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Nigel Farage quits as Ukip leader - last rat votes leave

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Re: Nigel Farage quits as Ukip leader - last rat votes leave

Postby Paul ZKTV » Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:00 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:there is a god ..

What did you expect? Surely, there's little point in having a UK Independence Party if the UK is independent. :?

Should the UK Parliament renege on the Referendum mandate (That's not going to happen, all the major parties are proceeding on the basis of acceptance of the result. I discount the LibDems, they're finished for the foreseeable future) then I imagine he will return to the fray. No doubt to become the head of a very large political movement. They got 4M votes in the last GE. One seat! That result was a principal reason for the Tories campaigning on an EU referendum and winning. However, there's an electoral tipping point, after which the number of seats increases almost exponentially. Ask the SNP.

I've read the most ludicrous things about Farage. A good one was that he was hotly tipped to win the Conservative Leadership contest and the country by default. :lol: You couldn't make some of it up (but they do! :lol: )

nothing to do with the 157,000 payoff from being a MEP if he leaves in the next 12 months ...
the LIBDEMs will form the next government with the SNP after the next election ..
lucky i dont live in the UK - feel sorry for em ,,,
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Re: Nigel Farage quits as Ukip leader - last rat votes leave

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:18 pm

Paul ZKTV wrote:its seems the ENGLISH NATIONLIST have given up on the single market - IRELAND with its empty housing stock can take 500,000 city workers
and their jobs - the rest will go to FF . thats 20% of the tax take gone ....
pound to drop to 1.07 they say by summer end ..and CORP TAX in IRELAND will drop to 10% ..
DUBLIN is the best BRITISH city ,with its lack of post war modern building and lack of the blitz - i would pick it over london everytime ..

You have some odd ideas about Ireland as a global financial centre Paul and it isn't just about tax.

IIRC Dublin's IFSC figures at about number 70 in the league of financial hubs. London is No 1, above New York, Hong Kong and Singapore. In fact after the crash in 2008 the Irish rushed to tighten up on financial services regulation and hordes of companies moved................. funny ole fing ............... to London.

Nowadays, whilst it may boast about being the "Home" of many institutions what they actually mean is they have the equivalent of a post box there. The Irish are totally ill-equipped to cater for the substantial activities carried out in London nowadays and there's absolutely no sign (or hope) that will change.

Whilst on the subject. Talk of Paris or Frankfurt "stealing" the CoL's business is totally fallacious bluster.

Europe is pretty screwed up at the moment and the dreaded "uncertainty" is everywhere, it's not just a UK problem, brought about by Brexit. Brussels's continual torrent of regulation is a nightmare - and getting worse.

Hollande, France's socialist President, has been substantially weakened and is under attack by his own party left wing. Brexit for him is a useful diversion from his domestic woes but In essence he's politically a dead man walking. There's speculation that - like Tof - he won't even enter the Presidential election campaign. Meanwhile Marine Le Pen, with all she would bring for business, waits in the wings. Uncertainty.

Neither France nor Germany have the necessary skills nor outlook to run an international financial centre on a global scale. It isn't all about Euro clearing operations by any means. That's almost incidental.

it's obviously a complex subject but all this talk of everybody just unplugging their computers, leaving Canary Wharf and wandering off in the direction of Calais/Dublin is frankly a load of horse shit.
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Re: Nigel Farage quits as Ukip leader - last rat votes leave

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:41 pm

Lordo wrote:this is not a matter of reneging on the referendum, the mps and only the mps have the legal right to vote to change the laws of this country, not a referendum. they will also be given a free vote as both major parties are split over the matter. each mp will vote with his/her conscience. not only do the mps have to vote for it so do the lords and they are not elected. prime minister will then call for an election probably in january next year and walla there is your second referendum. we will get a chance to vote for mps who will vote for our wish. i suspect it will still be a free vote then too so the only way we are going to get brexit is if the brexiteer mps in both parties decide to leave their party and join ukip. i wish they did it now so we know who is who. now there is true democracy at work.

With respect, you are clutching at straws.

A referendum was held. Over 40 million voted. The majority was 4%, about 1,300,000, that would be a nice little result for a political party in any General Election, enabling it to govern unimpeded for 5 years. No questions asked and no talk of it being "unfair" with calls for another election by those who didn't like the result. That would be dismissed out-of-hand as the nonsense that it is and those responsible treated as sore-losing loons. Talk of people being lied to in the campaign would also be treated as risible. They're politicians for God's sake! Today's little example? Osborne talked in essence of punishing people with increased taxation if the vote went against him. Armageddon. Today he reveals a plan to reduce Corporation Tax by 3% over the next 4 years and then down to 15% later. Liar! I demand ......................... :roll: Cameron talked in terms of WWIII happening :lol: Liar! I'm not being bombed and want my money back! :roll:

The British Parliament ignoring the result of only the third national referendum held in the UK would provoke a constitutional crisis on a never before seen scale. It would be a betrayal of all that's embodied in the concept of democracy and perceived as such by a very large part of the electorate. As much as you might dream, it ain't gonna happen.

It seems that to many Remaniacs democracy is a glorious idea - as long as it agrees with them.
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Re: Nigel Farage quits as Ukip leader - last rat votes leave

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:15 pm

Londonrake wrote:Over 40 million voted.

