Londonrake wrote:Lordo wrote:this is not a matter of reneging on the referendum, the mps and only the mps have the legal right to vote to change the laws of this country, not a referendum. they will also be given a free vote as both major parties are split over the matter. each mp will vote with his/her conscience. not only do the mps have to vote for it so do the lords and they are not elected. prime minister will then call for an election probably in january next year and walla there is your second referendum. we will get a chance to vote for mps who will vote for our wish. i suspect it will still be a free vote then too so the only way we are going to get brexit is if the brexiteer mps in both parties decide to leave their party and join ukip. i wish they did it now so we know who is who. now there is true democracy at work.
With respect, you are clutching at straws.
A referendum was held. Over 40 million voted. The majority was 4%, about 1,300,000, that would be a nice little result for a political party in any General Election, enabling it to govern unimpeded for 5 years. No questions asked and no talk of it being "unfair" with calls for another election by those who didn't like the result. That would be dismissed out-of-hand as the nonsense that it is and those responsible treated as sore-losing loons. Talk of people being lied to in the campaign would also be treated as risible. They're politicians for God's sake! Today's little example? Osborne talked in essence of punishing people with increased taxation if the vote went against him. Armageddon. Today he reveals a plan to reduce Corporation Tax by 3% over the next 4 years and then down to 15% later. Liar! I demand .........................Cameron talked in terms of WWIII happening
Liar! I'm not being bombed and want my money back!
The British Parliament ignoring the result of only the third national referendum held in the UK would provoke a constitutional crisis on a never before seen scale. It would be a betrayal of all that's embodied in the concept of democracy and perceived as such by a very large part of the electorate. As much as you might dream, it ain't gonna happen.
It seems that to many Remaniacs democracy is a glorious idea - as long as it agrees with them.
not at all, we are talking facts. i shan't repeat what i wrote but i repeat, the mps will have a free vote to declare article 50. it will not happen with the current crop of mps. the general election will be called. if the brexit mps win the next election then i agree it will go ahead but with great difficulty with the lords against it and they are not even elected.
with respect, the moment the sunderland result came in which was interpreted as higher brexit vote then predicted, the pound begun falling. the reduction in corporation tax is precisely because companies are planning their exit just as predicted. the tax rise osborne was talking about was for the public not corporations and they will come in time too. the reduction in corporation tax and the abandonment of balancing the books will also have a devastating effect on the countries finances. that price will have to be paid by the younger generation.
considering how close it was i am amazed you are against a second vote. but irrespective we shall have one any way. legality demands it unless of course the mps decide to vote for brexit, in which case then the lords will take over the process and it would take us till 2020. so even then you will have another vote for it.