taking the hand Putin has offered many times ........ could lead to annihilation of most of the human race in less than an hour. One itchy finger, one misunderstanding, one misconception and all hell breaks loose. Nobody wins and Europe will be among the first casualties and in the first few minutes.
Some people need to wake up.
Many are ..... some never will! Those that have slept their life away to date and have never questioned ..... will remain ignorant. There will be no equivalent of a Chillcott Enquiry next time!