16,141,241 + 17,410,742 = 33,551,983
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Re: Nigel Farage quits as Ukip leader - last rat votes leave

Postby Maximus » Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:21 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:this is not a matter of reneging on the referendum, the mps and only the mps have the legal right to vote to change the laws of this country, not a referendum. they will also be given a free vote as both major parties are split over the matter. each mp will vote with his/her conscience. not only do the mps have to vote for it so do the lords and they are not elected. prime minister will then call for an election probably in january next year and walla there is your second referendum. we will get a chance to vote for mps who will vote for our wish. i suspect it will still be a free vote then too so the only way we are going to get brexit is if the brexiteer mps in both parties decide to leave their party and join ukip. i wish they did it now so we know who is who. now there is true democracy at work.

With respect, you are clutching at straws.

A referendum was held. Over 40 million voted. The majority was 4%, about 1,300,000, that would be a nice little result for a political party in any General Election, enabling it to govern unimpeded for 5 years. No questions asked and no talk of it being "unfair" with calls for another election by those who didn't like the result. That would be dismissed out-of-hand as the nonsense that it is and those responsible treated as sore-losing loons. Talk of people being lied to in the campaign would also be treated as risible. They're politicians for God's sake! Today's little example? Osborne talked in essence of punishing people with increased taxation if the vote went against him. Armageddon. Today he reveals a plan to reduce Corporation Tax by 3% over the next 4 years and then down to 15% later. Liar! I demand ......................... :roll: Cameron talked in terms of WWIII happening :lol: Liar! I'm not being bombed and want my money back! :roll:

The British Parliament ignoring the result of only the third national referendum held in the UK would provoke a constitutional crisis on a never before seen scale. It would be a betrayal of all that's embodied in the concept of democracy and perceived as such by a very large part of the electorate. As much as you might dream, it ain't gonna happen.

It seems that to many Remaniacs democracy is a glorious idea - as long as it agrees with them.

The result of the Brexit referendum is not legally binding and the politicians involved in this have all resigned because they dont want to be the ones responsible for following through with it.

They basically steered the ship in to an iceberg and want someone else to be the captain to steer it to the bottom of the sea.
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Re: Nigel Farage quits as Ukip leader - last rat votes leave

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:32 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Londonrake wrote:Over 40 million voted.

16,141,241 + 17,410,742 = 33,551,983

My apologies. Please add 25,359 rejected ballot slips. That's still way short of 40 million, and even further short of the 46 million who were entitled to vote.
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Re: Nigel Farage quits as Ukip leader - last rat votes leave

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:41 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Londonrake wrote:Over 40 million voted.

16,141,241 + 17,410,742 = 33,551,983

My apologies. Please add 25,359 rejected ballot slips. That's still way short of 40 million, and even further short of the 46 million who were entitled to vote.

You are quite right Tim. I stand corrected and it's my apology. ... nformation

Nevertheless, I would suggest that given the increasing trend towards lower and lower turnouts in major elections - voter apathy - (true as much of Cyprus as in the UK) most politicians would give up their expenses for a 70%+ turnout. No - that's another exaggeration! Make it their eye-teeth. :lol:

I think I was right about the 1M+ majority,
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Re: Nigel Farage quits as Ukip leader - last rat votes leave

Postby Paul ZKTV » Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:43 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Londonrake wrote:Over 40 million voted.

16,141,241 + 17,410,742 = 33,551,983

My apologies. Please add 25,359 rejected ballot slips. That's still way short of 40 million, and even further short of the 46 million who were entitled to vote.

the only waY anyone will shut up without it looking like a load of idiots moaning who eat what in the resturant of the RMS titanic
is to

m.may will not get all the tories to vote thru anything and i would say about 30 of them will just bugger off
with ken clark on a fact finding tour to a BAT factory in china

she might not say it now but the SNP will walk out and form a National Assembly in scotland ...
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Re: Nigel Farage quits as Ukip leader - last rat votes leave

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:51 pm

Maximus wrote:The result of the Brexit referendum is not legally binding and the politicians involved in this have all resigned because they dont want to be the ones responsible for following through with it.

They basically steered the ship in to an iceberg and want someone else to be the captain to steer it to the bottom of the sea.

Mmmm, that's being much touted but I don't think its true Max. It seems that Leadsome can't wait to pull the trigger! :lol:

Boris was ambushed and cut-off at the knees. Gove probably wouldn't shirk A50 either but would likely box clever on it.

As far as the referendum being not legally binding. Yes. However, it is morally binding and it can be argued constitutionally binding. It would be a brave politician that said "Well, we think you're wrong. So we're going to ignore you." I suspect there's the one likely to go down in history (much lower down!) than the one that invokes the Article. Just my view of course.

Anyway, I don't really belong in here and am abusing my position. I just couldn't sit and watch you Remaniacs having a mutual love-fest without injecting a portion of another view. :lol: :wink:
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Re: Nigel Farage quits as Ukip leader - last rat votes leave

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:56 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Londonrake wrote:Over 40 million voted.

16,141,241 + 17,410,742 = 33,551,983

My apologies. Please add 25,359 rejected ballot slips. That's still way short of 40 million, and even further short of the 46 million who were entitled to vote.

You are quite right Tim. I stand corrected and it's my apology. ... nformation

Nevertheless, I would suggest that given the increasing trend towards lower and lower turnouts in major elections - voter apathy - (true as much of Cyprus as in the UK) most politicians would give up their expenses for a 70%+ turnout. No - that's another exaggeration! Make it their eye-teeth. :lol:

I think I was right about the 1M+ majority,

We all have our opinions. I would say that 50% of those entitled to vote would begin to constitute a serious mandate. All the result showed us was what we all knew anyway. The country is heavily divided on the issue and it stacks up at around half for, half against.
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