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UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sun Jul 17, 2016 6:43 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:We'll send EU migrant 'surge' back: Brexit Minister David Davis says he may send home Europeans who rush to get in before we leave Brussels ... dline.html

So dont look at moving to Cyprus (or anywhere in the EEA) as you will be repatriated to the UK ....
That the total collapse of the EX-PAT housing chains ...ok if you live in a mixed area
but a brit estate ??

i see the QUITTERS have run out of ideas...back to schoolboy jokes ,along with their schoolboy economics ...

Had our first QUITTER today moaning that a special offer he had - as a new english customer had been terminated
as CH have put all brits back on std pricing,as people will leave europe for their own reasons and not to switch
services.The money has gone into pushing ROSSIYA - RUSSIAN

I thought "running out of ideas" was when you started answering your own posts. :lol:

As so often, I have trouble deciphering a lot of your stuff. What you seem to be saying though is that a country that's only associated with the EU is withdrawing an offer to a member because it's planning to leave (although that 2 year process is yet to even begin) in order to give it to another that's not a member and moreover never will be. :?: :?

i must admit i have to make sure i have a lot of cafe before reading your posts ...
In 2007 a lot of working age brits went ´home ´ as the demand for plumbers at twice the rate of local people dried up
this left some brit bar owners and lots and lots of brit OAPs living off of money from UK .These people are totally dependent
on the wims of the country they are in .
in 2016 (this year) brit OAPs will start to worry that unless they go ´home´´ now they wont have anywhere to stay ,have no health cover DONT FORGET IF YOU RETURN TO UK YOU DONT GET FREE HEALTH CARE FOR SIX MONTH and will get less price for their house in 2 years ,when general repatriation starts .
in 2016 (still this year) poles (and i can only speak about those i know) will be saying time to go ´´home´ selling their old victorian flat for 300,000 pounds and builing an entire village when they get back - not many poles had planned to stay forever in UK ,but when shit turns up at your door you pack you bags people who pay full Taxes and dont use the NHS much take there house money out of the UK ,and leave a gap in the job market to be filled by who ??

SO ... offering special deal to brits to stay with our company,and not go to another is a waste of time as they will leave for UK coz of BREXIT -THE PREQUEL
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Londonrake » Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:05 pm

Paul ZKTV wrote:i must admit i have to make sure i have a lot of cafe before reading your posts ...

Ahh, that explains why a lot of your stuff sounds like you're climbing up the walls. :lol:

Most of the rest of your post is the usual goobledegook.

I can assure you though, a British pensioner that returns to the UK is immediately entitled to NHS care if they register as becoming settled there. No 6 months as you state.

As far as the Poles are concerned I have to say - are you having a larf? Most of the ones I knew in London undercut by a huge margin because they lived 6 to a room in squalid ghettos.

It seems anyway that David Davis has a bit of a different view on that:

Let me ask you Paul. Seriously. Why all the anti-British stuff? What's your beef? :?

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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:03 am

Let me ask you Paul. Seriously, why all the anti-British stuff? What's your beef?

The man is a racist and an extremist. Look back at his posts, they full of hate and anti-British spite, especially toward pensioners. It is people like him that form the foot soldiers for organisations such as ISIS, NAZI, Svoboda, KKK, Shining Path, Al-Qaida, IRA, Boko Haram etc. etc. ................. not a very nice person!

I have no idea what his beef is with the UK but can you imagine the pleasure he would get out of herding UK pensioners living in Spain, onto railway wagons for deportation to the UK.That is just a step away from a final solution!!!!!!

The man is best ignored for the racist trouble maker he is. :evil:
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:37 am

Those of those who believe that leaving the EU will be suicidal for the UK welcome the support and solidarity shown by people like Paul in pointing out the disaster that awaits the country if it goes down that road.
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:09 am

Tim Drayton wrote:Those of those who believe that leaving the EU will be suicidal for the UK welcome the support and solidarity shown by people like Paul in pointing out the disaster that awaits the country if it goes down that road.

It's possible to express a view without using vitriolic, racist abuse and in a manner that's clear to understand.
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:23 am

Tim Drayton wrote:Those of those who believe that leaving the EU will be suicidal for the UK welcome the support and solidarity shown by people like Paul in pointing out the disaster that awaits the country if it goes down that road.

All of it is speculation! PaulZKTV gleefully points out all the pitfalls as he sees it, but has no clue what he is talking about. He tells you that Spain has no problems ..... 90% of the people live in houses less than 30 years old ..... there is no unemployment ..... no youth unemployment ..........and there is no crime ..... and you are stupid enough to believe that?

You surprise me, I thought you had a lot more intelligence than that. If he represents Europe than the sooner the UK leaves and opens up its markets to the rest of the world the better!

Paul ZKTV is an extremist and a racist ...... in particular an anti-British racist and he doesn't even live in the EU. :roll:
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Paul ZKTV » Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:22 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Those of those who believe that leaving the EU will be suicidal for the UK welcome the support and solidarity shown by people like Paul in pointing out the disaster that awaits the country if it goes down that road.

All of it is speculation! PaulZKTV gleefully points out all the pitfalls as he sees it, but has no clue what he is talking about. He tells you that Spain has no problems ..... 90% of the people live in houses less than 30 years old ..... there is no unemployment ..... no youth unemployment ..........and there is no crime ..... and you are stupid enough to believe that?

You surprise me, I thought you had a lot more intelligence than that. If he represents Europe than the sooner the UK leaves and opens up its markets to the rest of the world the better!

Paul ZKTV is an extremist and a racist ...... in particular an anti-British racist and he doesn't even live in the EU. :roll:

lol robin ´gas chamber ´hood is off again ..putin must have get a new pair of boots for him to lick ..

90% of spanish live in houses under 30 year old - i own 23 so i should know can you doubt a basic fact ..
As for crime - the local police staion is open 6am-1am and after that a single patrol car from the national police drives round
Population is 42,000
petrol is 85c a lire
VAT is 7%
house rates €150 a year
new flat €40,000
no homeless on streets .

its mad to say its not true - how can it not be true if thats what are the facts ...
can you see in this video (excluding historic and government) buildings over 30 years old
can you spot a CAR over 10 years old - How can people afford to own a car with no jobs as robin ´i get free surgical supports ´ hood says ??
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