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UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby CBBB » Tue Jul 05, 2016 3:25 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:As if it really matters with the UK facing disintegration, but I am actually self-employed.

You would still need to get a work permit as non-EU, I vaguely remember the procedure from some 40 years ago!
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:04 pm

CBBB wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:As if it really matters with the UK facing disintegration, but I am actually self-employed.

You would still need to get a work permit as non-EU, I vaguely remember the procedure from some 40 years ago!

Thanks. Anyway, until Article 50 is invoked (if/when that happens), there's nothing to worry about and there will be plenty of time to make decisions after that. In the meantime my country lacks an effective leadership and opposition, all the leading lights of the leave campaign have gone to ground in one way or another and are shirking their responsibility, Sterling is plummeting, the early signs of a slump in activity in various real sectors are coming through, nobody seems to have any plan as to what the way forward is ... but according to some it's just wishful thinking. I wish it was!
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:28 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
CBBB wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:As if it really matters with the UK facing disintegration, but I am actually self-employed.

You would still need to get a work permit as non-EU, I vaguely remember the procedure from some 40 years ago!

Thanks. Anyway, until Article 50 is invoked (if/when that happens), there's nothing to worry about and there will be plenty of time to make decisions after that. In the meantime my country lacks an effective leadership and opposition, all the leading lights of the leave campaign have gone to ground in one way or another and are shirking their responsibility, Sterling is plummeting, the early signs of a slump in activity in various real sectors are coming through, nobody seems to have any plan as to what the way forward is ... but according to some it's just wishful thinking. I wish it was!

You could always buy an EU citizenship! According to ZKTV ..... it could be cheaper than having to buy the Cypriot Governments healthcare at €700 a month! :wink:

I agree with you that the UK has no apparent leader that could make decisions and work it all out. Maybe before Cameron called a referendum, he should have had a plan 'B' ? Sterling WILL recover the speculators won't make any profit if it doesn't.. So far, although there has ben a lot of hot air about companies leaving the UK in their droves, I haven't found any articles that say this. It is going to be a bumpy road without doubt but not from the rest of the World ...... just the EU Commission .......the UK will now find out who its real friends are! :roll:
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:35 pm

You forgot ...................................taxes.

I didn't as far as income tax goes anyway. See 'Positive Money' thread ...... who needs it anyway? I've got it all worked out! :roll:
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:03 pm

Robin Hood wrote:I agree with you that the UK has no apparent leader that could make decisions and work it all out. Maybe before Cameron called a referendum, he should have had a plan 'B' ? Sterling WILL recover the speculators won't make any profit if it doesn't.. So far, although there has ben a lot of hot air about companies leaving the UK in their droves, I haven't found any articles that say this. It is going to be a bumpy road without doubt but not from the rest of the World ...... just the EU Commission .......the UK will now find out who its real friends are! :roll:

Exactly, Cameron's hubris. He was so overwhelmingly confident (well, he had all the "big guns" on his side) that absolutely no contingency plans were considered for the possible event of a Brexit vote. The Civil Service, who were equally complicit, have been running around like headless chickens ever since.

AIUI there's been something of a "run" on commercial property investment. People who are buying the more lurid scenarios about London becoming like a scene from a post-apocalyptic film have been pulling out their money. A couple of related funds have ceased new trading. That will of course cause considerable downward pressure on prices in the sector. With the accompanying drop in the pound it looks to be a good time to consider moving in if your are not sterling bound!

Speaking of which, Largarde at the IMF had been saying that the £ was overvalued by something like 15 - 18% well before the referendum was a factor. Moreover, some of the more vivid outcries about the decline are based upon the artificial surge in the currencies value to €1.30+ due to the "certainty" of a Remain vote prior to 23rd June.

AFAIK nobody attempted to hide the fact that there would be a period of considerable financial dislocation in the event of a vote to withdraw. Well, I certainly didn't.
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Paul ZKTV » Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:38 pm

Londonrake wrote:He will only get a work permit if he can show there is no Cypriot or other EU citizen that can do his job.

he will only get a work permit if somone from the EEA thats 31 not 27 cant do his job ..

