Of particular interest was the manner in which the female political leader of her entourage (left nameless since it's par for the course) was able to tearfully address the newshounds that attended her with such concern for the future of the youth of the nation.
The same political leader whom (along with a whole host of her like-minded colleagues) managed to ignore the real needs of the youth of the nation for so long in the past but (along with her tears) probably thought it a fitting opportunity to gain favour for her party.
The whole purpose of the referendum was to determine how the British public felt about being part of the EU and, whether or not the result was or was not that which was expected, it DID determine how the majority of the British public felt about their membership.
Expressing 'FEARS' about what the future might hold for us all (in or out of the EU) is not really conducive to the 'BULLDOG' spirit of the old time 'Brits' who managed to maintain a stiff upper lip in the face of all adversity in 'The Good Old Days'

Much has been said about 'Racism' and 'Xenophobia' recently..., a handy political 'TOOL' for the politicians (particularly those who feel that they should shed their tears because things did not go quite as they anticipated) and you may be sure that the 'TOOL' will be well used.
If "I" had the authority to impose the shedding of tears upon politicians, I think I would insist that they should be shed out of deference to the millions of unfortunates who NOW wander aimlessly (with their young children) across many nations as a direct result of their actions.
EU my arse, why not a bit of consideration for the fact that we are ALL human beings and (as Gandhi said) "There is room for us all"