At a separate hearing of the Treasury select committee, leading constitutional lawyers revealed that the French government legal service has informed the French government that the UK would be entitled to rescind a notice to withdraw even though it had invoked article 50.
Will article 50 ever be triggered?

Such flexibility would mean that even if it was triggered, the UK could reverse a decision to withdraw, if either parliament or a second referendum endorsed the step.

Michael Dougan, professor of European law at Liverpool University, also pointed out that any UK application to join Norway as a signatory to the European economic area (EEA) agreement – a means of maintaining access to the EU single market – could be vetoed by any single one of the remaining 27 EU member states, the four members of the European free trade area (Efta) and the European parliament, meaning 31 different institutions or states could block the UK signing the EEA.

The EEA is seen by some as the best stopping off point for the UK, since it retains UK access to the EU single market, but all EEA members are required to apply the principle of the free movement of people.

The chances of the UK negotiating an exemption on free movement under the EU is sharply reduced if 30 different states and institutions could veto the agreement. Dougan said only armchair lawyers thought the EEA provided any flexibility on free movement of workers.

He added the legislative complexity of disentangling the UK from the EU will require a large surrender of power from parliament to executive. He also pointed out Britain would still be bound by the judgments of international courts under any significant international free trade agreement with other countries.

He said the UK would be bound by the rulings of an Efta supervisory court, and these were part of international law, making them binding on the UK.

He added: “In practice the scholarship from Norway and Iceland tells us there is not an enormous amount of difference from the effect of EEA law within those states [and the effect of EU law in EU member states].”
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Londonrake » Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:29 am

Paul ZKTV wrote:
Londonrake wrote:He will only get a work permit if he can show there is no Cypriot or other EU citizen that can do his job.

I'm not sure what happened there Paul but I believe you have misquoted me. I think that's CBBB's property. :?
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Paul ZKTV » Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:15 am

Londonrake wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:
Londonrake wrote:He will only get a work permit if he can show there is no Cypriot or other EU citizen that can do his job.

I'm not sure what happened there Paul but I believe you have misquoted me. I think that's CBBB's property. :?

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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Paul ZKTV » Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:26 pm

British expats 'should be given French nationality'
Published: 04 Jul 2016 12:18 GMT+02:00

France’s leading professor on all matters to do with citizenship tells The Local why British expats should be given French nationality.

Law professor Patrick Weil knows a thing or two about citizenship, nationality and migration. In fact he is the country's leading voice on the subject and has advised those in power on matters related to citizenship.

It was Weil who helped put French president François Hollande off the idea of stripping convicted terrorists of their French nationality, because, he argued, it simply wouldn’t work.

Now Weil, the author of the book “How to be French” has turned his attention to Brexit and how France could help out all those tens of thousands of British nationals in France who have been left feeling a little uneasy about their futures since the referendum.

Weil believes the French government should roll out the red carpet for them and offer them an easy route to citizenship.
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Re: UK Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens

Postby Paul ZKTV » Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:29 pm

Brexit will turn Berlin into 'Europe’s startup capital'
Published: 24 Jun 2016 16:36 GMT+02:00
Updated: 24 Jun 2016 16:36 GMT+02:00t
London is currently thought of as the main hub for startups in Europe, but that will all turn around when the UK leaves the EU, tech industry experts say.

7 German startups creating buzz at South by Southwest (18 Mar 16)
Thanks to its location in a finance centre and also fewer language barriers with Silicon Valley, London has long been dubbed the startup capital of Europe.

But not anymore, according to the some tech industry experts.

“The German startup capital of Berlin is the winner of Brexit, London is the loser,” said German Startups Association boss Florian Nöll on Friday.

At the same time though, Nöll said this isn’t the kind of victory one should celebrate.

“We haven’t seen ourselves as German or British entrepreneurs in a long time. We are European entrepreneurs. Our startups were founded for international markets.”

The German Association of the Internet Industry, eco, also say they expect that Brexit will bring a boost to Berlin as London loses its appeal as a pioneer for Europe.
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